首页> 外文期刊>Heredity: An International Journal of Genetics >Genetic diversity of the shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn), detected by RAPD and chloroplast microsatellite markers

Genetic diversity of the shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn), detected by RAPD and chloroplast microsatellite markers

机译:乳木果树(Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn)的遗传多样性,通过RAPD和叶绿体微卫星标记检测

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RAPDs and chloroplast microsatellites were used to quantify the genetic variation of Vitellaria paradoxa (an economically important tree species in sub-Saharan Africa, north of the equator) and to analyse the geographic distribution of diversity in relation to the refuge theory. A total of 13 locations were sampled in eight countries, covering most of the natural range from Senegal to Uganda. A total of 67 polymorphic and 15 monomorphic RAPD loci were detected in 179 individuals. No relationship was identified between diversity and longitude or latitude. An unrooted neighbour-joining tree suggested a western group and an eastern group, representing 7 (P=0.000) of the total variation. A Mantel test suggested that genetic distances between populations were correlated to geographic distances (R=0.88, P=0.001). The three-chloroplast microsatellite primers, assayed in 116 individuals, revealed 10 different alleles and seven chlorotypes. Most of the populations comprised a single haplotype. It is proposed from these results that the difference between western and eastern populations results from putative refugia separated by the current 'Dahomey Gap' (a semiarid zone that meets the coast around the Ghana-Togo-Benin-Nigeria borders), an area that may have been exceptionally dry during glacial periods. In addition, it is suggested that the haplotype distribution and frequency in the western populations could be due to the more recent impact of humans, particularly shea tree selection and dispersal during traditional agroforestry.
机译:利用RAPDs和叶绿体微卫星对悖论牡蛎(赤道以北撒哈拉以南非洲具有重要经济价值的树种)的遗传变异进行了量化,并分析了与避难理论相关的多样性地理分布。在8个国家共抽取了13个地点,覆盖了从塞内加尔到乌干达的大部分自然范围。在 179 个个体中共检测到 67 个多态性和 15 个单态性 RAPD 位点。没有发现多样性与经度或纬度之间的关系。无根邻接树提示西部类群和东部类群,占总变异的7%(P=0.000)。Mantel检验表明,种群间遗传距离与地理距离相关(R=0.88,P=0.001)。在116个个体中测定的三叶绿体微卫星引物揭示了10种不同的等位基因和7种氯型。大多数种群由单一的单倍型组成。从这些结果中可以看出,西部和东部人口之间的差异是由于被当前的“达荷美峡”(加纳-多哥-贝宁-尼日利亚边界周围的海岸交汇的半干旱地区)隔开的假定避难所造成的,该地区在冰川时期可能异常干燥。此外,有人认为,西方种群的单倍型分布和频率可能是由于人类最近的影响,特别是传统农林业中乳木果树的选择和扩散。




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