
Methylation of aminopyridazines




1424 J.C.S. Perkin IMethylation of AminopyridazinesBy Gordon B. Barlin, Medical Chemistry Group, John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian NationalQuaternisations of mono- and di-aminopyridazines with methyl iodide in methanol have been examined and theproducts identified. 3- and 4-Aminopyridazine and 3,5-diaminopyridazine gave both 1 - and 2-methyl derivatives.3.4-, 3,6-, and 4.5-Diaminopyridazines each gave a single product, which in the first case was tentatively identifiedas 3.4-diamino-1 -methylpyridazinium iodide. No ammonio-compounds were detected in these reactions.Ionization constants, U.V. and l H n.m.r. spectra are recorded and discussed.University, Canberra, Australia 2600QUATERNISATIONS of pyridazines (I) have been examinedon a number of occasions.l-6 With regard to aminopyr-i I) (Dlidazines, Lund and Lundel have studied by n.m.r.spectroscopy the mixtures obtained from the reactions ofsome 3-aminopyridazines with methyl iodide in aceto-nitrile, and observed signals due to 1- and 2-methylderivatives ; and 3,6-bis(dimethylamino)pyridazine aloneunderwent quaternisation in part at the exocyclic nitro-gen atom, to give 6-dimethylaminopyridazin-3-yltri-methylammonium iodide (11), and in part at the ringnitrogen atom.We describe here the reactions of the simple mono-amino- and diamino-pyridazines with methyl iodide inmethanol to give in most cases both 1- and 2-methylatedproducts.The isomers formed have been separated byH. Lund and P. Lunde, Acta Chem. Scand., 1967, 21, 1067.G. B.Barlinand A. C. Young, J . Chem. Soc. (B), 1971,1261.G. F. Duffin and J. D. Kendall, J . Chem. Soc., 1959, 3789.4 N. K. Basu and F. L. Rose, J . Chem. Soc., 1963, 5660.t.1.c. and identified by lH n.m.r. spectroscopy and/orhydrolysis to known compounds. There was no evidenceaf formation of ammonio-compounds in the methylationsexamined.The aminopyridazines required were prepared byliterature procedures except for 3,6-diaminopyridazine.This could not be prepared from 3-amino-6-chloropyr-idazine by treatment with ammonia,' nor from 3-aniino-6-methylsulphonylpyridazine with ammonia or hy-drazine; it was prepared by reduction of 3,6-dihy-drazinopyridazine .Methylation of 3-aminopyridazine with methyl iodidein methanol at 20 "C gave both 1- and 2-methyl deriv-atives (as distinct from the trimethylammonio-com-pound) as shown by the lH n.m.r.spectra of the individualproducts and by hydrolysis of 3-amino-2-methylpyr-idazinium iodide to the known 2-methylpyridazin-3-one.34-Aminopyridazine likewise gave the two nuclearN-methyl isomers, and 4-amino-l-methylpyridaziniumiodide was hydrolysed to the known l-methylpyridazin-M. S. Bale, A. B. Simmonds, and W. F. Trager, J . Chem.G. F. Duffin, Adv. Heterocyclic Chem., 1964, 3, 1.T. V. Gortinskaya and M. N. Shchukina, J . Gen. Chem.Soc. (B), 1966, 867.(U.S.S.R.), 1960, 30, 15311976P yridazineUnsubstituted3-NHa4-NH23,4-(NH2), '4,5-(NH,)z3-NHz-6-C16-COSH-3-OH3-OH-4,5-H2-6-hIe4-NH2-2-Me-3=05-NH2-2-Me-3=04-NHz-3,6-C1,3,4-(NH,) ,-6-C15-NHz-6-Cl-2-Me-3=04-CI-3,6-( OH) 84-C1-6-OH-2-Me-3=05-C1-6-OH-2-Me-3=05, 6-CI2-2-Me-3=0Pyridazinium iodide3-NH2-1-Me 33-NH2-2-Me J4-NH,-1-Me 34-NH2-2-Me J3,4-(NHZ),-l-Me J3,5-(NH,) 2- l-Me J3,5-(NHZ),-2-hIe j3,6- (NH,) 2- l-Me f4,5-(NH2),-1-Me fTABLE 1pK, Values and U.V.spectraIonization (in water at 20 "C)*Species 5 pK,0 i + 0 +2+0 +2 f0 +2+0 + 0 + 02-00 +0 +0 +2+0--0 + 0+0 + 02-000---+ + 0 + + 0 + + + + +2.335.196.69 37.640.027.846.72- 1.826.743.532.7510.55-0.280.408.966.828.491.324.49-0.304.7012.595.144.1914 it:10k14k1311 k1313.5913.68Spread(=I=) Analvt:(M)0.000 10.000 150.000 10.000 10.000 020.000 060.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 010.000 020.000 50.000 50.000 30.000 0250.000 070.000 040.000 30.000 070.000 30.0010.000 030.000 03h/namp; 63003502802 80273315250255260283260265305315257305295345345350320310Spectroscopy (in water) cr- A231, 294227, 289249, 2809272214, 254, 291226, 299226, 299218, 257, 278225, 277235, 326233, 332229, 296214, 281219, 286, 314(213,) 239, 312213, 232, 301247, 281237, 285253, 295241287, 292, 309222, 226, 235,276220, 259, 263,281259, 295227232, 285210, 214, 238,2 89218, 236, 305217, 256, 292222, 281208, 221, 259,297204, 232, 275,302282223, 287211, 232, 308223, 241, 337241, 341211, 230, 314222, 340214, 312221, 240, 339217, 235, 303311(213), 243, 320228, 289287277(212), 260, 312317(204), 229, 305229, 300226, 278231, 331224, 290, 319log E3.86, 3.313.76, 3.424.07, 3.574.124.13, 3.72, 3.774.06, 3.983.97, 3.934.49, 3.54, 3.544.46, 3.744.06, 3.294.26, 3.274.10, 3.344.38, 3.944.24, 3.79, 3.97(3.67), 3.76, 2.954.07, 3.68, 2.993.87, 3.384.06, 3.553.804.035, 4.045, 3.713.84,, 3.72,4.243.784.14, 3.82, 3.84,3.873.91, 3.564.364.36, 3.754.20, 4.22, 3.15,3.474.26, 3.48, 3.514.12, 3.96, 3.663.96, 4.104.27, 4.15, 3.75,3.764.29, 4.00, 3.77,3.983.734.18, 3.854.31, 3.62, 3.474.30, 3.87, 3.393.87, 3.504.29, 3.66, 3.564.28, 3.484.22, 3.363.69, 3.21, 2.894.45, 3.67, 3.41(4.26), 3.82, 3.313.63, 3.454.214.18(4.22), 3.98, 3.564.13(4.15), 3.91, 4.054.57, 3.574.45, 3.784.23, 3.324.39, 3.79, 4.02pH 4 . .o0. 