首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Synthesis of cyclo-bis7alpha;, 12alpha;-diacetoxy-3beta;-dicyanomethyl-3alpha;-(4-methylenephenyl)cholanamide; a cholaphane with reduced flexibility and externally-directed functionality

Synthesis of cyclo-bis7alpha;, 12alpha;-diacetoxy-3beta;-dicyanomethyl-3alpha;-(4-methylenephenyl)cholanamide; a cholaphane with reduced flexibility and externally-directed functionality




919J. CHEM. soc. PERKIN TRANS. I 1993 Synthesis of Cy~lo-bis7a,l2a-diacetoxy-3~-dicyanomethyl-3a-(4-methylenephenyl)cholanamide; A Cholaphane with Reduced Flexibility and Externally-directed Functionality Anthony P. Davis" and Michael G. Orchard Department of Chemistry, Trinity CoJJege, Dublin 2, Ireland A second 'cholaphane' framework is manifested in the title compound 8, which has been prepared from methyl 3a.7a.12a-triacetoxycholanoate 9 in 23 overall yield. The synthesis involves the Knoevenagel condensation of ketone 11 with malononitrile to give dicyanomethylene derivative 12, equatorial-selective addition to the latter of an organocuprate derived from aryl bromide 15, conversion of the resulting adduct into amino acid 22, and cyclodimerisation. The framework of 8 has less conformational freedom and a better-defined cavity than the 'first-generation' cholaphanes 2, and also bears externally- directed functionality.During the past few years workers in this laboratory'-3 and elsewhere have been exploring the potential of cholic acid 1as a starting material in biomimetic/molecular recognition chemis- try. Among the factors which have stimulated this interest are (a) the low cost and ready availability of 1, (b) its rigid steroidal skeleton, (c) its nicely spaced array of differentiable functionality, (d) its chirality and (e) its curved profile Q(facilitating the design of frameworks with concave or toroidal surfaces). An early expression of the strategy was the design and (Me3SO2N/ synthesis of 'cholaphanes' 2,' the first macrocyclic host t ii .--I-/bsol; -8'-CF,CONH--/ CFSCONH0J Scheme 1 Reagents and conditions: i, CF,CO,H, (CF,CO),O; ii, H,, Pd-C substituent.There were two reasons why the latter might be desirable. Firstly, it could provide exo directed functionality which could be used to assist solubilisation (either in water, by using ionic groups, or in organic solvents by attaching flexible hydrocarbon chains) or to attach the macrocycle to some other unit (e.g. a polymer). Secondly, a relatively bulky group would constrain the aromatic ring to take up a conformation roughly parallel to the C2 axis of the macrocycle in contrast to the 'perpendicular' conformation favoured in cholaphanes 2 (vide 2 infra). This would provide a better-defined cavity with an increased 'hydrocarbon surface', particularly important for the molecules based on cholic acid. Subsequent work demonstrated proposed move to water-soluble cholaphanes capable of that cholaphanes 2 (R' = H, R2 = H or CH,Ph) are remark- hydrophobic binding.In addition, the loss of rotational freedom able in acting as receptors for carbohydrate nuclei in organic about the C(3)-aryl bond would somewhat reduce the overall solvents.2 The key step in the synthesis of 2 from 1 was the flexibility of the cholaphane framework. introduction of a p(aminomethy1)phenyl substituent in the 3a-Our task was thus to identify a structural fragment 4 which position of the steroid nucleus. As shown in Scheme 1, this was could be developed from the 3-OH of cholic acid with the same achieved by the chemoselective addition of organomanganese chemo- and stereo-selectivity as had been obtained previously reagent 3 to a 3-keto group followed by elimination and (Scheme 1).In particular, it would be convenient to protect the stereoselective hydrogenation from the (convex) p-face. C-24 carboxy group of 1 as a methyl ester, so that reagents Although successful, this sequence imposed a limitation on the which would react with this group were to be avoided if final structure in that it precluded the possibility of a 3p-possible. It seemed that an answer might fie in the sequence 920 J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. I 1993 X = (a) f unctionalised (b) relative bulky Ar E 6 7 IE electron-withdrawing group M = metal Scheme 2 shown in Scheme 2. A Knoevenagel condensation5 could be used to generate a highly electron-deficient alkene 6,which should be subject to conjugate addition by an appropriate organometallic reagent (most probably an organocuprate) under conditions which would leave ester groups untouched.Precedent suggested that attack of the reagent should occur from the equatorial direction, giving the desired stereochemistry in adduct 7.6 As described el~ewhere,~ model studies on 4-tert-butylcyclo- hexanone confirmed that this sequence could be carried through with excellent yields and selectivities for a number of Knoevenagel reagents 5, using a higher-order cuprate derived from phenylmagnesium bromide and CuCN as the aryl donor.In this paper we give details of the application of one of these methods (E = CN) to the synthesis of a lsquo;second-generationrsquo; cholaphane 8 with externally-directed functionality and fewer conformational options than the earlier examples. a Results and