首页> 外文期刊>溶接学会論文集 >Effect of the nodule count on bond toughness—Solid state bonding of spheroidal graphite cast irons(Report 7)

Effect of the nodule count on bond toughness—Solid state bonding of spheroidal graphite cast irons(Report 7)


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Impact characteristics of diffusion bonded jointsof spheroidal graphite cast irons are affected by the graphiteparticles precipitated on the bond interface during ferritizing.This process is performed to improve the bond impactcharacteristics after bonding. To improve the toughness of thejoints, it is necessary to decrease the graphites. Generallyspeaking, the graphites precipitate on bond interface, ferritegrain boundaries and nodular graphites in the base metal duringferritizing. Therefore, it is considered that the graphitesprecipitated during ferritizing are decreased by increasing of thenodular graphites in the base metal. So, diffusion bondings ofspheroidal graphite cast irons having four grades of nodulecount were performed. Effects of the nodule count of the castirons and an insert metal on the bond impact characteristics havebeen studied. Main results obtained are as follows; (1) When thecast irons had a nodule count of 180/mm2 and were bondedwithout an insert metal at 820℃ for 1.8 ks, the ratio of theabsorbed energy of the joints to that of the base metals(absorbed energy ratio) was less than 30. On the other hand,when the cast irons had a nodule count of 249/mm2 or 313/mm2and were bonded at 900℃ for 1.8 ks, the absorbed energy ratioswere more than 57 and these were nearly the ratios of theabsorbed energy specified in JIS to that of the base metals. (2)When the cast irons had a nodule count more than 180/mm2 andwere bonded with an insert metal of 10-μm thick Ni foil at 900℃ and 950℃, their absorbed energy ratios were about 100. (3)When the cast irons had a nodule count of 64/mm2 or 313/mm2and were bonded at 820℃, their absorbed energy ratiosincreased with an increase of the thickness of Ni foil as an insertmetal and that was reached to 100 when 50-μm thick Ni foilwas used as an insert metal. (4) The area of graphite particlesthat precipitated on the bond interface during ferritizingdecreased with an increase of the nodule count of the cast irons.This phenomenon became clear after using a simple model.Since graphite particles on the bond interface are precipitated bydecomposition of pearlite during ferritizing, the more the nodulecount of the cast irons, the less the graphites.
机译:球墨铸铁扩散粘结接头的冲击特性受铁化过程中沉淀在粘结界面上的石墨颗粒的影响。进行此过程是为了改善粘接后的粘结冲击特性。为了提高接头的韧性,有必要减少石墨。一般来说,石墨在铁化过程中沉淀在母材中的键界面、铁素体晶界和球墨上。因此,认为铁化过程中析出的石墨会随着母材中烯管石墨的增加而减少。因此,对具有四个等级结核数的球墨铸铁进行了扩散键合。研究了铸铁和嵌件金属的结核数对粘结冲击特性的影响。获得的主要结果如下;(1)当铸铁的结核数为180/mm2,在820°C下不镶嵌金属粘接1.8 ks时,接头吸收的能量与贱金属的吸收能量之比(吸收能量比)小于30%。另一方面,当铸铁的结核数为249/mm2或313/mm2,在900°C下粘结1.8 ks时,吸收能量比大于57%,接近JIS规定的吸收能量与贱金属的吸收能量比。(2)当铸铁的结核数大于180/mm2,并在900°C和950°C下与10 μm厚的镍箔嵌件金属粘接时,其吸收能量比约为100%。(3)当铸铁的结核数为64/mm2或313/mm2,并在820°C下粘结时,其吸收能比随着镍箔作为嵌件金属厚度的增加而增加,当使用50 μm厚的镍箔作为嵌件金属时,其吸收能比达到100%。(4)铁化过程中沉淀在键界面上的石墨颗粒面积随着铸铁结核数的增加而减小。使用简单的模型后,这种现象变得清晰起来。由于键界面上的石墨颗粒在铁化过程中因珠光体的分解而沉淀,因此铸铁的结核数越多,石墨就越少。




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