首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Coal Geology >Mapping of cleats and fractures as an indicator of in-situ stress orientation, jharia coalfield, India

Mapping of cleats and fractures as an indicator of in-situ stress orientation, jharia coalfield, India


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Cleats and fractures in coal of Barakar Formation in Jharia coalfield, India have been mapped from the coal exposures around 21 opencast and 2 underground coal mines. Macro-cleat distribution, observed from this mapping is similar to that of well-developed coaibed methane (CBM) basins. The opencast coal mines are distributed in SE-NW direction along the boundary of the sickle shaped jharia coal basin. Permeability of CBM through coal seams is the most critical property deciding the viability of any CBM field. It is largely controlled by the degree of cleat development This paper discusses cleat orientation and other structural features, observed in the outcrops of 14 major coal seams in Jharia coalfield and its directional relationship with the in-situ stress (S_H) orientation pattern. Cleat orientation is found to vary laterally within same seam at the different locations, distributed from the south-east part to the north-western part of Jharia coalfield. Face cleat orientation of the 21 opencast coal mines varies from N45°E to N45°W. Change of orientation of cleat, observed around the mining areas is related the orientation of fault systems and orientation of igneous intrusions occurring within the coal bearing packet Maximum in-situ horizontal compressive stress (S_H) direction is found to be parallel to the face cleat orientation in normal faulted basin like Jharia coalfield. An overall, NNE-SSW and NW-SE orientation of the S_H direction is predicted in the coal mines from cleat orientation mapping. S_H orientation is locally modified at places, close to the tectonic features and igneous intrusives. Finite element stress modeling is carried out near Moonidih area. Cleat orientation predicted stress direction matches well with the finite element stress results.
机译:印度贾里亚煤田Barakar组煤的夹板和裂缝已从21个露天煤矿和2个地下煤矿周围的煤炭暴露中绘制出来。从该图中观察到的宏观夹层分布与发育良好的煤层气(CBM)盆地相似。露天煤矿沿镰刀形贾里亚煤盆地边界沿东南-西北方向分布。煤层气通过煤层的渗透性是决定煤层气油田可行性的最关键特性。很大程度上受夹板发育程度的控制 本文讨论了在Jharia煤田14个主要煤层露头中观察到的夹板取向和其他结构特征及其与地应力(S_H)取向模式的方向关系。发现夹板方向在Jharia煤田东南部至西北部分布的不同位置的同一煤层内横向变化。21个露天煤矿的面夹板方向从N45°E到N45°W不等。 在矿区周围观察到的夹板方向变化与断层系统的方位和含煤包内发生的火成岩侵入体的方向有关 在Jharia煤田等正断层盆地中,发现最大原位水平压应力(S_H)方向与工作面夹板方向平行。通过夹板方向映射预测了煤矿S_H方向的整体NNE-SSW和NW-SE方向。S_H方向在靠近构造特征和火成岩侵入体的地方发生了局部变化。在Moonidih区域附近进行了有限元应力建模。夹板方向预测的应力方向与有限元应力结果非常吻合。




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