Discussion The model studies referred to above left one major question unanswered. While the new methodology was effective for introducing an unsubstituted phenyl group, it was not clear that it could be extended to the introduction of thep-(aminomethyl)- phenyl required for the synthesis of 8. However, as the ketone 11 required as starting material for 8 was relatively accessible, it was decided to forgo further model investigations and work directly towards the macrocycle.As shown in Scheme 3, ketone 11 was prepared from methyl 3a,7a,12a-triacetoxycholanoate 9 rsquo;* oia selective acid-catalysed deacetylation of the equatorial 3a-OAc to give 10,rsquo; followed by oxidation with sodium periodate and catalytic quantities of ruthenium trichloride, after the method of Sharpless and co- workers.I2 The procedure was quite simple to carry out on a large scale, giving ketone 11 in an overall yield of 82. Condensation of 11 with malononitrile using the conditions developed by Mirek et (catalysis by acetic acid and ammonium acetate in refluxing benzene, with azeotropic removal of water) proceeded smoothly, giving the dicyanometh- ylene derivative 12 in 93yield after crystallisation.As shown in Scheme I, the sequence employed for the lsquo;first generationrsquo; cholaphanes 2 had relied on bis(trimethylsily1) protection in the p-(aminomethy1)phenyl organometallic. rsquo; It seemed reasonable to suppose that the same tactic might work in the present case, the only difference being that the reagent would need to be a higher-order cuprate rather than an organomanganese derivative. Thus, the aryl bromide 13 was prepared from p-bromobenzyl bromide and sodium hexameth- yldisilazide, and treated with magnesium in ether to give the corresponding Grignard reagent. In line with the model studies7 the latter was combined with cuprous cyanide in the ratio 2: 1, and an ethereal solution of dicyanomethylene derivative 12 was added to the mixture.Unfortunately, no addition product could be isolated. An analogous experiment employing the organolithium derived from 13, with dimeth- oxyethane as solvent, was similarly unsuccessful. It seemed quite likely that the problem was being caused by the lone pair on the nitrogen atom in these reagents which might be expected to have a high affinity for the copper and thus perturb the reactivity of the organometallic centre. Given the paucity of alternative N-protecting groups stable to strongly basic reagents,* and the presence of a free nitrogen lone pair in many of these alternatives, we decided to explore the lsquo;saferrsquo; option of an oxygen-containing reagent 14. Although perhaps long-winded, the substitution of the oxygen for a nitrogen at a later stage of the sequence seemed unlikely to cause serious prob- lems.*This issue is discussed in greater detail elsewhere, along with the development of a new silicon-based protecting group, the lsquo;benzostabasersquo; (BSB) group. In the present work a higher-order cuprate derived from BSB-protected p-bromoaniline was also tested with dicyanomethylene derivative 12, but was no more successful than the reagents derived from 13. OAC iii ___c 9 R=Ac 11 12 il, 10 R=H Scheme 3 Reugents and conditions: i, AcCl, CH,OH; ii, NaIO,, cat. RuCI,, CH,CN, CCl,, H,O; iii, CH,(CN),, NHiOAc-, AcOH, C,H, J. CHEM. soc. PERKIN TRANS. 1 1993 m*M)EuCN P = protectinggrolp M = Mg or Li 13 14 15 16 It appeared that a suitable O-protecting group P in reagent 14 would be tert-butyl, and we thus investigated the preparation of bromide 15 as starting material.The literature methods for this compound were not really satisfactory. The sulfuric acid- catalysed reaction of p-bromobenzyl alcohol and isobutene ' had been reported to give only 54 yield (and was in any case inconvenient experimentally), and the reaction of p-bromo- benzyl bromide with potassium tert-butoxide in DMF16 (for which no yield was quoted in the original reference) gave poor results in our hands. However, a modification of the latter was developed, in which the potassium tert-butoxide was prepared from potassium metal and an excess of dry tert-butanol under sonication, the p-bromobenzyl bromide added and the sonication continued for several hours.This resulted in a 92 yield of bromide 15, and gave material with a significantly higher melting point than previously recorded. Attempts to convert bromide 15 into the corresponding organolithium derivative with lithium metal were unsuccessful, possibly because of deprotonation of the benzylic CH, by the organolithium once it was formed. However the Grignard reagent 16 was produced smoothly from 15 and magnesium in THF under sonication (30-60 min).