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Apache JServ: Faster, Safer Servlets

机译:Apache JServ:更快、更安全的 Servlet

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Back in my November 1996 column "Server Scripts: Can They Keep Up?" I discussed FastCGI, a protocol that speeds up CGI scripts tremendously by running them continuously in a separate process. More recently, I experimented briefly with Java servlets, an API for extending the Web server's capabilities with small modules of Java code (see "Java Servlets: Back to the Future," April 1998). But what about combining the flexibility of both? Well, I recently had a look at Apache JServ, a servlet engine designed to work with the Apache Web server for both UNIX and Windows NT. It combines the best features of FastCGI with the Java servlet API, and the results are compelling.
机译:回到我 1996 年 11 月的专栏“服务器脚本:它们能跟上吗?我讨论了 FastCGI,这是一种协议,通过在单独的进程中连续运行它们来极大地加快 CGI 脚本的速度。最近,我简要地尝试了 Java Servlets,这是一个使用 Java 代码的小模块扩展 Web 服务器功能的 API(参见“Java Servlets: Back to the Future”,1998 年 4 月)。但是,将两者的灵活性结合起来呢?好吧,我最近看了一下 Apache JServ,这是一个 servlet 引擎,旨在与 UNIX 和 Windows NT 的 Apache Web 服务器一起使用。它将 FastCGI 的最佳功能与 Java servlet API 相结合,结果令人信服。




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