首页> 外文期刊>Pacific Science: A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region >Effect of Nestbox Provisioning on Breeding Density of Dollarbirds (Eurystomus orientalis)

Effect of Nestbox Provisioning on Breeding Density of Dollarbirds (Eurystomus orientalis)


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The Dollarbird (Eurystomus orientalis) is a secondary cavity-nesting bird that is distributed quite locally in Japan. We carried out extensive surveys across Okayama Prefecture to estimate the number of pairs and found that the major breeding site was holes excavated by woodpeckers in wooden electricity and telegraph poles. Wooden poles were abundant until the 1970s, but most were replaced by concrete poles in the 1980s. Removal of wooden poles containing cavities seriously threatened the breeding population over the first half of the 1990s. In an effort to preserve the Dollarbird population in Japan, beginning in 1991 we provided nestboxes in the village of Kibi (Okayama Prefecture). This resulted in only a small increase in population size over the following 5 yr, but between 1996 and 2001 there was a large annual increase in the breeding population. Increase then leveled off after 2002. Population increase showed a time lag following increase in number of available boxes. Finding new nestboxes may take some time, initially resulting in a low occupation rate for some years after start of box provisioning. Finding of nestboxes by pairs that had bred near Kibi and their subsequent reproduction may have led to a sharp population increase between 1995 and 2002. On the other hand, leveling off of increase in Dollarbird breeding pairs after 2003 may have been directly derived from leveling off of increase in available nestboxes. This suggests a maximum nestbox occupancy rate of 70-80 in Kibi.
机译:美元鸟(Eurystomus orientalis)是一种次生空巢鸟,分布在日本当地。我们在冈山县进行了广泛的调查,以估计成对的数量,发现主要的繁殖地点是啄木鸟在木制电线杆和电线杆上挖出的洞。直到 1970 年代,木杆很丰富,但在 1980 年代,大多数被混凝土杆取代。在1990年代上半叶,拆除含有空腔的木杆严重威胁到繁殖种群。为了保护日本的Dollarbird种群,从1991年开始,我们在吉备村(冈山县)提供了巢箱。这导致种群规模在随后的5年中略有增加,但在1996年至2001年期间,繁殖种群每年大幅增加。2002年后,增长趋于平稳。随着可用箱子数量的增加,种群数量增加显示出时间滞后。寻找新的巢箱可能需要一些时间,最初导致在箱子配置开始后的几年内占用率很低。在1995年至2002年期间,在吉备附近繁殖的成对巢箱的发现及其随后的繁殖可能导致种群急剧增加。另一方面,2003年后Dollarbird繁殖对的增加趋于平稳,可能是由于可用巢箱的增加趋于平稳。这表明吉备的最大巢箱占用率为70%-80%。




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