* We were pleased to find that, as shown in Scheme 4, the higher-order cuprate derived from 16 and cuprous cyanide (ratio 2 :1) reacted rapidly with 12 to give 17 in nearly quantitative yield. Only one stereoisomer could be detected, the structure being assigned by analogy with the model studies7 (and confirmed by the X-ray crystal structure of the final product).The tert-butyl protecting group was removed with trifluoroacetic acid (CH,Cl,, 50 "C, 5.5 h) giving trifluoroacetate 18, and the trifluoroacetate cleaved with aqueous ammonia (Et,O, 30 min) to give alcohol 19 in 90 overall yield from dinitrile 12. Conversion of the benzylic hydroxy to an amino group was achieved via azide 21. This could be formed directly from 19 using a Mitsunobu-type l7 procedure, following the method of Loibner and Zbiral Ph,P, diethyl azodicarboxylate (DEAD), HN,, benzene. However, the process was not consistently successful, and a more satisfactory method (as shown in Scheme 4) involved conversion of alcohol 19 into the corresponding mesylate 20 followed by treatment with tetramethylguanidinium azide in chloroform.The mesyla- tion step proved to be very sensitive to the exact procedure, the best results being obtained by addition of methanesulfonyl chloride to alcohol 19 in THF at 0 "C followed immediately by dropwise addition of di-isopropylethylamine. The overall conversion into azide 21 proceeded in a very satisfactory yield of * Reactions without sonication were much slower and gave complex product mixtures, as determined by aqueous quench followed by GC analysis. CAUTION: The interaction of azide ions and chlorinated solvents can lead to explosive side-products.20 As part ofa separate investigation we have found that, over a period of days at elevated temperatures, tetramethylguanidinium azide and chloroform can react to give significant quantities of a shock-sensitive, distillable liquid." 92 1 I, ll .-.12 ~111 17 R = BU' 18 R=CF3CO "619 R=H E20 R = CH3SO2 21 vii.vill Ix1 22 Scheme 4 Reagents and conditions: i, 16 (2 equiv.), CuCN (1 equiv.), THF; ii, NH4Cl aq.; iii, CF3C02H, CH,CI,, 50 "C, h; iv, NH, aq., Et,O, 30 min; v, CH,SO,Cl, PriNEt, THF, 0 "C; vi, (Me2N),CNHl- Ni, CHCI,, 30 min; vii, Ph,P, THF, CH30H, H20; viii, LiOH; ix, HCl aq. 93. The azide could be reduced to the corresponding amine using catalytic hydrogenation or triphenylphosphine in wet THF." The latter proved more successful, giving the amine in SS-SS yields.However, it was found to be preferable to perform the reduction and hydrolysis of the C-24 methyl ester concurrently in a one-pot procedure, giving amino acid 22 in 87 yield. The remaining step in the synthesis of 8 was, of course, the cyclodimerisation of 22 via formation of two amide bonds. In the synthesis of 2 the analogous transformation had been accomplished using two methods. ' Firstly, direct treatment of the amino acid with the condensing agent diethyl phosphoro- cyanidate (EtO),P(O)CN, DEPC 23 in CHC1,-DMF in the presence of K,HPO, had given yields of (crystalline) macrocycle of up to 32, and secondly a more lengthy (but more efficient) approach via an N-tert-butoxycarbonyl-pro-tected pentafluorophenyl ester had given up to 55 yield.In the present work only the former was tried, a minor modification being the use of THF as solvent. With an 8.6 mmol dmP3 concentration of amino acid 23,the method resulted in a 42 crystalline yield of macrocycle 8. On the basis of our earlier experience, it is quite likely that this yield could be improved by further investigations. Even so, the overall yield of 8from ketone 11was 28. Not unexpectedly, for a rather rigid molecule of this size, the macrocycle was relatively insoluble in chloroform, dissolving to the extent of ca. 1 mg ~m-~.The 'H NMR spectrum in CDCI, showed a feature which was also characteristic of the earlier series of cholaphanes 2, namely the splitting of the benzylic protons into an AB quartet (further coupled to NH); the corresponding protons appeared as a singlet in the spectra of the acyclic precursors. Final characterisation of 8 was provided by X-ray crystallography, as reported in our preliminary communica- ti~n.~As expected, the structure showed the aryl spacer groups in an 'inward-facing' conformation (as illustrated in the formula), supporting our assumption that the exo-directed CH(CN)2 groups would be bulky enough to favour such an orientation.However, in order to establish that the new linkage would have less freedom of rotation than that in 2, it was necessary to resort to computational methodology. The MM2 molecular mechanics method, as implemented in MacroModel V3.1X, was applied to the model systems 23 and 24.In the case FN H YNI 23 24 of 23, the favoured conformation was as shown, with the aromatic ring eclipsing the adjacent C-H. Rotation of the C-Ar bond through 60" in either direction exacted an energetic penalty of ca. 5.9 kJ molt'. A similar distortion of 24 from its preferred conformation (shown) was significantly more difficult, requiring ca. 13.4 kJ mol-'.* In conclusion, we have developed a practical and high- yielding synthesis of a second cholaphane framework with lower conformational freedom than the earlier system, a better-defined cavity and externally-directed functionality. As discussed el~ewhere,~ work on a model system has suggested that further modification of the dicyanomethyl group may not be practicable, so that the last of these 'advantages' may prove to be of limited worth.However, the other features are likely to be valuable in the development of, for example, new host molecules with more predictable complexation behaviour. Experimental 'H NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker WP 80 spectrometer at 80 MHz or, where indicated, on a Bruker MSL 300 instrument at 300 MHz. (CH,),Si was used as the internal standard. J-Values are given in Hz. IR spectra were recorded on a Perkin-Elmer 883 spectrophotometer. Solvents were purified by standard procedure^.