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Regional Exhumation and Tectonic History of the Shanxi Rift and Taihangshan, North China


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This study presents a comprehensive low-temperature thermochronometric data set from the Shanxi Rift, Taihangshan, and eastern Ordos block in North China, including new apatite fission track and apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He data and published apatite and zircon fission track and (U-Th-Sm)/He data. We use these data and new thermal history inversion models to reveal that the Shanxi Rift and Taihangshan experienced an increase in cooling rates between ca. 110-70 Ma and ca. 50-30 Ma. A preceding ca. 160-135 Ma cooling event is generally restricted to the western rift margin in the Luliangshan and Hengshan. In contrast, the ca. 50-30 Ma cooling event was widespread and occurred coevally with the opening of the Bohai Basin and slip across the NNE-striking Eastern Taihangshan fault. In the southern rift zone, however, exhumation beginning ca. 50 Ma was likely associated with fault block uplift across the ESE-striking Qinling and Huashan faults, which accompanied the extensional opening of the Weihe Graben. Coeval fault slip along the NNE-striking Eastern Taihangshan faults and ESE-striking Qinling and Huashan faults was associated with NW-SE extension in North China related to oblique subduction of the Pacific plate under Eastern Asia and slow convergence rates. The Shanxi Rift is commonly attributed to Late Miocene and younger extension, but our new thermochronologic data do not precisely record the onset of rifting. However, our inversion models do suggest =similar to 50 degrees C of Neogene-Quaternary cooling, consistent with =similar to 2 km of footwall uplift across most range-bounding faults.
机译:本研究提供了来自华北地区山西裂谷、太行山和鄂尔多斯东部区块的综合低温热年代学数据集,包括新的磷灰石裂变轨迹和磷灰石(U-Th-Sm)/He数据以及已发表的磷灰石和锆石裂变轨迹和(U-Th-Sm)/He数据。我们利用这些数据和新的热历史反演模型揭示了山西裂谷和太行山的冷却速率在约110-70马和约50-30马之间增加。之前约160-135 马的降温事件一般局限于吕梁山和横山的西部裂谷边缘。相比之下,约50-30 马的降温事件范围广泛,与渤海盆地的开放同时发生,并滑过NNE走向的东太行山断层。然而,在南部裂谷带,大约50 马开始的挖掘可能与横跨ESE走向的秦岭和华山断层的断块隆起有关,这伴随着渭河格拉本的延伸开放。沿NNE走向的太行山东部断裂和ESE走向的秦岭和华山断裂的共断层滑移与华北地区西北-东南延伸有关,这与东亚太平洋板块的斜俯冲和收敛速度缓慢有关。山西裂谷通常归因于晚中新世和较年轻的延伸,但我们新的热年代学数据并没有精确地记录裂谷的开始。然而,我们的反演模型确实表明<=类似于50摄氏度的新近纪-第四纪冷却,与<=类似于大多数范围边界断层的2公里下盘隆起一致。




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