2.3511. .O9. - .dianion. Analvtical wavelength for sDectroscoDic determination a 0.neutral species : -/- , cation : 2 + , dication: - , anion :of pK,.which Hammett acidity functions (cf. M. A. Paul and F. A. Long, Chenz. Rev., 1957, 57, 1) were assigned.and J. Phillips, J. Chem. Soc., 1948, 2240. f A. Albert, Chem. SOC. Sfiecial Publ. No. 3, 1955, p. 124.Soc., 1960, 219.potentiometric titration.c Shohders. and inflections in italics.. pH Values below 0 obtained b solutions of"hydrochoric or h p h u r i c acid to6 A. Albert, R. Goldacre,V S. F. Mason, J. Chm.a Determined byf For the determination of the spectra the reference cell was compensated with potassium iodide.h As the picrate; reference cell compensated with picric acid for the determination of spectra.Relative instability in solutions of high pH precluded determination of the pK, value14264-one.2 3,4-Diaminopyridazine with methyl iodide inmethanol gave one product only, which with N-sodiumhydroxide gave no 4-amin0-2-methylpyridazin-3-one.~3,5-Diaminopyridazine gave two nuclear N-methylderivatives whose orientation was established by hydro-lysis of the 3,5-diamino-2-methylpyridazinium iodide to5-amino-2-methylpyridazin-3-one.8 Methylation of 3,6-diaminopyridazine with methyl iodide in methanol gave3 , 6-diamino-1 -met h ylp yridazinium iodide only , whichwas hydrolysed in N-sodium hydroxide at 100 "C to6-amino-2-methylpyridazin-3-one ; and 4,5-diamino-pyridazine with methyl iodide in methanol at 20 "C gavethe only possible nuclear methiodide.J.C.S.Perkin Isubstituent , 5-chloro-6-hydroxy-2-methylpyridazin-3-one is a stronger acid by 0.95 pH units than its 4-chloro-isomer.All the iminopyridazines are strong bases.Comparison of the U.V.spectra of the aminopyridazinecations with their N-methyl derivatives revealed that3-aminopyridazine cation resembled its 2-methyl de-rivative and 4-aminopyridazine cation its l-methylderivative; hence protonation involves N-2 and N-1 ,respectively.Inspection of the spectra of the cations from the sym-metrical 3,6- and 4,Ci-diaminopyridazines and of 3,5-di-aminopyridazine revealed a close similarity with theirTABLE 21H N.m.r. spectra (6 values) *CompoundPyridine methiodide Solvent2-NHz 6 D,O(CDA2SO3-NHZ DZO4-NHz * DZO3-"Hz-1-MeI DZO3-NH2-2-Mel DZO4-NH2- 1-Me1 DZO4-NH2-2-MeI DZO(CD3)(CD3)ZSOPyri d a z i n e(CD3)(CDJ ,SO(CDJ2SO3,4-(NH,),-l-hfeI (CD,),SO3,5-(NH2),-1-MeI D,O3,5- (NH,) ,-2-MeI D,O3,6- (NH,),- 1-Me1 (CD,) ,SO4,5-(NH,) ,-1-Me1 (CD,) ,SO(CD,),SO(CD3)2S01-Me3.813.804.174.163.933.864. NH2 2-H 3-H7.018.18 7.017.916.50 7.987.85 6.777.88 8.06 6.737.683.923.81 5.228.476.99, 7.784.336.90(3), 7.19(5)3.76 - ..3.74 7.54(5), 7.78(3)6.60(6), 7.98(3)6.50(4), 7.39(5)8.428.408.778.054-H7.767.937.557.557.447.517.587.526. 3-trimethylsilylpropane-l-sulphonate and tetramethylsilane were used as internal standards.b P. Karrer, T. Ishii,C T. J. Batterham, D. J. Brown, and M. N. Paddon-Row,B. M. Anderson, C. J. Ciotti, and N. 0. Kaplan, J. Biol. Chem., 1959,F. W. Kahnt, and J. van Bergen, Helv. Chim. Acta, 1938, 21, 1174.J. Chem. SOC. (B), 1967, 171, also record this spectrum.234, 1219. E. J. Poziomek, J. Ovg. CJaern., 1963, 28, 590.Ionization Constants and Ultraviolet S@ectra (Table I) .-The diaminopyridazines have their first basic pKa valuesin the range 6.72-7.84 and are 0.09-1.53 units strongerbases than the most basic relevant monoaminopyrid-azines.The difference between the first and secondbasic pKa values is 7.62 and 8.54 units for 3,P and 3,6-diaminopyridazines, respectively; cf. 7.01 and 8.65 in thediamin~pyridines.