^^ Analytical thin-layer chromatogra- phy (TLC) was performed on aluminium sheets coated with silica gel 60(0.2 mm layer thickness). Steroidal compounds were visualised by charring over a flame.Gas chromatography (GC) was performed using a Varian 3300 instrument fitted with a 25 m OV1 capillary column. Silica gel 60, 400-230 mesh (Merck) *Global minima were found using the Polak-Ribiere Conjugate Gradient (PRCG) algorithm. The energies of the other conformations were estimated after minimisation by Steepest Descents (SD), as the PRCG method merely relocated the global minima. J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. 1 1993 was used for flash chromatography and, where indicated, filtration of reaction products. Reactions involving sonication were performed in a B amp;T laboratory ultrasonic cleaning bath. Methyl 7a, 12a-Diacetoxy-3-oxocholan-24-oate11.-A soh-tion of the triacetate 9 ''(1 5.49 g, 28.2 mmol) in methanol (1 50 cm3) was treated with acetyl chloride (10 cm3)." After 15 min the mixture was evaporated under reduced pressure to give a white foam of the alcohol 10 (13.80 g) (pure by TLC).This material was then dissolved in acetonitrile-carbon tetrachloride (1 :I ;100 cm3) and stirred vigorously with sodium periodate (24.0 g, 112 mmol) in water containing ruthenium trichloride hydrate (150 mg, 0.7 mmol).12 After 75 min the mixture was extracted with dichloromethane (250 cm3) which was then evaporated under reduced pressure to give a grey powder (14.05 g). This was dissolved in and eluted with benzene-ethyl acetate (6:4), through a silica gel plug to give a white solid (12.99 g), which was crystallised from benzene to give ketone 11(1 1.74 g, 82), m.p. 189-190deg;C (lit.,' 190-191 "C); TLC R, 0.36 in hexane-ethyl acetate (1 :1). Methyl 7a, 1 2a-Diacetoxy-3-dicyanomethylenecholan-24-oate 12.-The ketone 11 (10.65 g, 21.1 mmol) and malononitrile (1.452 g, 21.97 mmol) were dissolved in dry benzene (23 cm3) inside a 50 cm3 round bottom flask fitted with a Dean and Stark apparatus.To this was added ammonium acetate (0.35 g) and glacial acetic acid (1 an3). The reaction mixture was placed under an atmosphere of argon before being lowered into an oil- bath held at 100 "C. After 15 min, analysis by TLC implied the reaction was complete, so the mixture was allowed to cool to room temperature and then partitioned between chloroform- ether (1 :1;20 cm3) and water (100 an3).After the aqueous layer had been removed some product crystallised out of the organic layer, so more chloroform (10 an3)was added to redissolve it.The organic layer was washed successively with water (2 x 50 cm3) and brine (20 cm'), and the solvent removed under reduced pressure. The crude product was crystallised from ethyl acetate to give white needles of the unsaturateddinitrile 12 (10.86 g, 93), m.p. 217-218 "C (Found: C, 69.6; H, 7.7; N, 4.95. C32H44N20, requrires C, 69.54; H, 8.02; N, 5.07); v,,,(film from THF)/cm-' 2233 (conj CN), 1739 (CO) and 1597 (conj. alkene); G,(CDCl,) 0.76 (3 H, s, 18-H), 0.81 (3 H, d, J 6,21-H), 0.99 (3 H, s, 19-H), 2.09 (3 H, s. OCOMe), 2.10(3 H, s, OCOMe) 3.66 (3 H, s, C02Me), 5.02 (1 H, m, 7P-H) and 5.12 (1 H, m, 12P- H); TLC R, 0.52 in hexane-ethyl acetate (1 :1).tert-Butyl p-Bromobenzyl Ether 15-Fresh potassium wire (2.49 g, 89.2 mmol) was introduced into a flask containing dry tert-butanol (80 cm3) under an atmosphere of argon. As the reaction proceeded the potassium reacted more slowly with the butanol, so after 45 min the flask was lowered into an ultrasonic bath and sonicated until the potassium had dissolved (1 5 rnin). Solid p-bromobenzyl bromide (1 8.60 g, 74.4 mmol) was added and the reaction mixture was sonicated for 2 h giving a milky white suspension. The flask was allowed to stand overnight, then sonicated for a further 6 h after which analysis by TLC implied that nop-bromobenzyl bromide remained. The reaction mixture was left standing for a further 24 h before being partitioned between ether (300 cm3) and water (1.2 dm3).The organic layer was washed with water (1 dm3 then 2 x 500 cm3) and then with brine (2 x 25 cm3). The solution was filtered through sand and evaporated under reduce pressure to give 18.18g of off-white crystals. This was distilled under vacuum to give a viscous liquid which on cooling gave tert-butyl ether 15as a colourless crystalline solid (16.71 g, 92), b.p. 89-91 "C at 0.2 mmHg; m.p. 58-59 "C (lit.,15 48-50 "C);S,(CDCI,) 1.28 (9 H, s, tert-butyl), 4.38 (2 H, s, CH,) and 7.20,7.44 (4 H, ABq, JAB8.3, aromatic); TLC R, 0.08 in hexane. J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. I 1993 Methyl 7a, 12a-Diacetoxy-3P-dicyanomethyl-3a-(p-hydroxy-methylphenyl)-cholan-24-oate19.