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Web Databases: Fun with Guests or Risky Business?


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This month's column explores two topics of great importance: database security and mission-critical databases. Database security has always been a topic to be taken seriously, but exposing your data to the Internet and its hacker subculture increases the threat level. Selecting the wrong DBMS software for managing mission-critical data also increases your exposure. However, awareness of external security threats seems to be much greater than concerns about using a database manager that could put mission-critical data at risk from those threats. The possibility of online analytical processing (OLAP) becoming as widespread as transaction processing (see the text box tided "Microsoft, OLAP, and the Web: An Insider's View") heightens concerns about data at risk, because OLAP programs use valuable, sensitive data.
机译:本月的专栏探讨了两个非常重要的主题:数据库安全和关键任务数据库。数据库安全一直是一个需要认真对待的话题,但将您的数据暴露给互联网及其黑客亚文化会增加威胁级别。选择错误的 DBMS 软件来管理任务关键型数据也会增加您的风险。然而,对外部安全威胁的认识似乎远远大于对使用数据库管理器的担忧,因为数据库管理器可能会使关键任务数据面临这些威胁的风险。联机分析处理 (OLAP) 与事务处理一样普遍的可能性(请参阅标题为“Microsoft、OLAP 和 Web:内部人员观点”的文本框)加剧了对存在风险的数据的担忧,因为 OLAP 程序使用有价值的敏感数据。




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