首页> 外文期刊>Journal of robotic systems >Computer generation of symbolic kinematics for robot manipulators

Computer generation of symbolic kinematics for robot manipulators




AbstractComputer generation of symbolic solutions for the direct and inverse robot kinematics is a desired capability not previously available to robotics engineers. In this article, we present a methodology for the design of a software system capable of solving the direct and inverse kinematics forndegree of freedom (dof) manipulators in symbolic form. The inputs to the system are the Denavit‐Hartenberg parameters of the manipulator. The outputs of the system are the direct and inverse kinematics solutions in symbolic form. The system consists of a symbolic processor to perform matrix and algebraic manipulations and an expert system to solve the class of nonlinear equations involved in the solution of the inverse kinematics problem. The system can be used to study robot kinematics configurations whose inverse kinematics solutions are not known to exist a priori. Two examples are included to illustrate its capabilities. The first example provides explicit analytical solutions, previously believed nonexistent, for a 3 dof manipulator. A second example is included for a robot whose inverse kinematics solution requires intensive algebraic manipulation
机译:摘要计算机生成机器人正向和逆向运动学的符号解是机器人工程师以前无法获得的能力。在本文中,我们提出了一种软件系统的设计方法,该方法能够以符号形式求解自由度(dof)机械手的正向和逆运动学。系统的输入是机械手的 Denavit-Hartenberg 参数。该系统的输出是符号形式的正向和逆向运动学解。该系统由一个用于执行矩阵和代数运算的符号处理器和一个用于求解逆运动学问题中涉及的非线性方程组的专家系统组成。该系统可用于研究机器人运动学配置,其逆向运动学解决方案在先验中不存在。包括两个示例来说明其功能。第一个示例为3自由度机械手提供了以前认为不存在的显式解析解。第二个例子是机器人,其逆运动学解需要密集的代数操作




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