-Magnesium turnings (1.34 g, 55.1 mmol) were flame dried under vacuum (0.1 mmHg) and cooled under an atmosphere of argon.To this was added a solution of tert-butyl p-bromobenzyl ether 15 (9.73 g, 40.02 mmol) in dry THF (80 cm3). The flask was lowered into an ultrasonic bath, the reaction was initiated with 1,2-dibro-moethane (0.2 cm3, 2.3 mmol) and the formation of the Grignard reagent was followed by GC,which implied that the reaction was ca. 98 complete after 30 min. The resultant solution was stirred in an ice bath, solid copper(1) cyanide (1.73 g, 19.3 mmol) was added under a flow of argon, and then the mixture was warmed to 10 "C. After waiting 15 rnin for all of the copper cyanide to dissolve, a solution of the unsaturated dinitrile 12 (9.84 g, 17.8 mmol) in dry THF (70 cm3) was added.After approximately 5 min the reaction was quenched with a saturated solution of ammonium chloride (2 cm3) and diluted with ether (50 cm3). The slurry was filtered and the filtrate was evaporated under reduced pressure to give inorganic salts and an oil. This was partitioned between water and ether and the organic layer re-filtered and evaporated to give a yellow foam (15.5 g). The foam was triturated in hexane (30 cm3), which extracted most of the tert-butyl benzyl ether from the insoluble product, leaving crude tert-butyl ether 17 (12.92 g, ca. 17.8 mmol). The above material was dissolved in dichloromethane (1 8 cm') containing trifluoroacetic acid (10 cm3, 70 mmol) and the solution was heated to 50deg;C.After 5f h, analysis by TLC* implied that no tert-butyl ether 17 remained, a small amount of the desired alcohol 19 was present, and the majority of the material was the trifluoroacetate 18. The reaction mixture was then partitioned between ether (60 m3)and aqueous ammonia (5 mol dm-3, 200 an3)in a separating funnel. After 30 min analysis by TLC showed only the presence of the benzyl alcohol 19. The aqueous layer was removed and the organic layer washed with water (2 x 100 cm3) and brine (2 x 50 cm3), and then passed through a silica gel plug (3 cm diameter x 4 cm length) and eluted with ethyl acetate (50 cm'). This gave, on evaporation under reduced pressure, an off-white solid (1 1.24 g) which was dissolved in l,l, 1-trichloroethane and caused to precipitate by adding hexane+ther (1 : 1; 20 cm').The precipitate was washed with ether to give, after evacuation (0.1 mmHg; 3 h), the benzyl alcohol 19 (10.16 g), m.p. 109-1 11 "C (Found: C, 61.55; H, 7.0; N, 3.35. C39H,2N20, with 1 molecule of CH3CC13 requires C, 62.00; H, 6.98; N, 3.53);1 v,,,(film from THF)/cm-' 3439 (OH), 2254w (CN) and 1740 (CO); SH(CDCI3)0.73 (3 H, S, 18-H), 0.77(3 H,d,J6.5,21-H), 1.04(3 H, s, 19-H), 2.00(3 H,s,OCOMe),2.01(3 H, s,OCOMe), 3.64(3 H, s, CO,Me), 4.37 1 H, s, CH(CN),, 4.75 (2 H, d, J4.6, with D20 shake goes to 2 H, s, benzyl), 4.96 (1 H, m, 7P-H), 5.05 (1 H, m, 12P-H) and 7.44,7.57 (4 H, ABq, JAB 11, aromatic). Evaporation and flash chromatography hexane-ethyl acetate (1 :l) of the mother liquor from the crystallisation gave more of the benzyl alcohol 19 (0.42 g), so that the total overall yield from unsaturated dinitrile 12 was 10.58 g (90).Methyl 7a,12a-Diacetoxy-3a-(p-azidomethylphenyl)-3~-dicyanomethyl-chofan-24-oate21 .-A solution of the alcohol 19 * Both rert-butyl ether 17 and trifluoroacetate 18 had R,0.55in hexane- ethyl acetate (I : I). However, TLC analysis was possible after treatment of samples with aqueous ammonia (as in the main procedure), converting 18 into alcohol 19 (R,0.30).t Crystals of compounds with 3a-aryl-3P-dicyanomethyl substitution tended to be quite extensively solvated, as is often the case for rigid molecules with irregular structures. It was not generally possible to remove all the solvent before microanalysis. 923 (5.08 g, 7.69 mmol) in dry THF (50 cm3) was stirred vigorously at 0deg;C under an atmosphere of argon.To this was added methanesulfonyl chloride (2.4 cm3, 3 1 mmol) immediately followed by diisopropylethylamine (2.7 cm3, 15.5 mmol), dropwise over 3 min. The light yellow mixture was diluted with ether (50cm3) then washed with water (3 x 100cm3) and brine. Evaporation of the solvent under reduced pressure gave the methanesulfonate 20 (5.67 g) as a white foam. To this was added tetramethylguanidinium azide (2.93 g, 15.4 mmol), l9 and the resulting mixture was dissolved in chloroform (1 5 cm3).$ After 30 rnin the solution was diluted with ether (50 cm3), washed with water (3 x 50 cm3) then brine, and passed through a silica plug which was then eluted with ether-chloroform (1 :1).Evaporation of the solvent gave the azide 21 (4.91 g, 93). Crystallisation from ether afforded an analytical sample, m.p. 105-1 10 "C(Found: C, 67.75; H, 7.8; N, 9.75. C3,HslNs0, with 0.5 mol of H,O requires C, 67.41; H, 7.54; N, 10.08);t v,,,(film from THF)/cm-' 2252w (CN), 2101s (N3), 1730br (CO) and 1600 (aromatic); S,(CDCl,) 0.73 (3 H, s, 18-H), 0.77 (3 H, d, J 6.5,21-H),1.04(3H,s,19-H),1.98(3H,s,OCOMe),2.00(3H,s, OCOMe),3.64(3 H,s,C02Me),4.401 H,s,CH(CN),,4.42(2 H, s, benzyl), 4.96 (1 H, m, 7P-H), 5.05 (1 H, m, 12P-H) and 7.40, 7.58 (4 H, ABq, JAB 8.5, aromatic); TLC R, 0.62 in hexane+thyl acetate (1 :1). Cyclo-bis7a, 1 2a,-diacetoxy-3 P-dicyanomethyl-3a-(4-methyl-enepheny1)cholanamidel 8.