首页> 外文期刊>izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenij. chernaya metallurgiya >Screw rolling of pipes in a four-high rolling mill

Screw rolling of pipes in a four-high rolling mill




© 2019 National University of Science and Technology MISIS. All rights reserved.A model of four-high screw rolling mill was developed and manufactured with the help of additive technologies. The work rolls are installed: the main ones – by cup-shaped scheme and auxiliary – by mushroom scheme with an angle of rolling of ±7 degrees, with an unregulated feed angle of 15 degrees. The main and auxiliary rolls have a barrel length of 70 mm. Diameter of the main rolls in pinching is 50 mm, of auxiliary rolls – 36 mm. At the exit in cross section of the tube outlet from the rolls, their diameters are almost the same and are 72 mm. Each of the four rolls is driven by an individual drive with a 100 W motor-reducer and a rotational speed of 60 rpm by a mushroom scheme and of 83 rpm by a cup-shaped one, which minimizes the divergence of peripheral speeds in the deformation zone at different roll diameters. On the developed model of four-high rolling mill, rolling of liners from plasticine with a diameter of 25 mm with a wall thickness of 7.5 was carried out; 5.5 and 3.5 mm, corresponding to the ratio of diameter to wall thickness 3; 5 and 8. Pipe rolling was carried out on floating mandrels with diameters of 9, 13 and 17 mm. After rolling, measurements of the diameter and wall thickness of the pipes were carried out in 5 cross sections that were equally spaced from each other. In each cross section, the diameter was measured at 5, and the wall thickness at 10 points. The finite element method has been used to simulate the process of rolling these pipes in the QForm program. Assessment of the model adequacy was carried out by comparing the size of pipes and their accuracy after rolling with the results of computer simulation. When rolling at a four-high rolling mill, the wall thickness is significantly reduced.
机译:© 2019 国立科技大学-莫斯科国立钢铁合金学院保留所有权利。在增材技术的帮助下开发和制造了四辊轧机模型。安装工作辊:主要工作辊 - 通过杯形方案和辅助 - 蘑菇方案 - 滚动角度为 ±7 度,不受调节的进给角度为 15 度。主辊和副辊的枪管长度为 70 毫米。捏合的主辊直径为 50 毫米,辅助辊的直径为 36 毫米。在辊子的管出口横截面处,它们的直径几乎相同,均为 72 毫米。四个辊子中的每一个都由一个单独的驱动器驱动,该驱动器带有一个 100 W 电机减速器,蘑菇形方案的转速为 60 rpm,杯形方案的转速为 83 rpm,从而最大限度地减少了不同辊径下变形区圆周速度的差异。在开发的四辊轧机模型上,对直径为25 mm、壁厚为7.5的橡皮泥衬板进行了轧制;5.5 和 3.5 mm,对应直径与壁厚之比 3;5 和 8.在直径为 9、13 和 17 毫米的浮动心轴上进行管道轧制。轧制后,在彼此相等分布的 5 个横截面中测量管道的直径和壁厚。在每个横截面中,直径测量为 5 点,壁厚测量为 10 点。有限元方法已用于模拟在 QForm 程序中轧制这些管道的过程。通过将轧制后的管道尺寸及其精度与计算机模拟结果进行比较,评估模型的充分性。在四辊轧机上轧制时,壁厚显着减小。



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