首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety >Validity of diagnosis and procedure codes for identifying neural tube defects in infants

Validity of diagnosis and procedure codes for identifying neural tube defects in infants


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Purpose: The use of validated criteria to identify birth defects in electronic healthcare databases can avoid the cost and time-intensive efforts required to conduct chart reviews to confirm outcomes. This study evaluated the validity of various case-finding methodologies to identify neural tube defects (NTDs) in infants using an electronic healthcare database. Methods: This analysis used data generated from a study whose primary aim was to evaluate the association between first-trimester maternal prescription opioid use and NTDs. The study was conducted within the Medication Exposure in Pregnancy Risk Evaluation Program. A broad approach was used to identify potential NTDs including diagnosis and procedure codes from inpatient and outpatient settings, death certificates and birth defect flags in birth certificates. Potential NTD cases were chart abstracted and confirmed by clinical experts. Positive predictive values (PPVs) and 95 confidence intervals (95 Cl) are reported. Results: The cohort included 113 168 singleton live-bom infants: 55 960 infants with opioid exposure in pregnancy and 57 208 infants unexposed in pregnancy. Seventy-three potential NTD cases were available for the validation analysis. The overall PPV was 41 using all diagnosis and procedure codes plus birth certificates. Restricting approaches to codes recorded in the infants' medical record or to birth certificate flags increased the PPVs (72 and 80, respectively) but missed a substantial proportion of confirmed NTDs. Conclusions: Codes in electronic healthcare data did not accurately identify confirmed NTDs. These results indicate that chart review with adjudication of outcomes is important when conducting observational studies of NTDs using electronic healthcare data.
机译:目的:在电子医疗保健数据库中使用经过验证的标准来识别出生缺陷可以避免进行图表审查以确认结果所需的成本和时间密集型工作。本研究评估了使用电子医疗保健数据库识别婴儿神经管缺陷 (NTD) 的各种病例发现方法的有效性。方法:该分析使用的一项研究产生的数据,该研究的主要目的是评估孕早期孕产妇处方阿片类药物使用与NTDs之间的关联。该研究是在妊娠期药物暴露风险评估计划中进行的。采用广泛的方法来识别潜在的被忽视的热带病,包括住院和门诊的诊断和程序代码、死亡证明和出生证明中的出生缺陷标志。潜在的被忽视的热带病病例被提取出来,并由临床专家确认。报告了阳性预测值 (PPV) 和 95% 置信区间 (95% Cl)。结果:该队列包括 113 168 例单胎活体婴儿:55 960 名妊娠期暴露于阿片类药物的婴儿和 57 208 名妊娠期未暴露的婴儿。73 例潜在的被忽视的热带病病例可用于验证分析。使用所有诊断和程序代码以及出生证明,总体 PPV 为 41%。限制使用婴儿病历中记录的代码或出生证明标志的方法增加了PPV(分别为72%和80%),但遗漏了很大比例的已确认的NTD。 结论:电子医疗数据中的代码不能准确识别已确认的NTD。这些结果表明,在使用电子医疗数据对被忽视的热带病进行观察性研究时,图表审查和结果裁决非常重要。




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