~Base weakening by chloro-substituents at the 3- and6-positions varied from 1.66 in 3-amino-6-chloropyrid-azine to 5.33 units in 4-amino-3,6-dichloropyridazine.Ei-Amino-2-methylpyridazin-3-one is a stronger basethan 4-amino-2-methylpyridazin-3-one by 0.68 units ;this may be due to O-protonation to give a cation of type(111) which is stabilised by resonance, a situation notshared by the 4-amino-compound.H2NPH N;NMe - Hfl+PoH bsol;"NMe(rn)Because of the nearness of the electron-withdrawingmethiodides but there was some divergence between thecation of 3,4-diaminopyridazine and its methiodide.As expected, 3-amino-6-chloropyridazine on proton-ation showed spectral changes similar to S-aminopyrid-azine, also indicating protonation at N-2 ; 3,4-diamino-6-chloropyridazine behaved like 3,4-diaminopyridazine ;and 4-amino-3,6-dichloropyridazine like 4-aminopyrid-azine.A close similarity existed between the neutralspecies (and monoanions) from 4-chlor0-3~6-dihydroxy-pyridazine and its 2-methyl derivative; but there was asignificant divergence in intensity in the spectra of theiranions from that of the anion of 5-chloro-6-hydroxy-2-methylpyridazin-3-one.N.m.y. Spectra (Table 2) .-These were determinedwhere possible in D,O and (CD,),SO for the aminopyrid-azine methiodides and aminopyridine methiodides (forcomparison).The data are consistent with the structures establishedby conversions into known compounds.On the evidenceT. Nakagone, A. Misaki, and T. Komatsu, Chem. andPharm. Bull. (Japan), 1966, 14, 1082.S G. B. Barlin, J. Chem. SOC., 1964, 21501976 1427of the signals due to the methyl group and H-6 from 3,5-and 4,5-diaminopyridazine methiodides, 3,4-diamino-pyridazine methiodide appears to be the l-methyl COM-pound.EXPERIMENTALAll compounds were examined for the presence of isomersand impurities by paper chromatography on Whatmanno. 1 paper with (a) aqueous 3 ammonium chloride, and(b) butan-l-o1--5~-acetic acid (7 : 3) as solvents, t.l.c., andlH n.m.r. spectroscopy, and were recrystallised to constantm.p. Analyses were performed by the Australian NationalUniversity Analytical Services Unit.Solids for analysiswere dried a t 100 "C unless otherwise stated and each m.p.was taken in a Pyrex capillary. 1H N.m.r. spectra wererecorded a t 60 MHz and 35 "C with a Varian T-60A spectro-meter. Where required, portions of the spectra wereexpanded, and all signals were integrated. Ionization con-stants were generally determined spectroscopically lo but inone case by potentiometric titration by I. Hawkins. U.V.spectra were measured with a Perkin-Elmer 450 recordingspectrophotometer and A,,,. and E values were checked withan Optica CF4 manual instrument (by D. T. Light).3-A minopyridazine Methiodides.-A mixture of 3-amino-pyridazine l1 (0.5 g), methyl iodide (1.0 ml), and methanol(5.0 ml) was kept at 20 "C overnight.The precipitate (0.55g) was filtered off and the filtrate evaporated to give a yellowsolid (0.7 g). N.m.r. spectroscopy (solvent D,O) of theyellow solid showed methyl signals a t 6 4.24 and 3.92 ofapproximately equal intensity, but the precipitate showedone only, a t 6 4.24.) The precipitate was recrystallisedfrom ethanol to give 3-amino-l-methylpyridaziniu.wz iodide,m.p. 182-183" (Found: C, 25.8; H, 3.9; N, 17.7. C,H,IN,requires C, 25.3; H, 3.4; N, 17.7). The picrate, preparedin and recrystallised from isopropyl alcohol, had m.p. 162-163" (Found: C, 39.15; H, 3.05; N, 25.1. Cl,HloN,O,requires C, 39.1; H, 3.1; N, 24.85). The yellow solid(0.7 g) was subjected to t.1.c. (silica; acetone) and gave,after recrystallisation from isopropyl alcohol, 3-amino-2-nzethylpyridazinium iodide (0.15 g), m.p.223-224" (Found:C , 25.65; H, 3.65; N, 18.1y0). Thepicrate, preparedinandrecrystallised from water, had m.p. 231-232" (Found: C,38.8; H, 3.5; N, 24.5. C,,H,,N,O, requires C , 39.1; H,3.0; N, 24.85).Hydrolysis of 3-Amino-2-methyl$yridaziniunz Iodide.-Amixture of 3-amino-2-methylpyridazinium iodide (0.010 g)and O.lN-sodium hydroxide (5 ml) was kept a t 20 "C for 14days. The product, extracted with chloroform, was iden-tical (paper chromatography, t.l.c., and U.V. spectrum) withauthentic 2-methylpyridazin-3-0ne.~4-A minopyridazine Methiodides.-A mixture of 4-amino-pyridazine 12*13 (0.5 g ) and methyl iodide (1.0 ml) in methanol(2 ml) was kept a t 20 "C for 12 h.The mixture was thenevaporated to dryness and the residue recrystallised fromisopropyl alcohol to give a crystalline solid (1.04 g) . The1H n.m.r. spectrum of this product in D,O showed methylsignals at 6 4.33 and 4.07 (ca. 1 : Z). A portion (0.94 g) wassubjected to t.1.c. (alumina; ethanol) and gave in the upperband 4-arnino-l-methylpyridazinium iodide (0.358 g), m.p.10 A. Albert and E. P. Serjeant, 'The Determination ofIonization Constants,' Chapman and Hall, London, 1971, 2ndedn.11 E. A. Steck, R. P. Brundage, and L. T. Fletcher, J . Amer.Chem. SOC., 1954, 78, 3225.12 T. Kuraishi, Pharm. Bull. (Japan), 1956, 4, 497.123-124" (from isopropyl alcohol-benzene) (Found : C,25.65; H, 3.6; N, 17.4. C,H,IN,requiresC, 25.3; H, 3.4;N , 17.7 ), and in the lower band 4-amino-2-methyZpyrid-azinium iodide (0.060 g), m.p.186-187" (from isopropylalcohol) (Found: C, 25.5; H, 3.5; N, 18.0).Hydrolysis of 4-Amino-l-methylpyridaziniuwz Iodide.