-The azido ester 21 (1.868 g, 2.72 mmol) and triphenylphosphine (1.42 g, 5.44 mmol) were stirred in THF-methanol-water (2: 2: 1; 15 cm') for 1 h at room temperature.Lithium hydroxide monohydrate (0.457 g, 10.9 mmol) and THF-methanol-water (2 :2 :3; 7 cm3) were added. After stirring for 1.5 h the mixture was neutralised with aqueous hydrochloric acid (2.18 cm3; 5 mol dm-3). Evaporation of the solvent under reduced pressure gave an off-white gum which was dissolved in chloroform-methanol (1 :1) and put onto a silica gel column. Elution with chloroform washed out the triphenylphosphine oxide, and then elution with chloroform- methanol ( 10:1) grading to (2 :l) gave amino acid 22 (1.264 g), followed by a mixture of 22 and lithium chloride.The lithium chloride was removed from the latter by washing a THF- chloroform solution of the mixture with water, after which evaporation and flash chromatography gave a further sample of amino acid 22 (0.280 g, 87 in total); v,,,(film from THF.)/m-' 3440-2650br (NH), 2254w (CN) and 1735 (CO); TLC R, 0.14 in chloroform-methanol (5 :1). To a solution of the above material (0.196 g, 0.30 mmol) in dry THF (35 cm3), stirred under an atmosphere of argon, was added diethyl phosphorocyanidate (DEPC) 23 (1 15 mm3, 0.759 mmol). After 10 min, dipotassium hydrogen phosphate C0.36 g, 2.0 mmol; previously flame dried under vacuum (0.1 mmHg), and cooled under argon was added as a slurry in dry THF (5 cm3) to the reaction mixture.After stirring for 12 days the solvent was removed under reduced pressure and the residue partitioned between water and chloroform. The solvent was evaporated from the organic layer under reduced pressure to give a viscous oil which was dissolved in a minimum volume of ethyl acetate-methanol and subjected to flash chromatography using hexane-ethyl acetate (1 :5) as eluent. Evaporation of the solvent and recrystallisation of the product from chloroform- methanol-THF gave the cholaphane 8 (80 mg, 42) as fine white needles, which became a fine white powder after evacuation (0.1 mmHg; 50 "C) for 6 h, m.p. 253-255 "C (Found: CAUTION The interaction of azide ions and chlorinated solvents can lead to explosive side-products." As part of a separate investigation we have found that, over a period of days at elevated temperatures, tetramethylguanidinium aide and chloroform can react to give significant quantities of a shock-sensitive, distillable liquid.21 C, 70.3; H, 7.85; N, 6.3.C76H,,N6010 with 2 mol Of H20 requires C, 70.67; H, 7.96; N, 6.5 I);* v,,,(film from THF)/cm-' 3329 (NH), 2254w (CN), 1741 and 1663 (CO); 6,(300 MHz; CDC1,)0.744(6H,s, 18-H),0.778(6H,d, J4.8,21-H), 1.042(6 H, s, 19-H), 1.986 (6 H, s, OCOMe), 2.000 (6 H, s, OCOMe), 2.344(2H,br,d,J14,4P-H),2.530(2H,t,J14,4a-H),4.3662 H, s, CH(CN),, 4.342 (2 H, dd, J 14,6, CHN), 4.5 15 (2 H, dd, J 14,6, CHN), 4.959 (2 H, m, 7P-H), 5.759 (2 H, t, J6, NH) and 7.455,7.536 (8 H, ABq, JAB8.4, aromatic); TLC R, 0.45 in ethyl acetate.Acknowledgements Financial support was provided by EOLAS, the Irish Science and Technology agency. We are grateful to Diamalt GmbH for gifts of cholic acid and methyl cholate. * Crystals of compounds with 3a-aryl-3P-dicyanomethyl substitution tended to be quite extensively solvated, as is often the case for rigid molecules with irregular structures. It was not generally possible to remove all the solvent before microanalysis. References 1 R. P. Bonar-Law and A. P. Davis, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1989, 1050. 2 R. P. Bonar-Law, A. P. Davis and B. A. Murray, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 1990, 29, 1407; K. M. Bhattarai, R. P. Bonar-Law, A. P. Davis and B. A. Murray, J.Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1992,752. 3 A. P. Davis and M. G. Orchard, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1991,612. 4 See e.g. C. J. Burrows and R. A. Sauter,J. Inclusion Phenomena, 1987, 5,117; R. P. Bonar-Law and J. K. M. Sanders,J. Chem. Soc., Chem. J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. I 1993 Commun., 1991, 574; J.4. Kikuchi, C. Matsushima, K. Suehiro, R. Oda and Y. Murakami, Chem. Lett., 1991, 1807. 5 G. Jones, Org. React., 1967, 15, 204. 6 H. 0.House, W. L.. Respass and G. M. Whitesides, J. Org. Chem., 1966, 31, 3128; D. Nasipuri, A. Sarker and S. K. Konar, J. Org. Chem., 1982,47,2840. 7 A. P. Davis, T. J. Egan, M. G. Orchard, D. Cunningham and P. McArdle, Tetrahedron, 1992,48, 8725. 8 B. H. Lipshutz, R. S. Wilhelm and J. A. Kozlowski, Tetrahedron, 1984,40,5005.9 A. S. Jones, M. Webb and F. Smith, J. Chem. Soc., 1949,2164. 10 J. F. Baker and R. T. Blickenstaff, J. Org. Chem., 1975,40,1579; G. Hofle, W. Steglich and H. Vorbruggen, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 1978, 17, 569. 11 J. R. Dias and R. Ramachandra, Synth. Commun., 1977,7,293. 12 P. H. J. Carlsen, T. Katsuki, V. S. Martin and K. B. Sharpless, J. Org. Chem., 1981,46,3936. 13 J. Mirek, M. Adamczyk and M. Mokrosz, Synthesis, 1980,296. 14 R. P. Bonar-Law, A. P. Davis and B. J. Dorgan, Tetrahedron Lett., 1990,31, 6721; R. P. Bonar-Law, A. P. Davis, B. J. Dorgan, M. T. Reetz and A. Wehrsig, Tetrahedron Lett., 1990,31,6725. 15 M. 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机译:919J. CHEM. soc. PERKIN 译.I 1993 Cy~lo-双[7a,l2a-二乙酰氧基-3~-二氰基甲基-3a-(4-亚甲基苯基)胆碱酰胺]的合成;具有降低的柔韧性和外部定向功能的乔拉芬 Anthony P. Davis“ 和 Michael G. Orchard 化学系,Trinity CoJJege,都柏林 2,爱尔兰 第二个”胆碱“框架体现在标题化合物 8 中,它是由 3a.7a.12a-三乙酰氧基胆酸酯 9 甲酯制备的,总收率为 23%。该合成涉及酮11与丙二腈的Knoevenagel缩合得到二氰基亚甲基衍生物12,赤道选择性地加成由芳基溴15衍生的有机物,将所得加合物转化为氨基酸22,以及环二聚化。与“第一代”胆碱 2 相比,8 的框架具有更少的构象自由度和更明确的空腔,并且还具有外部定向的功能。在过去的几年里,该实验室'-3和其他地方的工作人员一直在探索胆酸1作为仿生/分子识别化学起始材料的潜力。