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Four-membered ring cleavage of perfluorinated benzocyclobutene and 1-methylbenzocyclobutene under the action of I2-SbF5




Mendeleev Communications Electronic Version, Issue 2. 1997 (pp. 47ndash;86) Four-membered ring cleavage of perfluorinated benzocyclobutene and 1-methylbenzocyclobutene under the action of I2ndash;SbF5 Victor M. Karpov,* Tatyana V. Mezhenkova and Vyacheslav E. Platonov Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 630090 Novosibirsk,Russian Federation. Fax: +7 383 235 4752; e-mail: root@orchem.nsk.su Interaction of perfluorobenzocyclobutene with I2 in an SbF5 medium leads to the formation of 2-iodoperfluoroethylbenzene and perfluoro-o-xylene; perfluoro-1-methylbenzocyclobutene in the I2ndash;SbF5 system is transformed into perfluoro-2-ethyltoluene.Previously, we have found that benzocyclobutene 1 and perfluoro-1-methylbenzocyclobutene 2 under the action of Br2 or HF in an SbF5 medium undergo cleavage of the fourmembered ring to give the corresponding 2-bromo- or 2-Hperfluoroalkylbenzenes. 1ndash;3 Here we report a substantially different route to the ring opening of benzocyclobutenes 1 and 2 in the I2ndash;SbF5 system (about the I2ndash;SbF5 system4).We have found that compound 1 under the action of I2 in an SbF5 medium gives not only the cleavage product of the CArndash;C1 bond of the four-membered ring (as in the case of Br2 or HF1,2), but the product of C1ndash;C2 bond cleavage as well.At the same time, compound 2 undergoes only of the C1ndash;C2 bond cleavage. Thus, when heated with I2 in an SbF5 medium, compound 2 is transformed to perfluoro-2-ethyltoluene 3dagger; (Scheme 1). Under the same conditions compound 1 gives perfluoro-o-xylene 4 together with 2-iodoperfluoroethylbenzene 5.In addition to these products, the reaction mixture contained perfluoro- 2-(1-benzocyclobutenyl)ethylbenzene 6, perfluoro-2-(1-hydroxy- 1-benzocyclobutenyl)ethylbenzene 7, perfluoro-2-ethyl- 2'-methyldiphenylmethane 8 and perfluoro-2-ethyl-2'-methylbenzophenone 9Dagger; (Scheme 2). Compound 6 is formed as a result of dimerisation of benzocyclobutene 1 in an SbF5 medium.1 Compound 8 seems to be the product of further transformations of dimer 6 under the reaction conditions (these transformations did not proceed under the action of SbF5 at 90 deg;C in the absence of I2). It may be suggested that oxygen-containing compounds 7 and 9 are the hydrolysis products of cation salts, which seems to be formed from precursors 6 and 8 in