-4-Amino-l-methylpyridazinium iodide (0.050 g) in N-sodiumhydroxide (5 ml) was kept a t 20 "C for 22 h. The mixturewas then extracted with chloroform, and the extract dried(Na,SO,) and evaporated to leave an oil which solidified.This product was identical (paper chromatography, t.l.c.,and U.V. spectrum) with authentic 1-methylpyridazin-6one.23,4-Diaminopyridazine monohydrochloride was preparedfrom 6-chlor0-3~4-diaminopyridazine 14 as described byGuither et aZ.15 The $icrate, prepared in and recrystallisedfrom water, had m.p.253-254" (Found: C, 35.7; H, 2.6;N, 29.4. C,H,N,,C,H,N,O, requires C, 35.4; H, 2.7; N28.9).3,4-Diaminopyridazine Methiodide.-A mixture of 3 , 6diaminopyridazine (liberated from 0.50 g of its bishydro-chloride with alkali in methanol), methyl iodide (3.0 ml),and methanol (10 ml) was kept a t 20 "C for 3 days. (Paperchromatography indicated that the reaction was complete in2.5 h.) The mixture was evaporated to dryness and theproduct recrystallised from isopropyl alcohol with concen-tration to give 3,4-diamino-l-rnethyZpyridazinium iodide(0.627 g), m.p. 213-214" (Found: C, 24.0; H, 3.8; N, 21.8.C5H,IN, requires C , 23.9; H, 3.6; N, 22.2).3 , 5-Diarninopyridazine Hydrochloride .-5-Amino-4-chloro-3-hydrazinopyridazine 1, was reduced to 4-chloro-3,5-diaminopyridazine l5 and 3,5-diaminopyridazine hydro-chloride.15 The picrate (of the latter), prepared in and re-crystallised from water, had m.p.303-305" (Found: C,35.3; H, 2.7; N, 28.7. C,H,N,,C,H,N,O, requires C, 35.4;H, 2.7; N, 28.9).3,5-Diaminopyridazine Methiodides.-A mixture of 3,5-diaminopyridazine (liberated from 0.5 g of its monohydro-chloride 15 with alkali) , methyl iodide (5.0 ml), and methanol(10 ml) was kept a t 20 "C for 4 days. The mixture was thenevaporated to dryness and the product recrystallised fromt-butyl alcohol-methanol to give a crystalline solid (0.645 g),which after further crystallisations from t-butyl alcohol-methanol gave 3,5-diamino-l-methylpyridazinium iodide(0.254 g), m.p.208-210" (Found: C, 24.0; H, 3.8; N, 21.8.C5H,IN4 requires C, 23.9; H, 3.6; N, 22.2). The$icrute,prepared in and recrystallised from water, had m.p. 205",depressed on admixture with the picrate of m.p. 228"(Found: C, 37.5; H, 3.4; N, 27.7. Cl1HllN,O7 requiresC, 37.4; H, 3.1; N, 27.8).The filtrates from recrystallisation of the isomer describedabove were evaporated and the product was dissolved inmethanol and applied to three alumina plates (20 x 40 cm).These were developed with ethanol and the upper portion ofthe dark band was removed and extracted with boilingethanol. The product was recrystallised from t-butylalcohol-methanol to give 3,5diamino-2-methylpyridaziniumiodide (0.014 g) , m.p. 254-256", characterised as its Picrate(prepared in and recrystallised from water), m.p.228",13 T. L. Chan and J. Miller, Austral. J . Chem., 1967, 20, 1695.14 G. A. Gerhardt and R. N. Castle, J. Heterocyclic Chew.,15 W. D. Guither, D. G. Clark, and R. N. Castle, J . Hekrocyclicl6 T. Kuraishi and R. N. Castle, J . Heterocyclic Cbm., 1964,1964, 1, 247.Chem., 1965, 2, 67.1, 421428 J.C.S. Perkin Idepressed on admixture with the picrate of m.p. 205" (Found :C, 37.9; H, 3.4; N, 27.6. Cl1HllN7O7 requires C, 37.4;H, 3.1; N, 27.8).A ttempted Hydrolysis of 3,5-Diamino-l-methyl~yyridazin-ium Iodide with N-Sodium Hydroxide.-3,5-Diamino-l-methylpyridazinium iodide (0.006 g) and N-sodium hy-droxide (1.0 ml) were kept at room temperature for 4 days.Paper chromatography showed that some reaction had takenplace after 3 days but the product was not 5-amino-2-methylpyridazin-3-one.8 The mixture was adjusted to pH8 and extracted with chloroform, and the aqueous solutionwas evaporated to dryness and the residue extracted withboiling ethyl acetate, but neither extract gave a significantproduct.Hydrolysis of a Mixture of 3,5-Diamino-l- and -2methyl-Pyridazinium Iodides with N-Sodium Hydroxide.-A mixtureof 3,5-diamino-l-(and 2-)methylpyridazinium iodide (0.050g ; 1H n.m.r.evidence) and N-sodium hydroxide (3.0 ml)were heated on a steam bath for 1 h. The mixture wasadjusted to pH 9.0 and evaporated to dryness, and theresidue was extracted with boiling ethyl acetate. Thisextract was subjected to t.1.c. (alumina; isopropyl alcohol)and gave a small quantity of 5-amino-2-methylpyridazin-3-one, identical (paper chromatography and t.1.c.) with anauthentic specimen.3,6-Diaminopyridazine .