激发这种兴趣的因素包括 (a) 1 的低成本和现成的可用性,(b) 其刚性甾体骨架,(c) 其间距良好的可微功能阵列,(d) 其手性和 (e) 其弯曲轮廓 Q(有助于设计具有凹面或环形表面的框架)。该策略的早期表现是设计和(Me3SO2N/合成'cholaphanes' 2,第一个大环宿主t ii.--I-/\ -8'-CF,CONH--/ CFSCONH0J方案1试剂和条件:i,CF,CO,H,(CF,CO),O; ii,H,,Pd-C取代基。后者可能是可取的,有两个原因。首先,它可以提供外向定向官能团,可用于帮助溶解(在水中,通过使用离子基团,或在有机溶剂中,通过连接柔性烃链)或将大环连接到其他单元(例如聚合物)。其次,一个相对笨重的基团将限制芳香环采取大致平行于大环的 C2 轴的构象,这与 cholaphanes 2 中偏爱的“垂直”构象形成鲜明对比。这将提供一个定义更好的空腔,增加“碳氢化合物表面”,这对于基于胆酸的分子尤为重要。随后的工作表明,向水溶性胆碱的移动能够使胆碱2(R'=H,R2=H或CH,Ph)具有显着的疏水结合。此外,在C(3)-芳基键的有机物中,能够作为碳水化合物核受体的旋转自由度的丧失将在一定程度上降低整体溶剂.2从1合成2的关键步骤是胆碱框架的灵活性。在3a中引入p(氨基甲基1)苯基取代基-因此,我们的任务是确定类固醇核位置的结构片段4。如方案1所示,这可以从胆酸的3-OH中发展而来,通过化学选择性地添加有机锰化学和立体选择性来实现,就像之前获得的试剂3到3-酮基团中,然后消除和(方案1)。特别是,保护立体选择性氢化免受(凸)p面的影响是很方便的。C-24羧基1作为甲酯,使试剂虽然成功,但该序列对与该基团反应的最终结构施加了限制,因为它排除了3p的可能性。似乎答案可能在序列中出现 920 J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS.I 1993 X = (a) f unctionalized (b) 相对笨重 Ar E 6 7 IE 吸电子群 M = 金属 方案 2 所示于方案 2。Knoevenagel 缩合5可用于生成高度缺电子的烯烃6,在酯基不动的条件下,应通过适当的有机金属试剂(很可能是有机金属试剂)进行共轭加成。先例表明,试剂的攻击应从赤道方向发生,从而在加合物 7 中产生所需的立体化学性质。6 如el~ewhere,~所述,对4-叔丁基环己酮的模型研究证实,使用从苯基溴化镁和CuCN衍生的高阶铜酸盐作为芳基供体,该序列可以以优异的产率和选择性进行许多Knoevenagel试剂5。在本文中,我们详细介绍了其中一种方法(E = CN)在合成“第二代”胆脂素8中的应用,该肽具有外部定向官能团,并且与早期示例相比,构象选项更少。a 结果与讨论 上文提到的模型研究留下了一个主要问题没有得到解答。虽然新方法对于引入未取代的苯基是有效的,但尚不清楚它是否可以扩展到引入合成8所需的对(氨甲基)-苯基。然而,由于作为 8 起始材料所需的酮 11 相对容易获得,因此决定放弃进一步的模型研究,直接研究大循环。如方案3所示,酮11由3a,7a,12a-三乙酰氧基胆酸甲酯9'*oia选择性酸催化脱乙酰化得到赤道3a-OAc,得到10',然后用高碘酸钠氧化并催化成量的三氯化钌,经过Sharpless及其同事的方法。I2 该过程非常简单,可以大规模进行,使酮 11 的总收率为 82%。使用Mirek等人开发的条件(醋酸和醋酸铵在回流苯中催化,共沸除去水)顺利地进行11与丙二腈的缩合,结晶后得到二氰基甲基-亚甲基衍生物12,收率为93%。如方案I所示,“第一代”胆氨烷2所采用的序列依赖于对(氨基甲基1)苯基有机金属中的双(三甲基硅基1)保护。'似乎可以合理地假设,同样的策略可能适用于本案,唯一的区别是试剂需要是更高阶的铜酸盐而不是有机锰衍生物。因此,芳基溴化物13由对溴溴苄和六甲基二硅酰肼钠制备,并用镁在乙醚中处理,得到相应的格氏试剂。根据模型研究7,后者以2:1的比例与氰化亚铜结合,并在混合物中加入二氰基亚甲基衍生物12的空灵溶液。不幸的是,没有添加产物可以分离出来。使用从13衍生的有机锂,以二甲基氧乙烷为溶剂的类似实验同样不成功。问题很可能是由这些试剂中氮原子上的孤对电子引起的,这些孤对电子可能被认为对铜具有很高的亲和力,从而扰乱了有机金属中心的反应性。鉴于缺乏对强碱性试剂稳定的替代 N 保护基团*,以及其中许多替代试剂中存在游离氮孤对电子,我们决定探索含氧试剂 14 的“更安全”选择。尽管可能很啰嗦,但在序列的后期阶段用氧代替氮似乎不太可能引起严重的问题。在本工作中,还用二氰基亚甲基衍生物 12 测试了源自 BSB 保护的对溴苯胺的高阶铜酸盐,但并不比源自 13 的试剂更成功。OAC iii ___c 9 R=Ac 11 12 il, 10 R=H 方案 3 Reugents and conditions: i, AcCl, CH,OH;ii, NaIO,, 猫.RuCI,, CH,CN, CCl,, H,O;iii, CH,(CN),, NHiOAc-, AcOH, C,H, J. CHEM. soc. PERKIN TRANS. 1 1993 m*M)EuCN P = protectinggrolp M = Mg or Li 13 14 15 16 试剂 14 中合适的 O-保护基团 P 似乎是叔丁基,因此我们研究了溴化物 15 作为起始原料的制备方法。该化合物的文献方法并不令人满意。据报道,对溴苯甲醇和异丁烯的硫酸催化反应仅产生54%的收率(并且在任何情况下在实验上都是不方便的),而对溴溴苄与DMF16中的叔丁醇钾反应(原始参考文献中没有引用产率)在我们手中给出了很差的结果。然而,开发了后者的改性,其中叔丁醇钾由金属钾和过量的干燥叔丁醇在超声处理下制备,加入对溴溴苄基溴,超声处理持续数小时。这导致溴化物15的收率为92%,并且使材料的熔点明显高于先前记录的熔点。尝试用锂金属将溴化物 15 转化为相应的有机锂衍生物没有成功,可能是因为苄基 CH 一旦形成,它就会被有机锂去质子化。然而,格氏试剂 16 在超声处理下(30-60 分钟)由 15 和 THF 中的镁顺利生产。只能检测到一种立体异构体,其结构通过与模型研究的类比来分配7(并通过最终产物的X射线晶体结构确认)。用三氟乙酸(CH,Cl,,50“C,5.5 h)除去叔丁基保护基团,得到三氟乙酸酯18,三氟乙酸酯用氨水裂解(Et,O,30 min),得到醇19,总收率为90%,得二腈12。苄基羟基向氨基的转化是通过叠氮化物21实现的。这可以使用Mitsunobu型l7程序直接从19形成,遵循Loibner和Zbiral [Ph,P,偶氮二甲酸二乙酯(DEAD),HN,,苯]。然而,该过程并非始终如一地成功,更令人满意的方法(如方案4所示)是将醇19转化为相应的甲磺酸盐20,然后用氯仿中的四甲基叠氮化胍处理。甲磺酰化步骤被证明对确切的程序非常敏感,通过在0“C下将甲磺酰氯加入到THF中的醇19中,然后立即滴加二异丙基乙胺来获得最佳结果。总体转化为叠氮化物 21 的收率非常令人满意 * 未超声处理的反应要慢得多,并得到复杂的产物混合物,如水淬灭和GC分析所测定的那样。注意:叠氮化物离子和氯化溶剂的相互作用会导致爆炸性副产物。20 作为另一项调查的一部分,我们发现,在高温下几天内,四甲基叠氮化胍和氯仿可以反应产生大量对冲击敏感的可蒸馏液体。92 1 I, ll .-.12 ~111 17 R = BU' 18 R=CF3CO “619 R=H E20 R = CH3SO2 21 vii.vill Ix1 22 方案 4 试剂和条件: i, 16 (2 当量), CuCN (1 当量), THF;ii, NH4Cl水溶液;iii, CF3C02H, CH,CI,, 50 “C, h;iv,NH,水溶液,Et,O,30分钟;v, CH,SO,Cl, PriNEt, THF, 0 “C;vi, (Me2N),CNHl- Ni, CHCI,, 30 min;vii、Ph、P、THF、CH30H、H20;viii: LiOH;ix, HCl水溶液93%。叠氮化物可以通过催化加氢或三苯基膦在湿THF中还原为相应的胺。后者被证明更成功,使胺的产率达到SS-SS%。然而,发现在一锅法中同时进行C-24甲酯的还原和水解是可取的,使氨基酸22的收率为87%。当然,合成 8 的剩余步骤是通过形成两个酰胺键来使 22 环二聚化。在2的合成中,使用两种方法完成了类似的变换。'首先,在K,HPO存在下,用缩合剂磷酸氰酸二乙酯[(EtO),P(O)CN,DEPC] 23在CHC1,-DMF中直接处理氨基酸,(结晶)大环的收率高达32%,其次,通过N-叔丁氧羰基保护的五氟苯酯进行更长(但更有效)的方法,收率高达55%。在本工作中,仅尝试了前者,稍作修改是使用THF作为溶剂。在8.6 mmol dmP3浓度的氨基酸23下,该方法获得了42%的大环8结晶率。根据我们之前的经验,这个产量很有可能通过进一步的调查来提高。即便如此,酮 11 的 8 的总收率为 28%。不出所料,对于这种大小的相当坚硬的分子,大环相对不溶于氯仿,溶解到约1mg~m-~的程度。CDCI 中的 'H NMR 谱图显示了一个特征,该特征也是早期胆碱 2 系列的特征,即苄基质子分裂成 AB 四重奏(进一步与 NH 耦合);相应的质子在无环前体的光谱中以单线态的形式出现。8 的最终表征是通过 X 射线晶体学提供的,正如我们的初步通讯 ti~n 中所报道的那样。~正如预期的那样,该结构显示芳基间隔基处于“面向内”的构象中(如公式所示),支持了我们的假设,即外向 CH(CN)2 基团足够笨重,有利于这种取向。然而,为了确定新的链接的旋转自由度将低于2中的链接,有必要求助于计算方法。在MacroModel V3.1X中实现的MM2分子力学方法应用于模型系统23,24.In FN H YNI 23 24 of 23的情况下,有利的构象如图所示,芳香环使相邻的C-H黯然失色。C-Ar键在任一方向上旋转60“,都会产生约5.9 kJ的能量损失。从其优选构象(如图所示)对 24 进行类似的畸变要困难得多,需要大约 13.4 kJ mol-'。 总之,我们已经开发出一种实用且高产的第二 cholaphane 框架的合成,其构象自由度低于早期系统,具有更明确的空腔和外部定向功能。正如 el~ewhere,~ 所讨论的,关于模型系统的工作表明,对二氰基甲基的进一步修改可能不切实际,因此这些“优点”中的最后一个可能被证明是有限的。然而,其他特征可能在开发中很有价值,例如,具有更可预测的络合行为的新宿主分子。实验性'H NMR谱图记录在80 MHz的布鲁克WP 80波谱仪上,或在300 MHz的Bruker MSL 300仪器上记录。J 值以 Hz 为单位给出,红外光谱记录在 Perkin-Elmer 883 分光光度计上。溶剂通过标准程序纯化^.^^ 在涂有硅胶 60(层厚 0.2 mm)的铝板上进行分析薄层色谱 (TLC)。甾体化合物通过在火焰上炭化来可视化。使用装有 25 m OV1 毛细管柱的瓦里安 3300 仪器进行气相色谱 (GC)。硅胶 60, 400-230 目 (Merck) *使用 Polak-Ribiere 共轭梯度 (PRCG) 算法找到全局最小值。其他构象的能量是在最小化后通过最陡下降 (SD) 估计的,因为 PRCG 方法只是重新定位了全局最小值。J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. 1 1993 用于快速色谱法,并在指示的情况下用于反应产物的过滤。涉及超声处理的反应在B&T实验室超声波清洗浴中进行。甲醇(1 50 cm3)中三乙酸甲酯9''(1 5.49 g,28.2 mmol)的7a,12a-二乙酰氧基-3-氧代胆烷-24-酸甲酯11.-A用乙酰氯(10 cm3)处理。15分钟后,将混合物在减压下蒸发,得到10(13.80克)(TLC纯)的白色泡沫。然后将该材料溶解在乙腈-四氯化碳(1 :I ;100 cm3),并在含有三氯化钌水合物(150 mg,0.7 mmol)的水中用高碘酸钠(24.0g,112 mmol)剧烈搅拌.12 75分钟后,用二氯甲烷(250 cm3)萃取混合物,然后在减压下蒸发,得到灰色粉末(14.05g)。