首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Unusual behaviour of 4,5-dichloro-1,2,3-dithiazolium chloride (Appel's salt) with 5-aminopyrazoles: a synthetic method of 1H-pyrazolo3,4-dthiazoles

Unusual behaviour of 4,5-dichloro-1,2,3-dithiazolium chloride (Appel's salt) with 5-aminopyrazoles: a synthetic method of 1H-pyrazolo3,4-dthiazoles




J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. 1 1995 Unusual behaviour of 4,5-dichloro-l,2,3-dithiazolium chloride (Appel's salt) with 5-aminopyrazoles: a synthetic method of 1H-pyrazolo3,4-4thiazoles Gerrit L'abb6,* Bart D'hooge and Wim Dehaen Department of Chemistry, University of Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200F, 3001 Leuven (Heverlee), Belgium 1H-Pyrazolo3,4-~thiazole-5-carbonitriles9 are obtained by treating 4-unsubstituted 5-aminopyrazoles with Appel's salt at room temperature in the presence of 2,6-dimethylpyridine. In 1985 Appel et al. ' reported the reaction of chloroacetonitrile with disulfur dichloride to give the title heterocycle 1 as a green crystalline substance. This salt possesses a high reactivity at the 5-position where the chlorine atom is readily displaced by water, hydrogen sulfide, arylamines and active methylene compounds to yield derivatives 2-5.'*2 Appel's salt has also found an interesting application in converting carboxylic acids and alcohols into esters under mild conditiom3 c1 c1 NI J Y c1- N+XI s- s+ s-s 1 2 x=o 3 x=s 4 x=NR s X=CR'R~ Very recently, Cuadro and Alvarez-Builla published the reactions of salt 1 with aminoheterocycles to give the corresponding 5-imino- 1,2,3-dithiazoles 4 (R = heterocycle).We have obtained similar results with 2-arnino-4,Sdihydro- thiazole (1 773, 2-aminothiazole (25), 3-amino-5-methyl- isoxazole (4973, 3-amino- 1 -methylpyrazole (9473, 3-amino-1 -methyl-5-methylsulfanyl-1,2,4-triazole (4 l), 2-aminopyridine (69) and 2-amino-4,6-dimethylpyrimidine(68).In contrast, the 5-aminopyrazoles 6a-c reacted with the salt 1 at room temperature to give the 1H-pyrazolo3,4-dthiazoles 9a-c. We assume that the imines 7a-c are formed first and then undergo a spontaneous intramolecular cyclization with extrusion of sulfur and hydrogen chloride as shown in Scheme 1. Rees reported similar reactions for the phenyl derivatives lOa,b but noticed that compound 10b undergoes this cyclization-elimination only at 250 "C. Evidently, the enamine moiety in pyrazoles 7a-c is a much better electron-donating group than phenyl in compound lob. In fact, this facile pathway seems to be restricted to 