首页> 外文期刊>Optics and Spectroscopy >Broadening and Shift of the D-1 and D-2 Lines of Rb Atoms by Neon: Resolving Hyperfine Components in a Half-Wave Cell Using Double Differentiation with Respect to Frequency

Broadening and Shift of the D-1 and D-2 Lines of Rb Atoms by Neon: Resolving Hyperfine Components in a Half-Wave Cell Using Double Differentiation with Respect to Frequency


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A cell with a submicron thickness was used to measure the broadening and shift of the D-1 and D-2 lines of Rb atoms by neon. The resolution of hypefine components is achieved by a combination of two techniques. First, the Rb vapor column thickness in the direction of propagation of the laser radiation was chosen equal to half of its wavelength lambda under conditions of resonance with the atomic transition frequency. For rubidium atoms lambda/2 similar to 400 nm. At a nanocell thickness L similar to lambda/2, in the transmission spectrum A(v), the spectral lines of atomic transitions are narrowed due to the exclusion of Doppler broadening. Second, further narrowing of the detected signals was achieved by the double differentiation of the transmission spectrum, A ''(v). The transmission spectra of pure rubidium vapor and rubidium vapor with the addition of neon have been measured at different pressures. The measured values of the shift coefficients of the D-1 and D-2 lines of rubidium in the presence of Ne were -1.1 +/- 0.2 MHz/Torr and -2.1 +/- 0.2 MHz/Torr, respectively. The broadening coefficients of the D-1 and D-2 lines coincide and are equal to 10 +/- 1 MHz/Torr. Due to its high spectral resolution, this technique allows separate measurements for each individual transition.
机译:使用亚微米厚度的电池测量氖对Rb原子的D-1和D-2线的展宽和偏移。hypefine组件的分辨率是通过两种技术的组合实现的。首先,在与原子跃迁频率共振的条件下,选择激光辐射传播方向上的Rb气柱厚度等于其波长λ的一半;对于铷原子,lambda/2 类似于 400 nm。在纳米细胞厚度L与λ/2相似时,在透射光谱A(v)中,由于排除了多普勒展宽,原子跃迁的谱线变窄。其次,通过透射谱A''(v)的双重微分实现了检测信号的进一步缩小。在不同压力下测量了纯铷蒸气和加入氖气的铷蒸气的透射光谱。在Ne存在下,铷D-1和D-2谱线的位移系数测量值分别为-1.1 +/- 0.2 MHz/Torr和-2.1 +/- 0.2 MHz/Torr。D-1 和 D-2 线的展宽系数重合,等于 10 +/- 1 MHz/Torr。由于其高光谱分辨率,该技术允许对每个单独的跃迁进行单独测量。




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