首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Clinical Investigation: The Official Journal of the American Society for Clinical Investigation >Genetic isolation of a region of chromosome 8 that exerts major effects on blood pressure and cardiac mass in the spontaneously hypertensive rat.

Genetic isolation of a region of chromosome 8 that exerts major effects on blood pressure and cardiac mass in the spontaneously hypertensive rat.

机译:对自发性高血压大鼠的血压和心脏质量产生重大影响的 8 号染色体区域的遗传分离。

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The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) is the most widely studied animal model of essential hypertension. Despite > 30 yr of research, the primary genetic lesions responsible for hypertension in the SHR remain undefined. In this report, we describe the construction and hemodynamic characterization of a congenic strain of SHR (SHR-Lx) that carries a defined segment of chromosome 8 from a normotensive strain of Brown-Norway rats (BN-Lx strain). Transfer of this segment of chromosome 8 from the BN-Lx strain onto the SHR background resulted in substantial reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure and cardiac mass. Linkage and comparative mapping studies indicate that the transferred chromosome segment contains a number of candidate genes for hypertension, including genes encoding a brain dopamine receptor and a renal epithelial potassium channel. These findings demonstrate that BP regulatory gene(s) exist within the differential chromosome segment trapped in the SHR-Lx congenic strain and that this region of chromosome 8 plays a major role in the hypertension of SHR vs. BN-Lx rats.
机译:自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)是研究最广泛的原发性高血压动物模型。尽管进行了 > 30 年的研究,但导致 SHR 高血压的主要遗传病变仍未确定。在本报告中,我们描述了 SHR 同源菌株 (SHR-Lx) 的构建和血流动力学表征,该菌株携带来自 Brown-Norway 大鼠正常血压菌株(BN-Lx 菌株)的 8 号染色体定义片段。将 8 号染色体的这一片段从 BN-Lx 菌株转移到 SHR 背景上,导致收缩压和舒张压以及心脏质量显着降低。连锁和比较定位研究表明,转移的染色体片段包含许多高血压候选基因,包括编码脑多巴胺受体和肾上皮钾通道的基因。这些发现表明,BP调节基因存在于SHR-Lx同源菌株的差异染色体片段中,并且8号染色体的该区域在SHR与BN-Lx大鼠的高血压中起主要作用。




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