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Does Weed Size Matter? An Indiana Grower Perspective about Weed Control Timing


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Corn and soybean growers across Indiana were surveyed to assess their perceptions about the importance of preplant and POST weed control timing, focusing mainly on soybean production. Despite studies demonstrating the importance of planting into a clean field, almost a third of Indiana growers do not think it is important to plant into a weed-free seedbed and 74 do not use residual herbicides in glyphosate-resistant soybean production systems. Growers who farmed less than 200 ha were more likely tooverestimate the ability of soybean to tolerate weed interference than growers who farmed more hectares. Growers who manage smaller farms were also more likely to use a one-pass weed control program than larger growers. This suggests that yield losses toweed interference may be greater for smaller farms than for larger farms. Weed size and density were the most common criteria used by growers to decide when to apply herbicides. This suggests that field scouting plays an important role in the decision-making process of growers. However, a substantial proportion of growers apply POST herbicides to large common lambsquarters and giant ragweed in an attempt to minimize the number of trips across the field for weed control. Delayed control of these specieslikely contributes to reduced crop yields, higher application rates, and to the survival of treated plants. Opportunities to improve control and increase yields through more optimal herbicide use appear possible for Indiana corn and soybean growers.
机译:对印第安纳州的玉米和大豆种植者进行了调查,以评估他们对种植前和种植后杂草控制时机重要性的看法,主要关注大豆生产。尽管研究表明种植在干净的田地中很重要,但近三分之一的印第安纳州种植者认为种植到无杂草的苗床中并不重要,74%的种植者在抗草甘膦大豆生产系统中不使用残留除草剂。种植面积少于200公顷的种植者比种植面积较多的种植者更有可能高估大豆耐受杂草干扰的能力。与大型种植者相比,管理小型农场的种植者也更有可能使用一次性杂草控制计划。这表明,与大型农场相比,小型农场对杂草干扰的产量损失可能更大。杂草大小和密度是种植者用来决定何时施用除草剂的最常见标准。这表明田间考察在种植者的决策过程中起着重要作用。然而,相当一部分种植者将 POST 除草剂施用于大型普通羊羔和巨型豚草,以尽量减少在田间进行杂草控制的次数。延迟控制这些物种可能会导致作物产量降低、施用量提高以及处理植物的存活。印第安纳州玉米和大豆种植者似乎有机会通过更优化的除草剂使用来改善控制和提高产量。




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