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ET: First of all, could you give us an idea of the scale of the problem? What is dengue fever, how dangerous is it, and where does it occur? Dr Quillon Harpham: Dengue fever is a serious problem. It's a viral disease. It's spread by aedes mosquitoes; aedes mosquitoes are the small ones - so not the same mosquitoes that spread malaria, for example. Dengue gives you very severe flulike symptoms. So it gives us severe headaches, very high fever, nausea, vomiting and aching all over your body - it is a very unpleasant disease to catch indeed. And one thing that makes it difficult to manage is that there are four distinct serotypes, or strains, of the disease. They're closely related, but they're different. And so the first time you catch dengue fever, you will be immune to the serotype that you catch, but the second infection will be a different serotype and that can lead to a much more severe fever, which has a 2.5 per cent mortality rate. So it's more severe the second time and you're more likely to die from it.
机译:E&T:首先,你能给我们介绍一下问题的规模吗?什么是登革热,它有多危险,它发生在哪里?Quillon Harpham博士:登革热是一个严重的问题。这是一种病毒性疾病。它由伊蚊传播;伊蚊是小蚊子 - 因此与传播疟疾的蚊子不同。登革热会给您带来非常严重的流感样症状。因此,它会给我们带来严重的头痛、高烧、恶心、呕吐和全身疼痛——这确实是一种非常令人不快的疾病。使它难以管理的一件事是,这种疾病有四种不同的血清型或菌株。它们密切相关,但它们是不同的。因此,当你第一次感染登革热时,你会对你感染的血清型免疫,但第二次感染将是不同的血清型,这可能导致更严重的发烧,死亡率为2.5%。所以第二次会更严重,你更有可能死于它。




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