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The potential effects of autonomous vehicles on alcohol consumption and drink-driving behaviours


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Introduction By removing the need for a driver, autonomous vehicles (AV) are expected to substantially reduce rates of drink-driving. However, this benefit may be accompanied by an unintended negative consequence in the form of greater overall alcohol consumption due to increased availability of affordable and convenient transport. Aims To assess: (i) the extent to which drinkers may choose to use AVs after consuming alcohol; (ii) the extent to which drinkers may consume more alcohol if they are using an AV afterwards; and (iii) whether demographic, alcohol-related and AV-related factors are associated with the likelihood of engaging in these behaviours. Design and Methods A total of 1334 Australians of legal driving age who consume alcohol completed an online survey. Two regression models were used to calculate whether the analysed respondent characteristics were associated with intentions to use AVs after drinking and to consume more alcohol if using an AV afterwards. Results Around half of the respondents (49) reported being likely to use an AV after consuming alcohol, and over one-third (37) reported being likely to consume more alcohol if using an AV afterwards. Younger age, more frequent alcohol consumption, a positive attitude to AVs and a preference for using 'ride-share' AVs were associated with a greater likelihood of engaging in these behaviours. Discussion and Conclusions The results suggest that the introduction of AVs is likely to reduce drink-driving rates while facilitating greater participation in heavy episodic drinking. This will constitute a challenge to policymakers in their efforts to minimise alcohol-related harms.
机译:引言 通过消除对驾驶员的需求,自动驾驶汽车 (AV) 有望大幅降低酒后驾驶的发生率。然而,这种好处可能伴随着意想不到的负面后果,即由于负担得起和方便的交通工具的增加,总饮酒量增加。目的 评估:(i)饮酒者在饮酒后可选择使用自动驾驶汽车的程度;(ii) 饮酒者如事后使用自动驾驶汽车,可摄入更多酒精的程度;以及 (iii) 人口统计学、酒精相关和 AV 相关因素是否与从事这些行为的可能性有关。设计和方法 共有 1334 名达到法定驾驶年龄的饮酒者完成了一项在线调查。使用两个回归模型来计算被分析的受访者特征是否与饮酒后使用自动驾驶汽车的意图以及如果之后使用自动驾驶汽车时饮酒的意图相关。结果 约一半的受访者(49%)表示在饮酒后可能会使用AV,超过三分之一(37%)的受访者表示如果之后使用AV,可能会摄入更多酒精。年龄越小、饮酒频率越高、对自动驾驶汽车持积极态度以及偏好使用“拼车”自动驾驶汽车,这些行为的可能性就越大。讨论和结论 结果表明,引入自动驾驶汽车可能会降低酒后驾驶率,同时促进更多人参与大量偶发性饮酒。这将对政策制定者在尽量减少酒精相关危害的努力中构成挑战。




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