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Christian Roberts, President of the IAM

机译:克里斯蒂安·罗伯茨(Christian Roberts),IAM主席

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When you look at the standards -ISO 9001 for quality, ISO 55001 for asset management - there are a lot of similarities. Both seek to ensure activities align to achieving planned outcomes. The significant differences are the focus and timeframe. Quality management tends to focus on organisation performance - think department outputs. It promotes a process approach and understanding, and addresses risks associated with the process, whether product or service delivery. Asset management focuses on achieving asset outputs that contribute to planned organisation outcomes. It promotes a planned approach and addresses risk with assets and organisations that will probably change over time.
机译:当您查看质量标准 ISO 9001 和资产管理标准 ISO 55001 时,有很多相似之处。两者都力求确保活动与实现计划的结果保持一致。显着的区别在于重点和时间框架。质量管理往往关注组织绩效——想想部门的产出。它促进了流程方法和理解,并解决了与流程相关的风险,无论是产品还是服务交付。资产管理侧重于实现有助于计划组织成果的资产产出。它提倡一种有计划的方法,并解决资产和组织的风险,这些风险可能会随着时间的推移而改变。




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