首页> 外文期刊>fullerene science and technology >Stone-Wales Rearrangement as the Double Olefin-Carbene 1,2-CC Bond Shift. Denied Role of Triplet Biradicals

Stone-Wales Rearrangement as the Double Olefin-Carbene 1,2-CC Bond Shift. Denied Role of Triplet Biradicals

机译:Stone-Wales Rearrangement as the Double Olefin-Carbene 1,2-CC Bond Shift. Denied Role of Triplet Biradicals



Stone-Wales rearrangement may be considered to consist of two contiguous steps of olefin-carbene 1,2-C-C bond shift. Computational study on this mechanism led to high activation energies comparable to the bond dissociation energies of C-C bonds in fullerenes and their precursors. the possibility of passing through triplet transition state is denied on computational grounds.




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