首页> 外文期刊>The coleopterist >Rediscovery of Hypocoprus latridioides Motschulsky (Cryptophagidae) in East Sussex

Rediscovery of Hypocoprus latridioides Motschulsky (Cryptophagidae) in East Sussex

机译:在东萨塞克斯重新发现 Hypocoprus latridioides Motschulsky (Cryptophagidae)

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On 28 July 2016 I visited the RSPB reserve at Dungeness, Kent (VC 15, TR0618) with Tony Allen and we obtained permission to look for Rhyssemus germanus (Linnaeus) (Scarabaeidae), which had been taken there by Mark Telfer on the night of 14 June 2013. The method used was to sieve the accumulations of rabbit dung that were there in abundance. As it was very windy I took my sievings home and examined them there and was very pleased to see a small scarab that proved to be Rhyssemus.
机译:2016 年 7 月 28 日,我和托尼·艾伦 (Tony Allen) 一起参观了位于肯特郡邓杰内斯的 RSPB 保护区(VC 15,TR0618),我们获得了寻找 Rhyssemus germanus (Linnaeus) (Scarabaeidae) 的许可,它于 2013 年 6 月 14 日晚上被 Mark Telfer 带到那里。使用的方法是筛分大量堆积的兔粪。由于风很大,我把筛子带回家,在那里检查了一下,很高兴看到一只小圣甲虫,它被证明是Rhyssemus。




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