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Cascading Style Sheets: To Hell with Standards


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Obviously, Sucky had seen better times. There he was, curly matted hair, limping on one hind leg, and barking at me. I decided that Sucky, my neighbor's, well, dog had a bad interface. Hmmm, I thought, maybe a makeover might be in order. So I trotted over to my neighbor's house, Sucky in tow, to share my thoughts on redesigning Sucky's look and feel. I was surprised to find that my neighbor didn't share my enthusiasm. Rich felt that while the dog didn't necessarily meet the standards of the neighborhood, Sucky's appearance and demeanor were sufficient to scare off any prowler—in other words, he served his intended purpose.
机译:显然,Sucky看到了更好的时光。他就在那里,卷曲的头发乱蓬蓬的,一只后腿一瘸一拐地对我吠叫。我决定 Sucky,我邻居的,嗯,狗的界面很糟糕。嗯,我想,也许改头换面可能是有序的。于是,我带着 Sucky 小跑到邻居家,分享我对重新设计 Sucky 外观和感觉的想法。我惊讶地发现我的邻居并没有分享我的热情。里奇认为,虽然这只狗不一定符合附近的标准,但萨基的外表和举止足以吓跑任何徘徊者——换句话说,它达到了预期的目的。




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