4- unsubstituted 5-aminopyrazoles since product 12 derived from 3-amino-1-methylpyrazole was unable to give the 2H-pyrazolo- 3,4-dthiazole 13 by a similar mechanism. This compound was unchanged in refluxing toluene overnight, and decomposed to intractable tars when heated at 200 "C.The thermal stability of 12 is attributed to the lower nucleophilicity of the C-4 position compared with 7, and also to the attractive S N interaction which holds the molecule in a restricted conformation, unfavourable for cyclization. Previous methods for the synthesis of 1H-pyrazolo3,4-d-thiazoles also used 5-aminopyrazoles as starting materials but required multi-step reactions. The present method has the advantage of introducing the S-C-CN unit directly onto the aminopyrazole under mild conditions and in one step from Appel's salt.NC C1 L 6a-c 7a-c R' I 9a-c a R'=R3=Me 8a-c b R'=R3=Ph c R'=Ph.R3=Me Scheme 1 10a,b lla,b a X = CPh, 20 "C b X=N,250deg;C 12 13 Experimental 1,3-Dimethyl-lH-pyrazolo3,4-d thiazole-5carbonitrile 9a To a stirred suspension of the salt 1 (1 g, 4.8 mmol) in dichloromethane (20 cm3) under nitrogen atmosphere was added an equimolar amount of the aminopyrazole 6a (0.54 g) and 2,6-dimethylpyridine (1.03 g, 2 equiv.) in dichloromethane (20 cm3). After being stirred at room temperature for 1 h, the reaction mixture was concentrated and chromatographed on silica gel with dichloromethane as the eluent to give the bicycle 9a (0.69 g, Sl), mp 107 "C (from dichloromethane-hexane); v,,,(KBr)/cm-' 2217s (CN), 1583s and 1515s; G,(CDCI,, 400 MHz) 2.53 (3 H, s, Me) and 3.91 (3 H, s, NMe); G,(CDCI,) 13.1 (9, 'J 129, Me), 34.75 (9, 'J 141, NMe), 110.3 (s,CN), 120.4(s,C-5), 130.3(q, 3J3,C-3a), 135.4(q, 'J7,C-3) and 165.7 (4, 3J2, C-6a); m/z 178 (M'+, loo), 177 (Ma+ -H, 46), 163 (M" -Me, 24), 149 (M'+ -NMe, 37), 94 (M'+ -NC-CNS, 41), 9 1 (1 2), 86 (25), 84 (NC-CNS' ,42), 7 1 (15), 70+ (NC-CS', 26), 69 (17), 57 (26), 55 (20), 51 (21), 49 (60), 43 (MeN,+, 74) and 41 (MeCN", 26) (Found: M", 178.0311.C7H6N4S requires M, 178.03 13). The following compounds were similarly prepared. 1,3-Diphenyl-lH-pyrazolo3,4-dthiazole-5-carbonitrile 9b (52), mp 160 "C (from dichloromethane); v,,,(KBr)/cm-' 2217m (CN), 1599s, 1563s, 1514s and 1501s; G,(CDCl,, 400 MHz) 7.25 (I H, t), 7.44-7.53 (5 H, m), 8.06 (2 H, d) and 8.17 (2 H, d); G,-(CDCl,) 110.9 (CN), 117.5, 125.7, 129.3 and 138.2 (NPh), 121.8 (C-5), 127.0, 129.0, 129.7 and 130.3 (Ph), 128.98 (C-3a), 139.2 (C-3) and 163.7 (C-6a); m/z 302 (Me+, 31), 301 (20), 77 (Ph', loo), 70 (NC-CS', 14) and 