- 3,6-Dihydrazinopyridazine 17* l8(4.0 g) in water (150 ml) was shaken with hydrogen andRaney nickel a t atmospheric pressure for 5 h.The catalystwas filtered off and washed with water, and the combinedfiltrates were evaporated to dryness. The residue crystal-lised from ethanol to give 3,6-diaminopyridazine (2.1 g),m.p. 235-237" (lit.,7 235") (Found: C, 43.9; H, 5.8; N,51.1. Calc. for C,H,N4: C, 43.6; H, 5.5; N, 50.9);picrate (from ethanol), m.p. 277-279" (Found: C, 35.5; H.3.1; N, 28.7. CloHgN@7 requires C, 35.4; H, 2.7; N,28.9).3,6-Diamino- 1 -methylpyridazinium Iodide .-3,6-Diamino-pyridazine (0.2 g), methyl iodide (0.5 ml), and methanol(8 ml) were kept standing a t room temperature for 2 days.The solvent was then removed and the residue recrystallisedfrom isopropyl alcohol-methanol to give 3,6-diamino-l-methylpyridazinium iodide (0.28 g), m.p.271-272" (Found:C, 24.1; H, 3.9; N, 21.8. C,HgIN, requires C, 23.9; H,3.6; N, 22.2). The picrate, prepared in and recrystallisedfrom water, had m.p. 215-216" (Found: C, 37.75; H, 3.4;N, 27.95. CllHllN707 requires C, 37.4; H, 3.1; N, 27.8).Hydrolysis of 3,6-Diaminopyridazine Methiodide. 3,6-Diaminopyridazine methiodide (0.025 g) and N-sodiumhydroxide (2.0 ml) were heated on a steam-bath for 1 h.The mixture was adjusted to pH 9-10 and extracted withchloroform, and the product was recrystallised from ethylacetate t o give 6-amino-2-methylpyridazin-3-one, m.p.222-224", not depressed on admixture with an authenticspecimen.84-Amino-5-chloro~yridazine.-A mixture of 4-amino-5-chloro-3-hydrazino- and 5-amino-4-chloro-3-hydrazino-pyr-idazines (2.87 g), copper(I1) sulphate (10 g ) , and water (170ml) was refluxed for 1.5 h as described by Kuraishi andCastle l6 for the reaction of 6-amino-4-chloro-3-hydrazino-pyridazine.The product was isolated by recrystallisationfrom benzene to give crystals (0.9 g), m.p. 120-122" (lit.,1670-73") (Found, for material dried a t 20" and 20 mmHg for2 h: C, 37.6; H, 3.3; N, 32.2. C4H,C1N, requires C, 37.1 ;H, 3.1; N, 32.4), M+ 129 and 131.4,5-Diamino- l-methylpyridazinium Iodide.-4,5-Diamino-pyridazine hydrochloride l5 0.2 g ; picrate (from water),m.p.240-241" (Found: C, 36.6; H, 2.9; N, 29.0. C,,H,-N707 requires C, 35.4; H, 2.7; N, 28.9) was added tosodium methoxide (from 0.04 g of sodium) in methanol (5 ml)and the mixture was evaporated to dryness. To the residuewere added methanol (4 ml) and methyl iodide (2 ml), andthe mixture was kept a t room temperature for 5 days to givea crystalline solid. The mixture was evaporated to drynessand the product recrystallised from isopropyl alcohol-methanol to yield 4,bdiamino- 1-metlzyl~yridazinium iodide,ni-p. 229-231" (Found: C, 24.1; H, 3.75; N, 21.8.C,H,IN, requires C, 23.9; H, 3.6; N, 22.2). The picrate,prepared in and recrystallised from water, had m.p.225-226" (Found: C, 37.3; H, 3.2; N, 27.5. Cl1HllN7O7 re-quires C, 37.4; H, 3.1; N, 27.8).5-Chloro-6-laydro,zy-2-methyl~yridazin-3-one and 4-ChlOYO-6-lzydroxy-2-methylpyridazin-3-one.-These compoundswere prepared from chloromaleic anhydride and methylhy-drazine sulphate,8 but the more soluble and lower melting4-chloro-6-hydroxy-2-methylpyridazin-3-one was purifiedby column chromatography in acetone over silica (14 in) andrecrystallised from a small volume of water, acetone, orbutyl acetate. It had m.p. 193-196" (lit.,8 185-186')(Found: C , 37.8; H, 3.1; N, 17.4. Calc. for C5H5C1N,0,:C, 37.4; H, 3.1; N, 17.45).5-Amino-2-methyl~yridazin-3-one.-This compound 8 wasrecrystallised from ethyl acetate and had m.p. 194-196"(lit.,8 193.5-194.5").4-Amino-2-methylpyridazin-3-one.-This compound 8 wasrecrystallised from ethyl acetate and had m.p.173-175'(lit.,8 175-176").3-Amino-6-methyZthiopyridazine.-A mixture of 3-amino-6-chloropyridazine 11 (2.0 g) and aqueous sodium methane-thiolate (prepared from 2 g of sodium hydroxide in 20 ml ofwater) was heated in a sealed tube a t 120 "C for 12 h. Theproduct, extracted into chloroform and recrystallised frombenzene, gave 3-amino-6-methylthiopyridazine (1.7 12 g),m.p. 117-118" (Found: C, 42.7; H, 5.0; N, 30.1; S, 22.8.C,H7N3S requires C, 42.5; H, 5.0; N, 29.8; S, 22.7).3-Amino-6-methylsul~honylpyridazine.-A solution ofpotassium permanganate (1.0 g) in water (15 ml) was addedt o a stirred solution of 3-amino-6-methylthiopyridazine (0.5g) in 8N-acetic acid (15 ml) a t room temperature over 30min, and stirring was continued for 10 min.The mixturewas then decolourised by passing sulphur dioxide, andadjusted to pH 8 by addition of aqueous ammonia. Theproduct was then extracted repeatedly into chloroform, andrecrystallised from ethanol to give 3-amino-6-methylsul-fihonylpyridazine (0.224 g), m.p. 183-185" (Found: C, 35.1;H, 4.5; N, 23.8. C,H,N,O,S requires C, 34.7; H, 4.1; N,24.3). The picrate, prepared in ethanol, had m.p. 2 0 6206" (Found: C, 33.1; H, 2.6; N, 20.8; S, 8.1. Cl,HloN807requires C, 32.8; H, 2.5; N, 20.9; S, 8.0).Reaction of 3-Amino-6-chloropyridazine with Benzylamine.