首页> 外文期刊>Acta materialia >omega-Assisted nucleation and growth of alpha precipitates in the Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr-0.5Fe beta titanium alloy

omega-Assisted nucleation and growth of alpha precipitates in the Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr-0.5Fe beta titanium alloy

机译:欧米茄辅助Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr-0.5Fe β钛合金中α沉淀物的成核和生长

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This paper discusses the structural and compositional changes at the nanometer scale associated with the nucleation and growth of alpha precipitates in the beta titanium alloy Ti-5553 (Ti-5Al-5Mo-5 V-3Cr-O.5Fe) with omega precipitates acting as heterogeneous nucleation sites. The microstructural evolution in this alloy, during beta-solutionizing, quenching and aging type heat-treatments, lias been investigated by combining results from scanning electron microscopy, orientation imaging microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, high-resolution TEM and three-dimensional atom probe (3DAP) tomography. Athermal omega precipitates form in this alloy on quenching from above the beta transits temperature. On isothermal annealing at low temperatures, these omega precipitates coarsen to form chemically ordered omega precipitates, accompanied by the nucleation of the stable alpha phase. Annealing at higher temperatures leads to dissolution of omega and further growth of alpha precipitates accompanied by clustering of different a variants in self-accommodating morphologies. 3DAP results indicate that annealing at lower temperatures (approx 350 deg C) leads to initial nucleation of a precipitates with a non-equilibrium composition, nearly identical to that of the 3 matrix. Subsequent aging at higher temperatures (approx 600 deg C) leads to more pronounced partitioning of alloying elements between the two phases. These results indicate that the structural body-centered cubic to hexagonal close-packed transformation and the compositional partitioning of alloying elements occur in sequential steps, resulting in a mixed-mode dispiacive-diffusional transformation, similar to the bainite transformation in steels.
机译:本文讨论了β-钛合金Ti-5553(Ti-5Al-5Mo-5 V-3Cr-O.5Fe)中α沉淀物成核和生长的纳米尺度结构和组成变化,其中omega沉淀物作为非均相成核位点。结合扫描电镜、取向成像显微镜、透射电镜、高分辨透射电镜和三维原子探针(3DAP)层析成像等手段,研究了该合金在β溶液化、淬火和时效型热处理过程中的微观组织演变。该合金在从 β 过境温度以上淬火时形成无热 omega 沉淀。在低温下等温退火时,这些欧米茄沉淀粗化形成化学有序的欧米茄沉淀物,并伴随着稳定α相的成核。在较高温度下退火导致 omega 溶解和 α 沉淀物的进一步生长,并伴有自适应形态中不同 a 变体的聚集。3DAP结果表明,在较低温度(约350°C)下退火会导致具有非平衡成分的沉淀物的初始成核,与[3基体的成核几乎相同。随后在较高温度(约600°C)下时效导致两相之间合金元素的分配更明显。这些结果表明,结构体心立方至六边形紧密堆积相变和合金元素成分分配是连续发生的,导致了混合模式的分散-扩散相变,类似于钢中的贝氏体相变。




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