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Identification and primary structures of eel type I collagen pro alpha 1, pro alpha 2 and pro alpha 3

机译:鳗鲡I型胶原蛋白pro alpha 1、pro alpha 2和pro alpha 3的鉴定和主要结构

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Many bony fish type I collagens have a characteristic third chain designated as alpha 3(I). However, much less is known about the primary structure and distinction of the pro alpha(I) chains. Their cDNAs were cloned by RT-PCR from the muscle tissue of Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica. Three cDNAs coding for the triple-helical domain of fibrillar collagen were identified as pro alpha 1(I), pro alpha 2(I) and pro alpha 3(I) chains by sequencing selected tryptic peptides isolated from eel type I collagen subunit chains, alpha 1(I), alpha 2(I) and alpha 3(I). Eel pro alpha 3(I) had high amino acid sequence identity (81 ) to its pro alpha 1(I). The distribution of seven Cys residues in the C-propeptide of pro alpha 3(I) was identical to that of pro alpha 1(I). There was a third Cys residue at the 1,268th position from the N-terminus in pro alpha 1(I), though a supposed Cys residue at the 1,264th position in pro alpha 3(I) was replaced by a Ser residue. Similar replacement has been observed in the pro alpha 3(I) chains of trout and zebrafish. These combined results suggest that replacement of the Cys residue allows for the identification of fish collagen pro alpha(I) previously not identified as pro alpha 3(I).
机译:许多硬骨鱼I型胶原蛋白具有特征性的第三链,称为α3(I)。然而,关于pro alpha(I)链的主要结构和区别知之甚少。他们的cDNA是通过RT-PCR从日本鳗鲡Anguilla japonica的肌肉组织中克隆的。通过对从鳗鱼I型胶原亚基链中分离的胰蛋白酶肽α1(I)、α2(I)和α3(I)进行测序,鉴定出编码纤维胶原蛋白三螺旋结构域的3个cDNA,分别为pro alpha 1(I)、pro alpha 2(I)和pro alpha 3(I)链。鳗鱼pro alpha 3(I)与其pro alpha 1(I)具有较高的氨基酸序列一致性(81%)。pro alpha 3(I) 的 C 前肽中 7 个 Cys 残基的分布与 pro alpha 1(I) 相同。在pro alpha 1(I)中,在N末端的第1,268个位置处有第三个Cys残基,尽管在pro alpha 3(I)的第1,264个位置有一个假定的Cys残基被Ser残基取代。在鳟鱼和斑马鱼的pro alpha 3(I)链中也观察到了类似的替代。这些综合结果表明,Cys残基的替代可以鉴定出以前未鉴定为pro α 3(I)的鱼胶原蛋白pro alpha(I)。




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