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ILINL: An Implementation of the Integer Labeling Algorithm for Integer Programming


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In a recent paper, Yang proposes an integer la- beling algorithmfor determining whether an arbitrary simplex P in R~n contains aninteger point or not. The problem under consideration is a verydifficult one in the sense that it is NP- complete. The algorithm isbased on a specific integer labeling rule an a specific triangulationof R~n. In this paper we dis- cuss a practical implementation of thealgorithm and present a computer program (ILIN) for solving integerprogramming us- ing integer labeling algorithm. We also report on thesolution of a number of tested examples with up to 500 integervariables. Numerical results indicate that the algorithm iscomputationally Simple, flexible, efficient and stable.
机译:在最近的一篇论文中,Yang 提出了一种整数拉贝尔算法,用于确定 R~n 中的任意单纯形 P 是否包含整数点。所考虑的问题是一个非常困难的问题,因为它是NP完备的。该算法基于特定的整数标注规则,即 R~n 的特定三角测量。在本文中,我们讨论了该算法的实际实现,并提出了一种使用整数标记算法求解整数规划的计算机程序(ILIN)。我们还报告了许多具有多达 500 个整数变量的测试示例的解。数值结果表明,该算法具有计算简单、灵活、高效、稳定的特点。




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