首页> 外文期刊>Pacific Science: A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region >Species Introductions and Potential for Marine Pest Invasions into Tropical Marine Communities, with Special Reference to the Indo-Pacific

Species Introductions and Potential for Marine Pest Invasions into Tropical Marine Communities, with Special Reference to the Indo-Pacific


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Introductions of marine species by hull fouling or ballast water have occurred extensively in temperature areas, often with substantial deleterious impacts. However, current information suggests that marine introductions potentially able to achieve pest species status have been fewer in tropical regions. A 1997 risk assessment examining introductions to 12 tropical ports in Queensland (Australia) concluded that far fewer marine species appeared to have been introduced, even at major bulk export ports where the number of ship visits and volume of discharged ballast water are more than at most of Australia's cooler water ports. Results from recent surveys looking for introduced species in tropical ports across northern Australia are beginning to support this conclusion, although the lack of historic baseline surveys and the poor taxonomic status of many tropical groups are preventing a precise picture. The 1997 report also concluded that, apart from pathogens and parasites of warm-water species, the potential for marine pest invasions in Queensland tropical ports appeared to be low, and not only because much of the discharged ballast water originates from temperate ports in North Asia. In contrast, recent surveys of harbors in Hawai'i have found over 110 introduced species (including 23 cryptogenic species), the majority in the estuarine embayments of Pearl Harbor and O'ahu's commercial harbors. We suggest that the biogeographically isolated and less diverse marine communities of Hawaiian ports have been more susceptible to introductions than those of tropical Australia for several reasons, including the closeness of Australia to the central Indo-Pacific "triangle" of megadiversity (Indonesia-Philippines-Papua New Guinea) and consequent high biodiversity and low endemicity, hence offering fewer niches for nonindigenous species to become established. The isolated central Pacific position of Hawai'i and its long history of receiving worldwide commercial and naval shipping (including more heavily fouled vessels than contemporary merchant ships) is another key factor, although the estuarine warm-water ports of Townsville, Brisbane, and Darwin also provided anchorages for military units during World War II. Hull fouling remains an important vector, as it is the most likely cause of the recent transfer of the highly invasive Caribbean black-striped mussel (Mytilopsis sallei) to enclosed (lock-gate) marinas in Darwin by internatioanl cursing yachts arriving via the Panama Canal. The cost of eliminating this pest (>US
机译:在温度较高的地区,通过船体污垢或压载水引入海洋物种的情况广泛发生,往往产生重大的有害影响。然而,目前的信息表明,在热带地区,可能达到有害生物物种地位的海洋引进较少。1997年对昆士兰州(澳大利亚)12个热带港口的引进情况进行的风险评估得出结论,引进的海洋物种似乎要少得多,即使在船舶停靠次数和排放压载水量超过澳大利亚大多数冷水港口的主要散装出口港口也是如此。最近在澳大利亚北部热带港口寻找引进物种的调查结果开始支持这一结论,尽管缺乏历史基线调查和许多热带群体的分类状况不佳,阻碍了准确的情况。1997年的报告还得出结论,除了温水物种的病原体和寄生虫外,昆士兰热带港口海洋害虫入侵的可能性似乎很低,这不仅是因为大部分排放的压载水来自北亚的温带港口。相比之下,最近对夏威夷港口的调查发现了 110 多种引进物种(包括 23 种隐源物种),其中大部分位于珍珠港和欧胡岛商业港口的河口海湾。我们认为,夏威夷港口的生物地理学孤立且多样性较低的海洋群落比热带澳大利亚的海洋群落更容易被引入,原因有几个,包括澳大利亚靠近印度洋-太平洋中部的巨型多样性“三角”(印度尼西亚-菲律宾-巴布亚新几内亚)以及随之而来的高生物多样性和低地方性,因此为非本地物种的建立提供了较少的生态位。夏威夷位于太平洋中部,地理位置偏僻,长期以来一直接收全球商业和海军航运(包括比当代商船更严重的污染船只)是另一个关键因素,尽管汤斯维尔、布里斯班和达尔文的河口温水港口在二战期间也为军事单位提供了锚地。船体污垢仍然是一个重要的媒介,因为它是最近通过巴拿马运河抵达的国际诅咒游艇将高度入侵的加勒比黑条纹贻贝(Mytilopsis sallei)转移到达尔文的封闭(闸门)码头的最可能原因。消除这种害虫的成本(>US




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