-3-Amino-6-chIoropyridazine l1 (1 .0 g) and benzylamine(20 ml) were refluxed for 3 h and the excess of benzylaminewas removed under reduced pressure. The residue wasextracted with hot ethyl acetate and the extract was filteredand chromatographed over alumina (6 in) in ethyl acetate togive 3-benzylamino-6-chloro~yridazine (0.196 g), m.p. 163-164" (from benzene) (Found: C, 60.4; H, 4.5; N, 19.1.CllHl,CIN, requires C, 60.1; H, 4.6; N, 19.1). Elution17 J. A. Elvidge and J. A. Pickett, J.C.S. Perkin I , 1972, 1483.18 J. Druey, K. Meier, and K. Eichenberger, Helv. Chim. Ada,1964, 37, 1211976 1429of the column with ethanol gave unchanged 3-amino-6-chloropyridazine (0.458 g ) ,When the reaction mixture was refluxed for 63 h, therewas obtained 3,6-bisbenzyZumino~yriduz~ne picrate (0.3 g),m.p. 218-220" (Found: N, 18.9. C,H,,N,O, requires N,18.9). 5/2506 Received, 22nd December, 19751I thank Dr. D. J. Brown for discussion, Dr. M. D. Fennfor assistance in the interpretation and Mr. S. E. Brown formeasurement of the lH n.m.r. spectra, and Miss V. J.Richardson for technical assistance
机译:1424 J.C.S. Perkin 氨基哒嗪的乙基化作者:Gordon B. Barlin,澳大利亚国家约翰科廷医学研究学院医学化学组已经检查了单氨基和二氨基哒嗪与甲碘在甲醇中的季铵化,并鉴定了产物。3-和4-氨基哒嗪和3,5-二氨基哒嗪同时得到1-和2-甲基衍生物.3.4-、3,6-和4.5-二氨基哒嗪各得到一种产物,在第一种情况下,初步鉴定为3.4-二氨基-1-甲基哒嗪鎓碘化物。在这些反应中没有检测到氨化合物。记录并讨论了电离常数、U.V.和l H n.m.r.光谱。澳大利亚堪培拉大学 2600哒嗪(I)的季铵化已被多次检查.l-6 关于氨基吡嗪 I) (Dlidazines, Lund 和 Lundel 通过 n.m.r.光谱研究了从某些 3-氨基哒嗪与乙腈中的甲基碘反应中获得的混合物, 并观察到由于 1- 和 2-甲基衍生物引起的信号; 和 3,6-双(二甲氨基)哒嗪单独在外环氮原子处部分发生季铵化, 得到6-二甲氨基哒嗪-3-基三甲基碘化铵(11),并部分位于环氮原子处。我们在这里描述了简单的单氨基和二氨基哒嗪与甲碘甲醇的反应,在大多数情况下得到 1- 和 2-甲基化产物。形成的异构体已被 H 分离。Lund 和 P. Lunde,化学学报。, 1967, 21, 1067.G. B.Barlinand A. C. Young, J .Chem. Soc. (B), 1971,1261.G. F. Duffin 和 J. D. Kendall, J .Chem. Soc., 1959, 3789.4 N. K. Basu 和 F. L. Rose, J .化学学会, 1963, 5660.t.1.c.并通过 lH n.m.r. 光谱和/或水解对已知化合物进行鉴定。没有证据表明在甲基化中形成氨化合物。除3,6-二氨基哒嗪外,所需的氨基哒嗪均通过文献程序制备。这不能由3-氨基-6-氯吡哒嗪用氨水处理制得,也不能用氨水或氢啼嗪制得3-苯胺基-6-甲基磺酰基哒嗪;它是通过还原3,6-二氢嗒嗪来制备的。3-氨基哒嗪与甲基碘甲醇在20“C下甲基化得到1-和2-甲基衍生物(与三甲基氨-com-磅不同),如单个产物的lH n.m.r.谱图所示,3-氨基-2-甲基吡哒嗪碘化物水解为已知的2-甲基哒嗪-3-酮.34-氨基哒嗪同样得到两种核N-甲基异构体,4-氨基-l-甲基哒嗪鎓碘化物水解为已知的l-甲基哒嗪-M.S. Bale、AB Simmonds 和 WF Trager,J.Chem.G. F. Duffin, Adv. Heterocyclic Chem., 1964, 3, 1.T. V. Gortinskaya 和 M. N. Shchukina, J .Chem.Soc.将军(B),1966年,第867页。(苏联), 1960, 30, 15311976P 哒嗪未取代3-NHa4-NH23,4-(NH2), '4,5-(NH,)z3-NHz-6-C16-COSH-3-OH3-OH-4,5-H2-6-hIe4-NH2-2-Me-3=05-NH2-2-Me-3=04-NHz-3,6-C1,3,4-(NH,) ,-6-C15-NHz-6-Cl-2-Me-3=04-CI-3,6-( OH) 84-C1-6-OH-2-Me-3=05-C1-6-OH-2-Me-3=05, 6-CI2-2-Me-3=0哒嗪碘化物3-NH2-1-Me 33-NH2-2-Me J4-NH,-1-Me 34-NH2-2-Me J3,4-(NHZ),-l-Me J3,5-(NH,) 2-l-Me J3,5-(NHZ),-2-hIe j3,6-(NH,)2-l-Mef4,5-(NH2),-1-Me表1pK,值和紫外光谱电离(在20“C的水中)*物种5 pK,0 i + 0 +2+0 +2 f0 +2+0 + 0 + 02-00 +0 +0 +2+0--0 + 0+0 + 02-000---+ + 0 + + + 0 + + + + + + + 2.335。 196.69 37.640.027.846.72- 1.826.743.532.7510.55-0.280.408.966.828.491.324.49-0.304.7012.595.144.19>14 it:>10k>14k>13>11 k>1313.5913.68Spread(=I=)分析:(M)0.000 10.000 150.000 10.000 10.000 020.000 060.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 010.000 020.000 50.000 50.000 30.000 0250.000 070.000 040.000 30.000 070.000 30.0010.000 030.000 03h/n& 63003502802 80273315250255260283260265305315257305295345345350320310光谱(水中) cr- A231, 294227, 289249, 2809272214, 254, 291226, 299226, 299218, 257, 278225, 277235, 326233, 332229, 296214, 281219, 286, 314(213, ) 239, 312213, 232, 301247, 281237, 285253, 295241287, 292, 309222, 226, 235,276220, 259, 263,281259, 295227232, 285210, 214, 238,2 89218, 236, 305217, 256, 292222, 281208, 221, 259,297204, 232, 275,302282223, 287211, 232, 308223, 241、337241、341211、230、314222、340214、312221、240、339217、235、303311(213)、243、320228、289287277(212)、260、312317(204)、229、305229、300226、278231、331224、290、319log E3.86、3. 313.76, 3.424.07, 3.574.124.13, 3.72, 3.774.06, 3.983.97, 3.934.49, 3.54, 3.544.46, 3.744.06, 3.294.26, 3.274.10, 3.344.38, 3.944.24, 3.79, 3.97(3.67), 3.76, 2.954.07, 3.68, 2.993.87, 3.384.06, 3.553.804.035, 4.045, 3.713.84,, 3.72,4.243.784.14, 3.82, 3.84,3.873.91, 3.564.364.36, 3.754.20, 4.22, 3.15,3.474.26, 3.48, 3.514.12, 3.96, 3.663.96, 4.104.27, 4.15, 3.75,3.764.29, 4.00, 3.77,3.983.734.18, 3.854.31, 3.62, 3.474.30, 3.87, 3.393. 