将其溶解在乙酸乙酯(6:4)中并用苯-乙酸乙酯洗脱,通过硅胶塞得到白色固体(12.99克),由苯结晶得到酮11(1 1.74克,82%),熔点189-190°C(lit.,190-191“C);TLC R, 0.36 在己烷乙酸乙酯 (1 : 1) 中。将酮11(10.65g,21.1mmol)和丙二腈(1.452g,21.97mmol)溶于装有Dean和Stark装置的50cm3圆底烧瓶内的干燥苯(23cm3)中。在此中加入醋酸铵(0.35g)和冰醋酸(1 an3)。将反应混合物置于氩气气氛下,然后降低到保持在100“C的油浴中。15分钟后,TLC分析表明反应完成,因此将混合物冷却至室温,然后在氯仿-乙醚(1:1;20 cm3)和水(100 an3)。在除去水层后,一些产物从有机层中结晶出来,因此加入更多的氯仿(10 an3)以使其重新溶解。依次用水(2 x 50 cm3)和盐水(20 cm')洗涤有机层,减压除去溶剂。将粗产物由乙酸乙酯结晶,得到不饱和二腈12(10.86克,93%)的白色针状物,熔点217-218“C(发现:C,69.6;H,7.7;N,4.95。C32H44N20,要求C,69.54;H,8.02;N,5.07%);v,,,(THF薄膜)/cm-' 2233 (conj CN), 1739 (CO) and 1597 (conj. al烯烃);G,(CDCl,) 0.76 (3 H, s, 18-H), 0.81 (3 H, d, J 6,21-H), 0.99 (3 H, s, 19-H), 2.09 (3 H, s. OCOMe), 2.10(3 H, s, OCOMe), 3.66 (3 H, s, C02Me), 5.02 (1 H, m, 7P-H) 和 5.12 (1 H, m, 12P- H);TLC R, 0.52 in hexane-ethyl acetate (1 : 1).tert-Butyl p-Bromobenzyl Ether 15-Fresh 钾丝 (2.49 g, 89.2 mmol) 在氩气气氛下引入含有干燥叔丁醇 (80 cm3) 的烧瓶中。随着反应的进行,钾与丁醇的反应更慢,因此在45分钟后,将烧瓶放入超声波浴中并超声处理,直到钾溶解(1 5 rnin)。加入固体对溴溴苄(1 8.60 g,74.4 mmol),将反应混合物超声处理2小时,得到乳白色悬浮液。将烧瓶静置过夜,然后再超声处理 6 小时,之后 TLC 的分析表明 nop-溴苄基溴仍然存在。将反应混合物再静置24小时,然后分配在乙醚(300cm3)和水(1.2dm3)之间。有机层用水(1 dm3 然后 2 x 500 cm3)洗涤,然后用盐水 (2 x 25 cm3) 洗涤。将溶液经砂滤过,减压蒸发,得到18.18g类白色结晶。在真空下蒸馏得到粘稠液体,冷却后得到叔丁醚15为无色结晶固体(16.71g,92%),b.p.89-91“C,0.2mmHg;m.p. 58-59 “C (lit.,15 48-50 ”C);S,(CDCI,) 1.28 (9 H, s, 叔丁基), 4.38 (2 H, s, CH,) 和 7.20,7.44 (4 H, ABq, JAB8.3, 芳香族);TLC R,0.08 己烷溶液。J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN 译.I 1993 将甲基7a,12a-二乙酰氧基-3P-二氰基甲基-3a-(对羟基甲基苯基)-胆烷-24-oate19.-镁车削(1.34 g,55.1 mmol)在真空(0.1 mmHg)下火焰干燥,并在氩气气氛下冷却。向其中加入叔丁基对溴苄基醚15(9.73g,40.02mmol)在干燥THF(80cm3)中的溶液。将烧瓶放入超声浴中,用1,2-二溴-莫乙烷(0.2 cm3,2.3 mmol)开始反应,然后用GC形成格氏试剂,这意味着30分钟后反应完成约98%。将所得溶液在冰浴中搅拌,在氩气流下加入固体氰化铜(1),19.3毫摩尔,然后将混合物升温至10“C。在等待15rnin使所有氰化铜溶解后,加入不饱和二腈12(9.84g,17.8mmol)在干燥THF(70cm3)中的溶液。约5分钟后,用氯化铵(2cm3)饱和溶液淬灭反应,并用乙醚(50cm3)稀释。对浆料进行过滤,滤液减压蒸发,得到无机盐和油。将其分配在水和乙醚之间,有机层重新过滤并蒸发,得到黄色泡沫(15.5克)。将泡沫在己烷(30 cm3)中研磨,己烷从不溶产物中提取大部分叔丁基苄基醚,留下粗叔丁基醚17(12.92 g,约17.8 mmol)。将上述物质溶于含有三氟乙酸(10 cm3,70 mmol)的二氯甲烷(1 8 cm')中,并将溶液加热至50°C.5f h后,TLC*分析表明没有叔丁基醚17残留,存在少量所需的醇19,并且大部分材料是三氟乙酸盐18。然后将反应混合物在分离漏斗中将乙醚(60 m3)和氨水(5 mol dm-3,200 an3)分配。30分钟后,TLC分析仅显示苯甲醇19的存在。除去水层,用水(2×100cm3)和盐水(2×50cm3)洗涤有机层,然后通过硅胶塞(直径3cm×4cm长)并用乙酸乙酯(50cm')洗脱。在减压下蒸发时,这会产生灰白色固体(1 1.24 g),将其溶解在 l,l,1-三氯乙烷中,并通过加入己烷+ther (1 : 1; 20 cm') 引起沉淀。将沉淀物用乙醚洗涤,抽真空后得到苯甲醇19(10.16克),熔点109-1 11“C(发现:C,61.55;H,7.0;N,3.35。C39H,2N20,1分子CH3CC13需要C,62.00;H,6.98;N,3.53%);1 v,,,(THF 薄膜)/cm-' 3439 (OH)、2254w (CN) 和 1740 (CO);SH(CDCI3)0.73 (3 H, S, 18-H), 0.77(3 H,d,J6.5,21-H), 1.04(3 H, s, 19-H), 2.00(3 H,s,OCOMe),2.01(3 H, s,OCOMe), 3.64(3 H, s, CO,Me), 4.37 [1 H, s, CH(CN),], 4.75 (2 H, d, J4.6, D20 摇动至 2 H, s, 苄基)、4.96(1 H、m、7P-H)、5.05(1 H、m、12P-H)和 7.44、7.57(4 H、ABq、JAB 11、芳香族)。蒸发和快速色谱[己烷-乙酸乙酯(1:l)]从结晶中得到的苯甲醇19(0.42克)较多,因此不饱和二腈12的总总收率为10.58克(90%)。7a,12a-二乙酰氧基-3a-(对叠氮甲基苯基)-3~-二氰基甲基-chofan-24-oate21 .-醇19*叔丁基醚17和三氟乙酸酯18的溶液均含有R,0.55in己烷-乙酸乙酯(I:I)。 然而,在用氨水处理样品后(如在主要程序中),将 18 转化为醇 19 (R,0.30).t 具有 3a-芳基-3P-二氰基甲基取代的化合物的晶体往往被广泛溶剂化, 与具有不规则结构的刚性分子一样。在微量分析之前,通常不可能去除所有溶剂。在氩气气氛下,在0°C下剧烈搅拌干燥THF(50cm3)中的923(5.08g,7.69mmol)。立即加入甲磺酰氯(2.4cm3,3 1mmol),然后立即加入二异丙基乙胺(2.7cm3,15.5mmol),滴加超过3分钟。将淡黄色混合物用乙醚(50cm3)稀释,然后用水(3×100cm3)和盐水洗涤。在减压下蒸发溶剂,得到甲磺酸盐20(5.67克)作为白色泡沫。加入四甲基叠氮化胍(2.93g,15.4mmol),l9,并将所得混合物溶解在氯仿(1 5 cm3)中。蒸发得到叠氮化物21(4.91克,93%)。乙醚结晶得到分析样品,熔点105-1 10“C(发现:C,67.75;H,7.8;N,9.75。C3,HslNs0,0.5 mol H,O需要C,67.41;H,7.54;N,10.08);t v,,,(THF薄膜)/cm-' 2252w(CN)、2101s(N3)、1730br(CO)和1600(芳香族);S,(CDCl,) 0.73 (3 H, s, 18-H), 0.77 (3 H, d, J 6.5,21-H),1.04(3H,s,19-H),1.98(3H,s,OCOMe),2.00(3H,s, OCOMe),3.64(3 H,s,C02Me),4.40[1 H,s,CH(CN),],4.42(2 H, s, benzyl), 4.96 (1 H, m, 7P-H), 5.05 (1 H, m, 12P-H) 和 7.40, 7.58 (4 H, ABq, JAB 8.5, 芳香族);TLC R,0.62 在己烷 + 乙酸甲酯中 (1 :1)。将环双[7a,1,2a,-二乙酰氧基-3,对二氰基甲基-3a-(4-甲基-烯基苯基1)胆膦酰胺8.-叠氮酯21(1.868g,2.72mmol)和三苯基膦(1.42g,5.44mmol)在室温下在THF-甲醇-水(2:2:1;15cm')中搅拌1小时。加入一水氢氧化锂(0.457 g,10.9 mmol)和THF-甲醇-水(2 ∶2 ∶3;7 cm3)。搅拌1.5小时后,用盐酸水溶液(2.18cm3;5mol dm-3)中和混合物。在减压下蒸发溶剂得到灰白色胶,将其溶解在氯仿-甲醇(1:1)中并置于硅胶柱上。用氯仿洗脱出三苯基氧化膦,然后用氯仿-甲醇洗脱[(10:1)]分级至(2:l)],得到氨基酸22(1.264克),然后得到22和氯化锂的混合物。通过用水洗涤混合物的THF-氯仿溶液从后者中除去氯化锂,然后蒸发和快速色谱法得到氨基酸22的进一步样品(0.280克,共87%);v,,,(来自THF的电影。/m-' 3440-2650br (NH)、2254w (CN) 和 1735 (CO);TLC R, 0.14 的氯仿-甲醇溶液 (5 :1)。向上述物质(0.196克,0.30毫摩尔)在干燥的THF(35厘米3)溶液中,在氩气气氛下搅拌,加入磷酸氰酸二乙酯(DEPC)23(1 15 mm3,0.759毫摩尔)。10分钟后,磷酸氢二钾C0.36g,2.0mmol;先前在真空下火焰干燥(0.1 mmHg),并在氩气下冷却]在干燥的THF(5 cm3)中作为浆液加入到反应混合物中。搅拌12天后,减压除去溶剂,残留物在水和氯仿之间分配。将溶剂在减压下从有机层中蒸发,得到粘稠的油,将其溶解在最小体积的乙酸乙酯-甲醇中,并以己烷-乙酸乙酯(1:5)为洗脱液进行快速色谱。溶剂的蒸发和氯仿-甲醇-THF的产物重结晶得到胆碱8(80mg,42%)作为细白色针状物,在抽真空(0.1mmHg;50“C)6小时后变成细白色粉末,熔点253-255”C(发现:注意 叠氮化物离子和氯化溶剂的相互作用会导致爆炸性副产物。作为另一项调查的一部分,我们发现,在高温下几天内,四甲基胍助剂和氯仿可以反应产生大量对冲击敏感的可蒸馏液体.21 C, 70.3;H,7.85;N, 6.3.C76H,,N6010 用 2 mol 的 H20 需要 C, 70.67;H,7.96;N, 6.5 I);* v,,,(THF)/cm-' 3329 (NH), 2254w (CN), 1741 和 1663 (CO);6,(300兆赫;CDC1,)0.744(6H,s, 18-H),0.778(6H,d, J4.8,21-H), 1.042(6 H, s, 19-H), 1.986 (6 H, s, OCOMe), 2.000 (6 H, s, OCOMe), 2.344(2H,br,d,J14,4P-H),2.530(2H,t,J14,4a-H),4.366[2 H, s, CH(CN),], 4.342 (2 H, dd, J 14,6, CHN), 4.5 15 (2 H, dd, J 14,6, CHN), 4.959 (2 H, m, 7P-H), 5.759 (2 H, t, J6, NH) 和 7.455,7.536 (8 H, ABq, JAB8.4, 芳香族);TLC R, 0.45 乙酸乙酯溶液。致谢 爱尔兰科学技术机构EOLAS提供了财政支持。我们感谢 Diamalt GmbH 赠送的胆酸和胆酸甲酯。* 具有 3a-芳基-3P-二氰基甲基取代的化合物的晶体往往被广泛溶剂化,就像具有不规则结构的刚性分子通常的情况一样。在微量分析之前,通常不可能去除所有溶剂。参考文献 1 R. 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