
Invariants of inversive 2-structures on groups of labels

机译:标签组上反转 2 结构的不变量

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For a finite set D of nodes let E2(D) = {(x,y) x,y G D,x~y}. We define an inversive A2-structure g as a function g: Ei{D) — A into a given group A satisfying the property g(x,y) = g{y,x)~l for all {x,y) e Ei{D). For each function (selector) a;D —> A there is a corresponding inversive A2-structure g" defined by g"(x,y) = a(x) g(x,y) o(y)~l. A function mapping each g into the group A is called an invariant if t}(g°) = n(g) for all g and a. We study the group of free invariants n of inversive A2-structures, where n is defined by a word from the free monoid with involution generated by the set Ej(D). In particular, if A is abelian, the group of free invariants is generated by triangle words of the form.
机译:对于有限节点集合 D,设 E2(D) = {(x,y) |x,y G D,x~y}。我们将一个反转的 A2 结构 g 定义为函数 g: Ei{D) — A 到一个给定的群 A 中,满足所有 {x,y) e Ei{D 的属性 g(x,y) = g{y,x)~l。对于每个功能(选择器),a;D —> A 有一个对应的反 A2 结构 g“ 由 g”(x,y) = a(x) g(x,y) o(y)~l 定义。如果所有 g 和 a 的 t}(g°) = n(g),则将每个 g 映射到组 A 的函数称为不变量。我们研究了反转 A2 结构的自由不变量 n 群,其中 n 由自由幺半群中的一个词定义,其卷积由集合 Ej(D) 产生。特别是,如果 A 是 abelian,则自由不变量群由该形式的三角形词生成。




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