首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of school health >Health Risk Behaviors, Experiences, and Conditions Among Students Attending Private and Public High Schools

Health Risk Behaviors, Experiences, and Conditions Among Students Attending Private and Public High Schools


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BACKGROUND Approximately 8.8 of US high school students attended private schools in 2015. Few studies have characterized health risk behaviors among these students or compared prevalence of behaviors between students in private and public schools using a contemporary, nationally representative sample. METHODS Pooled 2007-2017 national Youth Risk Behavior Survey data were used to estimate the prevalence of 35 health risk behaviors for 89,848 public and private high school students. Unadjusted prevalence ratios were used to compare prevalence by school type. Differences in behaviors by school type were explored by sex and grade. RESULTS Among private school students, the prevalence ranged from 5.0 to 31.9 for sexual risk behaviors; from 0.8 to 30.1 for substance use behaviors; from 0.7 to 21.8 for behaviors related mental health and suicide; from 3.2 to 6.8 for violence victimization experiences; and from 3.1 to 52.9 for behaviors related to unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. Private school students were less likely than public school students to report most behaviors; differences by school type were generally consistent across sex and grade. CONCLUSIONS Students in both public and private schools reported health risk behaviors. Findings might inform prevention activities by identifying behaviors to prioritize in each school setting.
机译:背景:2015年,大约8.8%的美国高中生就读于私立学校。很少有研究描述这些学生的健康风险行为,或者使用当代的、具有全国代表性的样本来比较私立和公立学校学生之间的行为流行率。方法 汇总 2007-2017 年全国青少年风险行为调查数据,估计 89,848 名公立和私立高中生的 35 种健康风险行为的患病率。使用未经调整的患病率比率来比较不同学校类型的患病率。按性别和年级探讨了不同学校类型的行为差异。结果 在私立学校学生中,性危险行为的患病率为5.0%-31.9%;物质使用行为从0.8%增加到30.1%;与心理健康和自杀相关的行为从0.7%增加到21.8%;暴力受害经历从3.2%降至6.8%;与不健康饮食和缺乏身体活动有关的行为从3.1%增加到52.9%。私立学校的学生比公立学校的学生报告大多数行为的可能性更小;不同学校类型的差异在性别和年级之间基本一致。结论 公立和私立学校的学生都报告了健康风险行为。研究结果可能会通过确定每个学校环境中要优先考虑的行为来为预防活动提供信息。




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