an SbF5 medium (cf.refs.5,6). dagger; Compound 3 was described by us earlier.1 Formation of compound 5 from benzocyclobutene 1 under the action of I2 in an SbF5 medium may be represented by a scheme similar to that for reactions of polyfluorobenzocyclobutenes with Br2 or HF in an SbF5 medium.1ndash;3 One of the possible routes of transformation of compound 1 to xylene 4 in the I2ndash;SbF5 system includes intermediate formation of cation 10 (Scheme 3).The latter may be considered as a heteroatomic analogue of perfluorobenzocyclobutenylalkyl cations for which a similar mechanism of four-membered ring cleavage was discussed.7 We gratefully thank the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no.95-03-08374a) for financial support.References 1 V. M. Karpov, T. V. Mezhenkova, V. E. Platonov and G. G. Yakobson, Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr., 1986, 980. 2 V. M. Karpov, T. V. Mezhenkova, V. E. Platonov and L. N. Shchegoleva, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1991, 2618 (Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Div. Chem. Sci., 1991, 40, 2292). 3 V. M. Karpov, T. V. Mezhenkova and V. E. Platonov, J. Fluorine Chem., 1996, 77, 133. Dagger; Typical experimental procedure.Benzocyclobutene 1 (5.07 g, 20.4 mmol) was added to a stirred solution of 5.18 g (20.4 mmol) I2 in 31.0 g (143 mmol) of SbF5. The mixture was stirred for 5 h 45 min at 90 deg;C, then cooled to ndash;10 deg;C, treated with 6 ml of anhydrous HF and poured on to ice cooled with liquid N2. The mixture was then extracted with CH2Cl2 and the combined extracts dried over MgSO4.The solvent was distilled off to give 4.08 g of a mixture containing (GLC, 19F NMR spectrum) 20 of ethylbenzene 5, 28 of xylene 4, 6 of dimer 6, 4 of product 7, 17 of diphenylmethane 8 and 22 of benzophenone 9. Individual compounds 4ndash;9 were isolated by preparative GLC. The 19F NMR spectra of compounds 4 and 6 are in agreement with those reported in literature.8,1 New compounds 5, 7ndash;9 exibited sutisfactory analytical data. 19F NMR spectra, (d/ppm downfield from C6F6 as internal standard). 5 (in CCl4, 56.4 MHz): 78.2 (CF3), 58.3 (F-3), 55.5 (CF2), 32.2 (F-6), 16.7 (F-4), 11.2 (F-5), JF-6, CF2 40 Hz (cf. ref. 1). 7 (in CDCl3, 188.3 MHz): 81.4 (CF3), 62.5 (FA) and 51.2 (FB, CF2CF3), JAB 285 Hz, 68.5 (FA) and 56.8 (FB, CF2), JAB 220 Hz, 33.4 (1F), 27.7 (1F), 26.1 (1F), 24.6 (1F), 18.9 (1F), 16.1 (2F), 13.2 (1F). 