87, 3.504.29, 3.66, 3.564.28, 3.484.22, 3.363.69, 3.21, 2.894.45, 3.67, 3.41(4.26), 3.82, 3.313.63, 3.454.214.18(4.22), 3.98, 3.564.13(4.15), 3.91, 4.054.57, 3.574.45, 3.784.23, 3.324.39, 3.79, 4.02pH 4 . .o0. .O9. - .迪安尼翁。用于测定 sDectroscoDic 的分析波长 a 0.中性物质 : -/- , 阳离子 : 2 + , dication: - , 阴离子 :of pK,.which Hammett 酸度函数 (cf. M. A. Paul and F. A. Long, Chenz. Rev., 1957, 57, 1) 被分配.和 J. Phillips, J. Chem. Soc., 1948, 2240.f A. Albert, Chem. SOC. Sfiecial Publ. No. 3, 1955, p. 124.Soc., 1960, 219.电位滴定.和斜体字的变形。pH 值低于 0 获得的 b 溶液“氢胆酸或 h p h u 是 i c 酸 to6 A. Albert, R. Goldacre,V S. F. Mason, J. Chm.a 测定 byf 为了测定光谱,参比池用碘化钾补偿。用苦味酸补偿的参比池用于测定光谱。高pH溶液中的相对不稳定性排除了pK的测定,值14264-one.2 3,4-二氨基哒嗪与甲碘甲醇仅得到一种产物,与N-氢氧化钠没有产生4-氨基0-2-甲基哒嗪-3-酮.~3,5-二氨基哒嗪得到两种核N-甲基衍生物,其取向是通过将3,5-二氨基-2-甲基哒嗪碘化物水解为5-氨基-2-甲基哒嗪-3-酮而建立的。8 3,6-二氨基哒嗪与甲碘在甲醇中的甲基化反应得到3,6-二氨基-1-meth ylp yridazinium iodide,在100“C的N-氢氧化钠中水解为6-氨基-2-甲基哒嗪-3-酮;4,5-二氨基哒嗪与甲碘在20“C的甲醇中给出了唯一可能的核甲基碘化物。J.C.S.Perkin取代基,5-氯-6-羟基-2-甲基哒嗪-3-酮是一种比其4-氯异构体强0.95 pH单位的酸。所有的亚氨基哒嗪都是强碱。氨基哒嗪与其N-甲基衍生物的紫外谱图比较表明,3-氨基哒嗪阳离子与其2-甲基脱衍生物相似,4-氨基哒嗪阳离子与其l-甲基衍生物相似;因此质子化分别涉及 N-2 和 N-1。对对称3,6-和4,Ci-二氨基哒嗪和3,5-二氨基哒嗪的阳离子谱图的检查显示,其谱图与表21H N.m.r.谱图(6个值)非常相似 *化合物吡啶甲硫化物溶剂2-NHz 6 D,O(CDA2SO3-NHZ DZO4-NHz * DZO3-“Hz-1-MeI DZO3-NH2-2-Mel DZO4-NH2-1-Me1 DZO4-NH2-2-MeI DZO(CD3)(CD3)ZSOPyri d a z i n e(CD3)(CDJ ,SO(CDJ2SO3,4-(NH,),-l-hfeI (CD,),SO3,5-(NH2),-1-MeI D,O3,5-(NH,),-2-MeI D,O3,6-(NH,),- 1-Me1 (CD,) ,SO4,5-(NH,) ,-1-Me1 (CD,) ,SO(CD,),SO(CD3)2S01-Me3.813.804.174.163.933.864. NH2 2-H 3-H7.018.18 7.017.916.50 7.987.85 6.777.88 8.06 6.737.683.923.81 5.228.476.99, 7.784.336.90(3), 7.19(5)3.76 - ..3.74 7.54(5), 7.78(3)6.60(6)、7.98(3)6.50(4)、7.39(5)8.428.408.778.054-H7.767.937.557.557.447.517.587.526.三甲基硅基丙烷-L-磺酸钠和四甲基硅烷作为内标。Kaplan, J. Biol. Chem., 1959,F. W. Kahnt, and J. van Bergen, Helv.奇姆。Acta, 1938, 21, 1174.J. Chem. SOC. (B), 1967, 171, 也记录了这个光谱.234, 1219.E.J.波齐奥梅克,J.奥夫格。CJaern., 1963, 28, 590.电离常数和紫外S@ectra(表I).-二氨基哒嗪的第一个基本pKa值在6.72-7.84范围内,比最基本的相关单氨基吡啶-嗪强0.09-1.53个单位。3,P和3,6-二氨基哒嗪的第一碱基和第二碱性pKa值之差分别为7.62和8.54单位;参见 7.01 和 8.65 在 thediamin~pyridines.~氯取代基在 3 位和 6 位的碱弱化从 3-氨基-6-氯吡啶嗪的 1.66 到 4-氨基-3,6-二氯哒嗪的 5.33 单位不等。Ei-氨基-2-甲基哒嗪-3-酮比4-氨基-2-甲基哒嗪-3-酮强0.68个单位;这可能是由于 O-质子化产生 (111) 型阳离子,该阳离子通过共振稳定,这是 4-氨基化合物所不具备的情况。H2NPH 氮;NMe - Hfl+PoH \“NMe(rn)由于吸电子甲硫化物的接近性,但3,4-二氨基哒嗪的阳离子与其甲硫化物之间存在一些差异。正如预期的那样,3-氨基-6-氯哒嗪在质子化上显示出与S-氨基吡啶-嗪相似的光谱变化,也表明质子化在N-2位点;3,4-二氨基-6-氯哒嗪表现得像3,4-二氨基哒嗪;和4-氨基-3,6-二氯哒嗪,如4-氨基吡哒嗪。4-氯0-3~6-二羟基哒嗪及其2-甲基衍生物的中性物质(和单阴离子)具有密切的相似性;但5-氯-6-羟基-2-甲基哒嗪-3-酮的阴离子的强度强度存在显着差异。 光谱(表2).-这些在可能的情况下在D,O和(CD,),SO中测定氨基吡啶-嗪甲硫化物和氨基吡啶甲硫化物(用于比较)。数据与通过转化为已知化合物而建立的结构一致。在证据上T。Nakagone、A. Misaki 和 T. Komatsu,化学和制药。牛。(日本), 1966, 14, 1082.S G. B. Barlin, J. Chem. SOC., 1964, 21501976 1427由于甲基和H-6的信号,来自3,5-和4,5-二氨基哒嗪甲硫化物,3,4-二氨基哒嗪甲硫化物似乎是l-甲基COM-pound。1张纸[以(a)3%氯化铵水溶液和(b)丁-l-O1--5~-乙酸(7:3)为溶剂],t.l.c.,和lH n.m.r.光谱,并重结晶至常数m.p。分析由澳大利亚国立大学分析服务部门进行,除非另有说明,否则用于分析的固体在100“C下干燥,并且每个m.p.在耐热玻璃毛细管中取出。使用瓦里安 T-60A 光谱仪记录 t 60 MHz 和 35“C 的 1H N.m.r. 光谱。必要时,对部分频谱进行扩展,并对所有信号进行积分。电离常数通常通过光谱法测定,但有一种情况下是通过 I. Hawkins 的电位滴定法测定的。使用 Perkin-Elmer 450 记录分光光度计和 A,,,. 测量紫外光谱用Optica CF4手动仪器(通过D.T.Light)检查E值.3-A米诺吡嗪甲硫化物.-3-氨基哒嗪l1(0.5g),碘甲烷(1.0ml)和甲醇(5.0ml)的混合物在20“C下保持过夜。滤去沉淀(0.55g),滤液蒸发,得黄色固体(0.7g)。[黄色固体的N.m.r.光谱(溶剂D,O)显示甲基信号a t 6 4.24和3.92的强度大致相等,但沉淀物仅显示一个,a t 6 4.24。沉淀从乙醇重结晶得到3-氨基-l-甲基哒嗪。H, 3.9;N,17.7。C,H,IN,需要 C,25.3;H, 3.4;N,17.7%)。由异丙醇制备和重结晶的苦味酸盐分子量为162-163“(发现:C,39.15;H, 3.05;N,25.1。Cl,HloN,O,需要C,39.1;H, 3.1;N, 24.85%)。将黄色固体(0.7 g)置于t.1.c。(二氧化硅;丙酮)和异丙醇重结晶后得到3-氨基-2-nzethyl哒嗪碘化物(0.15g),熔点223-224“ (Found:C, 25.65;H, 3.65;N, 18.1y0)。从水中制备并重结晶的苦味酸盐具有 m.p. 231-232“(发现:C,38.8;H, 3.5;N,24.5。C,,H,,N,O,需要C,39.1;H,3.0;N, 24.85%)。将3-氨基-2-甲基$yridaziniunz Iodide-3-氨基-2-甲基哒嗪碘化物(0.010 g)和O.lN-氢氧化钠(5 ml)的混合物在t 20“C下保持14天。用氯仿提取产物,与正宗的2-甲基哒嗪-3-0ne.~4-A米诺吡嗪甲硫化物-4-氨基哒嗪12*13(0.5g)和甲基碘(1.0ml)在甲醇(2ml)中的混合物在t 20“C下保持12 h,然后将混合物蒸发至干,残余物从异丙醇中重结晶,得到结晶固体(1.04 g)。[本品在D,O中的1H n.m.r.谱图显示6,4.33和4.07(约1:Z)处的甲基信号。一部分(0.94克)经受t.1.c。(氧化铝;乙醇)并给出上带4-亚咔基-l-甲基哒嗪碘化物(0.358g),m.p.10 A. Albert和E. P.Serjeant,“电离常数的测定”,Chapman and Hall,伦敦,1971 年,第 2 版第 11 期 E. A. Steck、R. P. Brundage 和 L. T. Fletcher, J .Amer.Chem. SOC., 1954, 78, 3225.12 T. Kuraishi, Pharm. Bull.(日本), 1956, 4, 497.123-124“ (来自异丙醇-苯) (实测值 : C,25.65;H, 3.6;N,17.4。C,H,IN,要求C,25.3;H, 3.4;N,17.7%),在下带4-氨基-2-甲基Zpyrid-氮化物碘化物(0.060g),m.p.186-187“(来自异丙醇)(发现:C,25.5;H, 3.5;N,18.0%)。将4-氨基-l-甲基哒嗪碘化物-4-氨基-l-甲基哒嗪碘化物(0.050g)在N-氢氧化钠(5ml)中水解22小时。然后用氯仿萃取混合物,将萃取物干燥(Na,SO,)并蒸发,留下凝固的油。本品与正宗的1-甲基哒嗪-6one相同(纸色谱法、t.l.c.和U.V.谱图).23,4-二氨基哒嗪一盐酸盐由Guither等人描述的6-氯0-3~4-二氨基哒嗪14制备,15在水中制备和重结晶的$icrate具有m.p.253-254“(发现:C,35.7;H, 2.6;N,29.4。C,H,N,,C,H,N,O,需要C,35.4;H, 2.7;N28.9%).3,4-二氨基哒嗪甲硫化物.-3,6二氨基哒嗪(从0.50克其双盐酸盐中释放出来的含碱甲醇)、碘甲烷(3.0毫升)和甲醇(10毫升)的混合物在20“C下保持3天。