51 (73) (Found: M", 302.0633. C1 7H10N4S requires M, 302.0626).3-Methyl-1-phenyl-lH-pyrazolo3,4-dthiazole-5-carbo-nitrile 9c (40), mp 144 "C; vmax(KBr)/cm-' 2225m (CN), 1590s and 1518s; G,(CDCl,, 400 MHz) 2.63 (3 H, s, Me), 7.24 (1 H, t), 7.48 (2 H, t) and 8.10 (2 H, d); 8,-(CDCl,) 13.2 (Me), 1lO.O(CN), 117.2,125.3,129.4and 138.4(Ph), 120.8 (C-5), 132.3 (C-3a), 137.4 (C-3) and 163.2 (C-6a); m/z 240 (M'+, loo), 239 (M" -H, 53), 199 (Me+ -CN -Me, lo), 118 (38), 91 (PhN'+, 30), 77 (Ph', 75) and 51 (70) (Found: C, 59.8; H, 3.3.C1,H,N,S requires C, 59.98; H, 3.36). J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. 1 1995 Acknowledgements Financial support from the NFWO and the Ministerie voor Wetenschapsbeleid is gratefully acknowledged. This work has been accomplished with fellowships from the IWONL (for B. D.) and the NFWO (for W. D.). References 1 R. Appel, H. Janssen, M. Siray and F. Knoch, Chem. Ber., 1985,118, 1632. 2 C. W. Rees, J. Heterocycl. Chem., 1992,29, 639. 3 J. J. Folmer and S. M. Weinreb, Tetrahedron Lett., 1993,34,2737. 4 A. M. Cuadro and J. Alvarez-Builla, Tetrahedron, 1994,50, 10037. 5 G. L'abbe, L. Bastin, W. Dehaen, S. Toppet, P. Delbeke, D. Vlieghe and L. Van Meervelt, J. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans. 1, 1994,2545. 6 C. B. Vicentini, A. C. Veronese, M. Guarneri, M. Manfrini and P. Giori, Heterocycles, 1993,36, 857 and references cited therein. Paper 5/05002B Received 27th July 1995 Accepted 8th August 1995
机译:J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. 1 1995 4,5-二氯-l,2,3-二噻唑氯化物(阿佩尔盐)与5-氨基吡唑的异常行为:1H-吡唑并[3,4-4噻唑的合成方法 Gerrit L'abb6,* Bart D'hooge 和 Wim Dehaen 鲁汶大学化学系,Celestijnenlaan 200F,3001 Leuven (Heverlee), Belgium 1H-吡唑并[3,4-~噻唑-5-甲腈9 通过在室温下用阿佩尔盐在2,6-二甲基吡啶.1985年,Appel等人报道了氯乙腈与二氯化二硫的反应,使杂环1成为一种绿色结晶物质。该盐在 5 位具有高反应性,其中氯原子很容易被水、硫化氢、芳胺和活性亚甲基化合物置换,产生衍生物 2-5。*2 Appel's salt在温和的条件下将羧酸和醇转化为酯类也发现了一个有趣的应用3 c1 c1 NI J Y c1- N+XI s- s+ s-s 1 2 x=o 3 x=s 4 x=NR s X=CR'R~ 最近,Cuadro 和 Alvarez-Builla 发表了盐 1 与氨基杂环反应得到相应的 5-亚氨基-1,2,3-二噻唑 4(R = 杂环)的文章。我们用2-阿诺基-4,二氢噻唑(1 773,2-氨基噻唑(25%))、3-氨基-5-甲基-异噁唑(4973,3-氨基-1-甲基吡唑(9473,3-氨基-1-甲基-5-甲硫基-1,2,4-三唑(4升)、2-氨基吡啶(69%)和2-氨基-4,6-二甲基嘧啶(68%)获得了类似的结果。相反,5-氨基吡唑6a-c在室温下与盐1反应,得到1H-吡唑并[3,4-d]噻唑9a-c。我们假设首先形成亚胺7a-c,然后通过硫和氯化氢的挤出进行自发分子内环化,如方案1所示。Rees报告了苯基衍生物lOa,b的类似反应,但注意到化合物10b仅在250“C时才经历这种环化消除。事实上,这种简单的途径似乎仅限于4-未取代的5-氨基吡唑,因为衍生自3-氨基-1-甲基吡唑的产物12无法通过类似的机制得到2H-吡唑并[3,4-d]噻唑13。该化合物在回流甲苯中过夜不变,在200“C下加热时分解为难处理的焦油.12的热稳定性归因于与7相比C-4位置的亲核性较低,以及有吸引力的SN相互作用,使分子保持在有限的构象中,不利于环化。以往合成1H-吡唑并[3,4-d]-噻唑的方法也使用5-氨基吡唑作为起始原料,但需要多步反应。