8 (in CHCl3, 188.3 MHz): 108.7 (CF3), 92.3 (CF2), 80.7 (CF2CF3), 62.5 (FA) and 59.4 (FB, CF2CF3), JAB 280 Hz, 35.0 (1F), 30.6 (1F), 30.1 (1F), 29.3 (1F), 17.0 (1F), 15.8 (2F), 15.3 (1F). 9 (in Me2CO, 56.4 MHz): 109.6 (CF3), 80.9 (CF2CF3), 59.7 (CF2CF3), 17.9ndash;15.2 (4F), 32.0 (1F), 29.1 (1F), 27.1 (1F), 25.9 (1F). X = H, Br 2 3 Scheme 1 CF(CF3) 2 X CF3 CF2CF3 CF3 F F F F HFndash;SbF5 or Br2 ndash;SbF5 I2 ndash;SbF5 90deg;C + + + + + CF2CF3 C F3C O F F CF2CF3 CF2 F3C F F CF2CF3 OH F F F CF2CF3 F F F F F CF3 CF3 F CF2CF3 I F i, I2ndash;SbF5, 90 deg;C ii, HF iii, H2O 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 Scheme 2 + + + ...F F F F I2 F F F CFI2 CF2 F CF3 CF3 Fndash; SbF5 SbF5 I2 1 10 4 Scheme 3Mendeleev Communications Electronic Version, Issue 2. 1997 (pp. 47ndash;86) 4 (a) R.D. W. Kemmitt, M. Murray, V. M. McRae, R. D. Peacock, M. C. R. Symons and T. A. Orsquo;Donnell, J. Chem. Soc. A, 1968, 862; (b) C. G. Davies, R. J. Gillespie, P. R. Ireland and J. M. Sowa, Can. J. Chem., 1974, 52, 2048. 5 V. M. Karpov, T. V. Mezhenkova, V. E. Platonov and G. G. Yakobson, J. Fluorine Chem., 1985, 28, 121. 6 Yu. V. Pozdnyakovich and V. D. Shteingarts, J. Fluorine Chem., 1974, 4, 317. 7 V. M. Karpov, T. V. Mezhenkova, V. E. Platonov and G. G. Yakobson, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1990, 1114 (Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Div. Chem. Sci., 1990, 39, 1000). 8 F. A. M. Ayanbadejo, Spectrochim. Acta, 1969, 25A, 1009. Received: Moscow, 15th August 1996 Cambridge, 11th November 1996; Com. 6/05864G
机译:门捷列夫通讯电子版,第 2 期。1997 (pp. 47–86) 全氟苯并环丁烯和 1-甲基苯并环丁烯在 I2–SbF5 作用下的四元环裂解 Victor M. Karpov,* Tatyana V. Mezhenkova 和 Vyacheslav E. Platonov,俄罗斯科学院西伯利亚分院新西伯利亚有机化学研究所,俄罗斯联邦新西伯利亚,630090。传真: +7 383 235 4752;电子邮件: root@orchem.nsk.su 在SbF5介质中,全氟苯并环丁烯与I2的相互作用导致2-碘全氟乙苯和全氟邻二甲苯的形成;I2-SbF5体系中的全氟-1-甲基苯并环丁烯转化为全氟-2-乙基甲苯。以前,我们发现苯并环丁烯 1 和全氟-1-甲基苯并环丁烯 2 在 SbF5 介质中 Br2 或 HF 的作用下发生四元环裂解,得到相应的 2-溴或 2-H全氟烷基苯。1-3 在这里,我们报告了 I2-SbF5 系统中苯并环丁烯 1 和 2 开环的途径(关于 I2-SbF5 系统4)。我们发现化合物 1 在 SbF5 介质中 I2 的作用下,不仅会产生四元环的 CAr-C1 键的裂解产物(如 Br2 或 HF1,2),而且还会产生 C1-C2 键裂解的产物。同时,化合物 2 仅经历 C1-C2 键断裂。因此,当在SbF5介质中用I2加热时,化合物2转化为全氟-2-乙基甲苯3†(方案1)。在相同条件下,化合物1得到全氟邻二甲苯4和2-碘全氟乙苯 5.In 除这些产物外,反应混合物中含有全氟-2-(1-苯并环丁烯基)乙苯6、全氟-2-(1-羟基-1-苯并环丁烯基)乙苯7、全氟-2-乙基-2'-甲基二苯甲烷8和全氟-2-乙基-2'-甲基二苯甲酮9‡(方案2)。化合物 6 是苯并环丁烯 1 在 SbF5 介质中的二聚化而形成的.1 化合物 8 似乎是二聚体 6 在反应条件下进一步转化的产物(这些转化在 SbF5 的作用下没有进行5 在没有 I2 的情况下在 90 °C 下)。可以认为,含氧化合物7和9是阳离子盐的水解产物,阳离子盐似乎是由前体6和8在SbF5介质中形成的(参见参考文献5,6)。† 我们之前已经描述了化合物 3.1 在 SbF5 介质中 I2 的作用下,苯并环丁烯 1 形成化合物 5 的方案可以用类似于多氟苯并环丁烯与 Br2 或 HF 在 SbF5 介质中的反应的方案来表示.1-3 在 I2-SbF5 系统中化合物 1 转化为二甲苯 4 的可能途径之一包括阳离子 10 的中间形成(方案 3)。