首页> 外文期刊>Acta materialia >Structure and mechanical properties of Ti-6A1-4V with a replicated network of elongated pores

Structure and mechanical properties of Ti-6A1-4V with a replicated network of elongated pores


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Ti-6Al-4V, with a network of elongated, open pores aligned along two perpendicular directions, is produced by a two-step replicatk process: (i) Ti-6Al-4V powder or foil preforms containing low-carbon steel wire meshes are densified by hot pressing under transform tion superplasticity conditions;;(ii) porosity is created by electrochemical dissolution of the low-carbon steel wires and the adjacent F containing Ti-6AWV matrix. If high-carbon steel wires are used, Fe diffusion into Ti-6Al-4V is inhibited by a carbide layer forming the wire/matrix interface, and pores exactly replicate the shape of the wires. Ti-6Al-4V with ~19 and 34 porosity, without and wi Fe-Ti interdiffusion respectively, shows low oxygen contamination and good compressive ductility. Strength and stiffness, as measuri by compression testing and ultrasonic measurements, are compared with simple analytical models and numerical finite-element mode.




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