首页> 外文期刊>Journal of clinical laser medicine and surgery >Histological Changes Produced by He-Ne Laser on Different Tissues from Chick Embryo

Histological Changes Produced by He-Ne Laser on Different Tissues from Chick Embryo

机译:Histological Changes Produced by He-Ne Laser on Different Tissues from Chick Embryo



ABSTRACTA structural and mucosubstances histochemical analysis was performed to investigate the effects of He-Ne laser radiation on tongue, stomach, ovary, and kidney of 7-day-old chick embryos. Seventy chick embryos were irradiated with He-Ne laser (power, 5 mW; wavelength, 632.8 nm). After 24 hr of incubation the tissues were dissected out and processed with hematoxylin–eosin, periodic acid–Schiff (PAs), Alcian blue at pH 2.5 and 1.0, and toluidine blue at pH 3.8 reactions. The tongues revealed edema and mononuclear infiltration in the mesenchymatic areas. The cartilage presented severe lesions. Epithelium and gland cells from the stomach were altered. The Alcian blue and PAS reactions were reduced in the apical surface and an increase of mononuclear infiltration and strong metachromasia with alcianophilic reaction were observed in the mucosa and submucosa. In the ovary, disorganization of the tissue structure was manifest and was accompanied by mononuclear infiltration and decrease of mucins associated with the plasma and basement membranes. In the kidney intense metachromasia and alcianophilic reaction surrounding the mononuclear interstitial infiltration was observed. From these results we conclude that He-Ne laser radiations produce histological and mucosub-stances histochemical modifications in relation to endodermic or mesodermic source, which may be linked to mechanisms involved in the teratogenic effects of this radiat




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