首页> 外文期刊>IEICE Transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications & computer sciences >A Sufficient Condition for Ruling Out Some Useless Test Error Patterns in Iterative Decoding Algorithms

A Sufficient Condition for Ruling Out Some Useless Test Error Patterns in Iterative Decoding Algorithms


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In an iterative decoding algorithm, such as Chase Type-Ⅱ decodingalgorithm and its improvements, candi- date codewords for a receivedvector are generated for test based on a bounded-distance decoder anda set of test error patterns. It is desirable to remove useless testerror patterns in these decoding algorithms. This paper presents asufficient condition for ruling out some useless test error patterns.If this condition holds for a test error patterns e, then e can notproduce a candidate code- word with a correlation metric larger thanthose of the candidate codewords generated already and hence e isuseless. This signifi- cantly reduces the decoding operations inChase type-Ⅱ decoding algorithm or decoding iterations in itsimprovements.
机译:在迭代解码算法中,例如 Chase Type-II. 解码算法及其改进,基于有界距离解码器和一组测试错误模式生成接收向量的 candi- date 码字进行测试。希望消除这些解码算法中无用的测试错误模式。本文为排除一些无用的测试误差模式提供了充分条件。如果此条件适用于测试错误模式 e,则 e 无法生成相关度量大于已生成的候选码字的相关度量,因此 e 是无用的。这大大减少了 Chase type-II 中的解码操作。 解码算法或解码迭代在其改进中。




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