后者可以被认为是全氟苯并环丁烯基烷基阳离子的杂原子类似物,讨论了四元环裂解的类似机制.7 我们非常感谢俄罗斯基础研究基金会(项目编号95-03-08374a)的财政支持。参考文献 1 V. M. Karpov, T. V. Mezhenkova, V. E. Platonov 和 G. G. Yakobson, Bull.Soc. Chim.Fr., 1986, 980.2 V. M. Karpov, T. V. Mezhenkova, V. E. Platonov 和 L. N. Shchegoleva, Izv.阿卡德。Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1991, 2618 (Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Div. Chem. Sci., 1991, 40, 2292)。3 V. M. Karpov, T. V. Mezhenkova 和 V. E. Platonov, J. Fluorine Chem., 1996, 77, 133.‡ 典型的实验程序。将苯并环丁烯1(5.07g,20.4mmol)加入到5.18g(20.4mmol)I2的SbF5溶液中的31.0g(143mmol)溶液中。将混合物在90°C下搅拌5小时45分钟,然后冷却至-10°C,用6ml无水HF处理并倒在用液体N 2冷却的冰上。然后用CH2Cl2萃取混合物,并用MgSO4干燥合并的提取物,蒸出溶剂,得到4.08克含有(GLC,19F NMR谱图)20%乙苯5、28%二甲苯4、6%二聚体6、4%产物7、17%二苯甲烷8和22%二苯甲酮9的混合物。通过制备型GLC分离单个化合物4–9。化合物 4 和 6 的 19F NMR 谱图与文献报道的一致.8,1 新化合物 5、7-9 已获得出厂分析数据。19F NMR 波谱,(以 C6F6 为内标的 d/ppm 下场)。5 (在 CCl4 中,56.4 MHz):78.2 (CF3)、58.3 (F-3)、55.5 (CF2)、32.2 (F-6)、16.7 (F-4)、11.2 (F-5)、JF-6、CF2 40 Hz(参见参考文献 1)。7(在 CDCl3 中,188.3 MHz):81.4 (CF3)、62.5 (FA) 和 51.2 (FB、CF2CF3)、JAB 285 Hz、68.5 (FA) 和 56.8 (FB、CF2)、JAB 220 Hz、33.4 (1F)、27.7 (1F)、26.1 (1F)、24.6 (1F)、18.9 (1F)、16.1 (2F)、13.2 (1F)。8(CHCl3,188.3 MHz):108.7 (CF3)、92.3 (CF2)、80.7 (CF2CF3)、62.5 (FA) 和 59.4 (FB、CF2CF3)、JAB 280 Hz、35.0 (1F)、30.6 (1F)、30.1 (1F)、29.3 (1F)、17.0 (1F)、15.8 (2F)、15.3 (1F)。9(Me2CO,56.4 MHz):109.6 (CF3)、80.9 (CF2CF3)、59.7 (CF2CF3)、17.9–15.2 (4F)、32.0 (1F)、29.1 (1F)、27.1 (1F)、25.9 (1F)。X = H, Br 2 3 方案 1 CF(CF3) 2 X CF3 CF2CF3 CF3 F HF–SbF5 或 Br2 –SbF5 I2 –SbF5 90°C++ + + + CF2CF3 C F3C O F F CF2CF3 CF2 F3C F F CF2CF3 OH F F CF2CF3 F CF3 CF3 F CF2CF3 I F i, I2–SbF5, 90 °C ii, HF iii, H2O 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 方案 2 + + + ...F F F F I2 F F F CFI2 CF2 F CF3 CF3 F– SbF5 SbF5 I2 1 10 4 方案 3门捷列夫通信电子版,第 2 期。1997 年(第 47-86 页) 4 (a) R.D. W. Kemmitt, M. Murray, V. M. McRae, R. D. Peacock, M. C. R. Symons 和 T. A. O'Donnell, J. Chem. Soc.答, 1968, 862;(b) C.G.Davies、R.J.Gillespie、P.R.Ireland和J.M.Sowa,Can.J.Chem.,1974年,第52页,第2048页。5 V. M. Karpov, T. V. Mezhenkova, V. E. Platonov 和 G. G. Yakobson, J. 氟化学, 1985, 28, 121.6 于.V. Pozdnyakovich 和 V. D. Shteingarts,J. 氟化学。, 1974, 4, 317.7 V.M.卡尔波夫、T.V.梅任科娃、V.E.普拉托诺夫和G.G.雅科布森,伊兹夫。阿卡德。Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1990, 1114 (Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Div. Chem. Sci., 1990, 39, 1000)。8 F. A. M. Ayanbadejo,斯克罗希姆。Acta, 1969, 25A, 1009.收稿日期: 莫斯科,1996 年 8 月 15 日 剑桥,1996 年 11 月 11 日;通讯 6/05864G




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