(纸层析表明,反应在2.5 h内完成。将混合物蒸发至干,产物从异丙醇中重结晶,得到3,4-二氨基-l-rnethyZ哒嗪碘化物(0.627g),熔点213-214“ (Found: C, 24.0;H, 3.8;N,21.8.C5H,IN,需要 C,23.9;H, 3.6;N,22.2%).3,5-二亚硒基哒嗪盐酸盐.-5-氨基-4-氯-3-肼基哒嗪1,还原为4-氯-3,5-二氨基哒嗪l5和3,5-二氨基哒嗪盐酸盐.15苦味酸盐(后者)在水中制备和重结晶,具有m.p.303-305“(发现:C,35.3;H, 2.7;N,28.7。C,H,N,,C,H,N,O,需要C,35.4;H, 2.7;N,28.9%).3,5-二氨基哒嗪甲硫化物.-3,5-二氨基哒嗪(从0.5克单盐氯化物15中释放出碱)、碘甲烷(5.0毫升)和甲醇(10毫升)的混合物在20“C下保持4天。然后将混合物蒸发至干,产物用叔丁醇-甲醇重结晶,得到结晶固体(0.645 g),从叔丁醇-甲醇进一步结晶后得到3,5-二氨基-L-甲基哒嗪碘化物(0.254 g),熔点208-210“ (Found: C, 24.0;H, 3.8;N, 21.8.C5H,IN4 需要 C, 23.9;H, 3.6;N, 22.2%)。在水中制备和重结晶的$icrute具有m.p.205“,在与m.p.228”的苦味酸盐混合时压低(发现:C,37.5;H, 3.4;N,27.7。Cl1HllN,O7 需要C, 37.4;H, 3.1;N,27.8%)。蒸发上述异构体重结晶的滤液,将产物溶解在甲醇中并施加到三个氧化铝板(20 x 40 cm)中。这些是用乙醇显影的,去除暗带的上部并用沸腾的乙醇提取。产物用叔丁醇-甲醇重结晶,得到3,5二氨基-2-甲基哒嗪碘化物(0.014 g),熔点254-256“,其特征在于其苦味酸盐(在水中制备和重结晶),熔点228”,13 T. L. Chan and J. Miller, Austral. J .Chem., 1967, 20, 1695.14 G. A. Gerhardt 和 R. N. Castle, J. 杂环咀嚼,15 W. D. Guither, D. G. Clark, and R. N. Castle, J .Hekrocyclicl6 T. Kuraishi 和 RN Castle, J .杂环煤层气, 1964,1964, 1, 247.Chem., 1965, 2, 67.1, 421428 J.C.S. Perkin Idepressed on adture with the picrate of m.p. 205“ (Found :C, 37.9;H, 3.4;N,27.6。Cl1HllN7O7 需要 C, 37.4;H, 3.1;N,27.8%)。将3,5-二氨基-l-甲基~yyridazin-iodide与N-氢氧化钠-3,5-二氨基-l-甲基哒嗪碘化物(0.006 g)和N-氢氧化钠(1.0 ml)在室温下水解4 d。纸层析显示,3天后发生了一些反应,但产物不是5-氨基-2-甲基哒嗪-3-酮。8 将混合物调节pH8,用氯仿萃取,将水溶液蒸干,残渣用沸腾的乙酸乙酯萃取,但均未提取出显著产物。3,5-二氨基-l-和-2甲基哒嗪碘化物与N-氢氧化钠的混合物的水解-3,5-二氨基-l-(和2-)甲基哒嗪碘化物(0.050g;1H n.m.r.证据)和N-氢氧化钠(3.0ml)的混合物在蒸汽浴上加热1小时。将混合物调节至pH 9.0并蒸发至干,并用沸腾的乙酸乙酯提取Theresidue。该提取物经受t.1.c。(氧化铝;异丙醇)并得到少量5-氨基-2-甲基哒嗪-3-酮,与真品相同(纸色谱法和t.1.c.).3,6-二氨基哒嗪.-3,6-二肼基哒嗪17* l8(4.0 g)在水(150 ml)中用氢气和雷尼镍a t大气压振荡5 h,滤去催化剂,用水洗涤,合并滤液蒸发至干。残余物由乙醇结晶,得到3,6-二氨基哒嗪(2.1g),熔点235-237“(lit.,7,235”)(发现:C,43.9;H, 5.8;N,51.1.C,H,N4的计算值: C, 43.6;H, 5.5;N, 50.9%);苦味酸盐(来自乙醇),熔点 277-279“(发现:C,35.5;H.3.1;N,28.7。CloHgN@7需要 C,35.4;H, 2.7;N,28.9%).3,6-二氨基-1-甲基哒嗪碘化物.-3,6-二氨基哒嗪(0.2g),甲基碘(0.5 ml)和甲醇(8 ml)在室温下静置2 d。然后除去溶剂,残余物从异丙醇-甲醇中重结晶,得到3,6-二氨基-l-甲基哒嗪碘化物(0.28g),熔点271-272“ (Found:C, 24.1;H, 3.9;N,21.8。C,HgIN,需要C,23.9;H,3.6;N, 22.2%)。在水中制备并从水中重结晶的苦味酸盐具有 m.p. 215-216“(发现:C,37.75;H, 3.4;N,27.95。CllHllN707 需要 C, 37.4;H, 3.1;N,27.8%)。3,6-二氨基哒嗪甲硫化物的水解。将3,6-二氨基哒嗪甲硫化物(0.025g)和N-氢氧化钠(2.0ml)在蒸汽浴上加热1 h,将混合物调节pH值至9-10,用氯仿萃取,产物由乙酸乙酯重结晶,得到6-氨基-2-甲基哒嗪-3-酮,熔点222-224“,不压在与真品混合时不压下.84-氨基-5-氯-3-肼基-吡嗪-4-氨基-5-氯-3-肼基吡嗪的混合物(2.87 g), 硫酸铜(I1)(10g)和水(170ml)回流1.5小时,如Kuraishi和Castle l6所述,反应6-氨基-4-氯-3-肼基哒嗪。将产物从苯中重结晶分离得到晶体(0.9 g),熔点120-122“(lit.,1670-73”)(发现,对于干燥的材料,20“和20 mmHg,2 h:C,37.6;H, 3.3;N,32.2。C4H,C1N,需要C,37.1;H, 3.1;N,32.4%),M+ 129和131.4,5-二氨基-l-甲基哒嗪碘化物-4,5-二氨基哒嗪盐酸盐l5[0.2 克 ;苦味酸盐(来自水),m.p.240-241“ (发现值: C, 36.6;H, 2.9;N,29.0。C,,H,-N707 需要 C, 35.4;H, 2.7;N,28.9%)]加入甲醇钠(来自0.04克钠)的甲醇(5毫升)中,并将混合物蒸发至干。向残余物中加入甲醇(4毫升)和碘甲烷(2毫升),并将混合物保持室温5天,得到结晶固体。将混合物蒸发至干,产物由异丙醇-甲醇重结晶,得4,bdiamino-1-metlzyl~yridazinium iodide,ni-p。229-231“(发现值:C,24.1;H, 3.75;N,21.8.C,H,IN,需要C,23.9;H, 3.6;N, 22.2%)。在水中制备和重结晶的苦味酸盐具有 m.p.225-226“(发现:C,37.3;H, 3.2;N,27.5。Cl1HllN7O7 要求 C, 37.4;H, 3.1;N,27.8%).5-氯-6-哒嗪,zy-2-甲基~哒嗪-3-酮和4-ChlOYO-6-lzydroxy-2-甲基哒嗪-3-酮.-这些化合物由氯马来酸酐和甲基氢嗪硫酸盐制备,8但溶解性更强,熔点更低的4-氯-6-羟基-2-甲基哒嗪-3-酮在丙酮中通过柱层析纯化,超过二氧化硅(14英寸),并从少量水、丙酮、乙酸或丁酯中重结晶。它有 m.p. 193-196“ (lit.,8 185-186')(发现: C , 37.8;H, 3.1;N,17.4。计算值 C5H5C1N,0,:C, 37.4;H, 3.1;N, 17.45%).5-氨基-2-甲基~哒嗪-3-酮.-该化合物8由乙酸乙酯重结晶而成,熔点为194-196“(lit.,8, 193.5-194.5”).4-氨基-2-甲基哒嗪-3-酮.-该化合物8由乙酸乙酯重结晶,并将熔点173-175'(lit.,8,175-176“).3-氨基-6-甲基硫哒嗪.-3-氨基-6-氯哒嗪11(2.0g)和甲烷硫代酸钠水溶液(由2g氢氧化钠在20ml水中制备)的混合物在密封管a t 120”C中加热12小时。将产物提取成氯仿,从苯中重结晶,得到3-氨基-6-甲基硫代哒嗪(1.7 12 g),熔点117-118“ (发现:C,42.7;H, 5.0;N, 30.1;S,22.8.C,H7N3S需要C,42.5;H, 5.0;N, 29.8;S,22.7%).3-氨基-6-甲磺~匒嗪.-高锰酸钾(1.0g)的水溶液(15ml)在室温下加入3-氨基-6-甲基硫代哒嗪(0.5g)在8N-乙酸(15ml)中的搅拌溶液t,持续搅拌10min。然后通过通入二氧化硫对混合物进行脱色,并通过加入氨水调节至pH 8。然后将产物反复萃取到氯仿中,并用乙醇重结晶,得到3-氨基-6-甲磺基-菲霍基哒嗪(0.224g),熔点183-185“(发现:C,35.1;H, 4.5;N,23.8。C,H,N,O,S要求C,34.7;H, 4.1;N,24.3%)。在乙醇中制备的苦味酸盐具有熔点2 0 6206“(发现值:C,33.1;H, 2.6;N, 20.8;小号,8.1。Cl,HloN807需要C,32.8;H, 2.5;N, 20.9;S,8.0%)。3-氨基-6-氯哒嗪与苄胺-3-氨基-6-氯碘哒嗪l1(1.0 g)和苄胺(20 ml)回流3 h,减压除去过量的苄胺。残余物用热乙酸乙酯萃取,过滤提取液,在乙酸乙酯中的氧化铝(6英寸)上色谱,得到3-苄氨基-6-氯~哒嗪(0.196g),熔点163-164“(来自苯)(所得:C,60.4;H, 4.5;N, 19.1.CllHl,CIN, 需要 C, 60.1;H, 4.6;N,19.1%)。洗脱17 J. A. Elvidge 和 J. A. Pickett, J.C.S. Perkin I , 1972, 1483.18 J. Druey, K. Meier, and K. Eichenberger, Helv.奇姆。Ada,1964,37,1211976 1429在用乙醇的色谱柱中得到不变的3-氨基-6-氯哒嗪(0.458 g),当反应混合物回流63 h时,得到3,6-双二苯胺基Zumino~yriduz~ne苦味酸盐(0.3 g),熔点218-220“ (Found: N, 18.9.C,H,,N,O,需要N,18.9%)。[5/2506 收稿日期,19751 年 12 月 22 日我感谢 D. J. Brown 博士的讨论,感谢 M. D. Fenn 博士在解释方面的协助,感谢 S. E. Brown 先生对 lH n.m.r. 光谱的测量,感谢 V. J.Richardson 小姐的技术援助




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