首页> 外文期刊>Mathematical Problems in Engineering: Theory, Methods and Applications >On Chamfer Distances on the Square and Body-Centered Cubic Grids: An Operational Research Approach

On Chamfer Distances on the Square and Body-Centered Cubic Grids: An Operational Research Approach


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Linear programming is used to solve optimization problems. Thus, finding a shortest path in a grid is a good target to apply linear programming. In this paper, specific bipartite grids, the square and the body-centered cubic grids are studied. The former is represented as a "diagonal square grid" having points with pairs of either even or pairs of odd coordinates (highlighting the bipartite feature). Therefore, a straightforward generalization of the representation describes the body-centered cubic grid in 3D. We use chamfer paths and chamfer distances in these grids; therefore, weights for the steps between the closest neighbors and steps between the closest same type points are fixed, and depending on the weights, various paths could be the shortest one. The vectors of the various neighbors form a basis if they are independent, and their number is the same as the dimension of the space studied. Depending on the relation of the weights, various bases could give the optimal solution and various steps are used in the shortest paths. This operational research approach determines the optimal paths as basic feasible solutions of a linear programming problem. A directed graph is given containing the feasible bases as nodes and arcs with conditions on the used weights such that the simplex method may step from one feasible basis to another one. Thus, the optimal bases can be determined, and they are summarized in two theorems. If the optimal solution is not integer, then the Gomory cut is applied and the integer optimal solution is reached after only one Gomory iteration. Chamfer distances are frequently used in image processing and analysis as well as graphics-related subjects. The body-centered cubic grid, which is well-known in solid state physics, material science, and crystallography, has various applications in imaging and graphics since less samples are needed to represent the signal in the same quality than on the cubic grid. Moreover, the body-centered cubic grid has also a topological advantage over the cubic grid, namely, the neighbor Voronoi cells always share a full face.
机译:线性规划用于求解优化问题。因此,在网格中找到最短路径是应用线性规划的一个很好的目标。本文研究了特定的二分网格,即正方形和体心立方网格。前者表示为“对角线正方形网格”,其点具有偶数对或奇数坐标对(突出显示二分特征)。因此,表示的简单概括描述了 3D 中以体为中心的立方体网格。我们在这些网格中使用倒角路径和倒角距离;因此,最近邻域之间的步长和最近相同类型点之间的步长的权重是固定的,并且根据权重的不同,各种路径可能是最短的路径。如果各个相邻的向量是独立的,则它们构成一个基础,并且它们的数量与所研究空间的维度相同。根据权重的关系,各种碱基可以给出最佳解,并且在最短路径中使用各种步骤。这种运筹学方法将最佳路径确定为线性规划问题的基本可行解。给出了一个有向图,其中包含作为节点的可行基和弧,并具有所用权重的条件,使得单纯形方法可以从一个可行基步进到另一个可行基。因此,可以确定最优基,并将它们总结为两个定理。如果最优解不是整数,则应用 Gomory 切割,并且仅在一次 Gomory 迭代后达到整数最优解。倒角距离经常用于图像处理和分析以及与图形相关的主题。体心立方网格在固态物理学、材料科学和晶体学中广为人知,在成像和图形学中具有多种应用,因为与立方网格相比,以相同质量表示信号所需的样本更少。此外,体心立方网格与立方网格相比还具有拓扑优势,即相邻的Voronoi单元始终共享一个完整的面。




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