该方法的优点是在温和的条件下将S-C-CN单元直接引入氨基吡唑上,并且只需一步即可获得Appel盐。NC C1 L 6a-c 7a-c R' I 9a-c a R'=R3=Me 8a-c b R'=R3=Ph c R'=Ph.R3=Me 方案 1 10a,b lla,b a X = CPh, 20“C b X=N,250°C 12 13 实验 1,3-二甲基-lH-吡唑并[3,4-d]噻唑-5甲腈 9a 向盐1(1g, 4.8 mmol)在二氯甲烷(20 cm3)中,在氮气保护下加入等摩尔量的氨基吡唑6a(0.54 g)和2,6-二甲基吡啶(1.03 g,2当量)的二氯甲烷(20 cm3)中的二氯甲烷(20 cm3)。在室温下搅拌1h后,将反应混合物浓缩,并以二氯甲烷为洗脱剂在硅胶上色谱,得到自行车9a(0.69g,Sl%),mp为107“C(来自二氯甲烷-己烷);v,,,(KBr)/cm-' 2217s (CN)、1583s 和 1515s;G,(CDCI,,400 MHz) 2.53 (3 H, s, Me) 和 3.91 (3 H, s, NMe);G,(CDCI,) 13.1 (9, 'J 129, Me), 34.75 (9, 'J 141, NMe), 110.3 (s,CN), 120.4(s,C-5), 130.3(q, 3J3,C-3a), 135.4(q, 'J7,C-3) 和 165.7 (4, 3J2, C-6a);m/z 178 (M'+, loo%), 177 (马+ -H, 46), 163 (M“ -Me, 24), 149 (M'+ -NMe, 37), 94 (M'+ -NC-CNS, 41), 9 1 (1 2), 86 (25), 84 (NC-CNS' ,42), 7 1 (15), 70+ (NC-CS', 26), 69 (17), 57 (26), 55 (20), 51 (21), 49 (60), 43 (MeN,+, 74) 和 41 (MeCN”, 26) (发现: M“, 178.0311.C7H6N4S 需要 M, 178.03 13)。以下化合物的制备类似。1,3-二苯基-1H-吡唑并[3,4-d]噻唑-5-甲腈9b(52%),熔点160“C(来自二氯甲烷);v,,,(KBr)/cm-' 2217m (CN), 1599s, 1563s, 1514s and 1501s;G,(CDCl,,400 MHz) 7.25 (I H, t), 7.44-7.53 (5 H, m), 8.06 (2 H, d) 和 8.17 (2 H, d);G,-(CDCl,) 110.9 (CN)、117.5、125.7、129.3 和 138.2 (NPh)、121.8 (C-5)、127.0、129.0、129.7 和 130.3 (Ph)、128.98 (C-3a)、139.2 (C-3) 和 163.7 (C-6a);m/z 302 (Me+, 31%), 301 (20), 77 (Ph', loo), 70 (NC-CS', 14) 和 51 (73) (发现: M“, 302.0633.C1 7H10N4S要求M,302.0626).3-甲基-1-苯基-lH-吡唑并[3,4-d]噻唑-5-甲腈9c(40%),熔点144“C;vmax(KBr)/cm-' 2225m (CN), 1590s 和 1518s;G,(CDCl,,400 MHz) 2.63 (3 H, s, Me), 7.24 (1 H, t), 7.48 (2 H, t) 和 8.10 (2 H, d);8,-(CDCl,) 13.2 (Me), 1lO.O(CN), 117.2,125.3,129.4 and 138.4(Ph), 120.8 (C-5), 132.3 (C-3a), 137.4 (C-3) and 163.2 (C-6a);m/z 240 (M'+, loo%), 239 (M“ -H, 53), 199 (Me+ -CN -Me, lo), 118 (38), 91 (PhN'+, 30), 77 (Ph', 75) 和 51 (70) (发现: C, 59.8;H, 3.3.C1,H,N,S 要求 C, 59.98;H,3.36%)。J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. 1 1995 致谢 感谢 NFWO 和 Ministerie voor Wetenschapsbeleid 的财政支持。这项工作是在IWONL(B.D.)和NFWO(W.D.)的奖学金下完成的。参考文献 1 R. Appel, H. Janssen, M. Siray and F. Knoch, Chem. Ber., 1985,118, 1632.2 C.W.里斯,J.杂环。化学。, 1992,29, 639.3 J. J. Folmer 和 S. M. Weinreb,Tetrahedron Lett.,1993,34,2737。4 A. M. Cuadro 和 J. Alvarez-Builla,四面体,1994,50,10037。5 G. L'abbe, L. Bastin, W. Dehaen, S. Toppet, P. Delbeke, D. Vlieghe and L. Van Meervelt, J. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans. 1, 1994,2545.6 C. B. Vicentini, A. C. Veronese, M. Guarneri, M. Manfrini and P. Giori, Heterocycles, 1993,36, 857 及其引用的参考文献。论文 5/05002B 收稿日期 1995年7月27日 录用日期 1995年8月8日




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