首页> 外文期刊>Nature Food >Relocate 10 billion livestock to reduce harmful nitrogen pollution exposure for 90 of China's population

Relocate 10 billion livestock to reduce harmful nitrogen pollution exposure for 90 of China's population


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Spatial planning and policy could guide China's livestock sector towards reducing human exposure to ammonia-provided that 5-10 billion animals are relocated across the region. Livestock production in China is increasingly located near urban areas, exposing human populations to nitrogen pollution via air and water. Here we analyse livestock and human population data across 2,300 Chinese counties to project the impact of alternative livestock distributions on nitrogen emissions. In 2012 almost half of China's livestock production occurred in peri-urban regions, exposing 60 of the Chinese population to ammonia emissions exceeding UN guidelines. Relocating 5 billion animals by 2050 according to crop-livestock integration criteria could reduce nitrogen emissions by two-thirds and halve the number of people exposed to high ammonia emissions. Relocating 10 billion animals away from southern and eastern China could reduce ammonia exposure for 90 of China's population. Spatial planning can therefore serve as a powerful policy instrument to tackle nitrogen pollution and exposure of humans to ammonia.
机译:空间规划和政策可以指导中国畜牧业减少人类对氨的接触,前提是在该地区迁移50亿至100亿头动物。中国的畜牧业生产越来越多地位于城市地区附近,使人类暴露在空气和水的氮污染中。在这里,我们分析了中国 2,300 个县的牲畜和人口数据,以预测替代牲畜分布对氮排放的影响。2012年,中国近一半的畜牧业生产发生在城郊地区,60%的中国人口的氨排放量超过了联合国的指导方针。到2050年,根据作物-牲畜一体化标准,重新安置50亿只动物,可以将氮排放减少三分之二,并将暴露于高氨排放的人数减少一半。将100亿头动物迁出华南和华东地区,可以减少中国90%人口的氨暴露。因此,空间规划可以作为解决氮污染和人类接触氨的有力政策工具。




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