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Hormone Replacement Therapy With Estrogen or Estrogen Plus Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Is Associated With Increased Epithelial Proliferation in the Normal Postmenopausal Breast




Despite its many clinical benefits, including a diminished risk of coronary artery disease, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may increase the risk of breast cancer. Whether estrogen, progestin, or both serve to promote proliferative changes in the breast epithelium remains unclear. This cross-sectional observational study examined the proliferative effects of HRT using estrogen alone or combined with the progestin medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) in 86 postmenopausal women having surgical breast biopsy. All had been amenorrheic for 12 consecutive months, undergone bilateral ovariectomy at least 1 year earlier or who were 55 years of age or older. Hormones, taken daily, included conjugated equine estrogens (CEEs), micronized estradiol, and ethinyl estradiol. MPA was taken in a dose of 2.5 to 5 mg in conjunction with CEE or micronized estradiol. Biopsy specimens were examined immunohistochemically in a double-blinded manner using antindash;proliferative cell nuclear antigen (anti-PCNA) and Ki67 antibodies, which detect different proteins present in cycling cells.The PCNA index was significantly higher in women taking estrogen (E) alone or combined estrogen/progestin (E plus; P) HRT than in the no-HRT group (Fig. 1). In the E plus; P group, changes were most marked in the terminal duct-lobular unit (TDLU). Comparable results were obtained using Ki67 antibody, except that the E-alone and no-HRT groups did not differ significantly. PCNA indices correlated with the duration of either form of HRT, although not to a statistically significant degree. Epithelial-cell density was significantly greater in women given HRT of either type and was greatest in the E plus; P group. Lobules were relatively large and less compact in this group and the acini had larger lumens, similar to what is seen during the luteal phase in cycling women. Progesterone receptorndash;positive cells were 3-fold more frequent in ducts and TDLU of the E-alone group than in the no-HRT group. The addition of progestin lowered progesterone receptor levels. Estrogen receptorndash;positive cells were similarly frequent in all groups.Fig. 1. Epithelial proliferation indices in normal breast tissue of postmenopausal women and cycling premenopausal women. The number under each bar represents the number of individuals for whom ducts or TDLU could be analyzed. ast;, P equals; .002ndash;.0001 that the percentages of PCNA- (A) and Ki67- (B) positive cells in the TDLU of the E plus; P group were significantly greater than in TDLU of no-HRT or E-alone groups; dagger;, P equals; .007ndash;.002 that the percentages of PCNA-positive cells in the TDLU or ducts of the E group or ducts of the E plus; P group were significantly greater than in the TDLU or ducts of the no-HRT group; Dagger;, P .05 that the percentages of PCNA- and Ki67-positive cells in the TDLU of the luteal-phase group were significantly greater than in the TDLU of the follicular-phase group; sect;, P .05 that the percentages of PCNA- and Ki67-positive cells were greater in TDLU than in the ducts of the same group. Used with permission. Hofseth LJ et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1999;84colon;4559ndash;4565. copy; The Endocrine Society.Combined estrogen/progestin HRT is associated with increased epithelial-cell proliferation in the TDLU of the postmenopausal breast, and there is evidence that more marked changes accompany longer-term treatment. It is possible that different progestins have disparate effects on breast tissue.J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1999;84colon;4559ndash;4565
机译:尽管激素替代疗法 (HRT) 具有许多临床益处,包括降低患冠状动脉疾病的风险,但可能会增加患乳腺癌的风险。雌激素、孕激素或两者是否有助于促进乳腺上皮细胞的增殖性变化尚不清楚。这项横断面观察性研究检查了单独使用雌激素或联合孕激素醋酸甲羟孕酮 (MPA) 对 86 名接受手术乳房活检的绝经后妇女的增殖作用。所有患者均已连续闭经12个月,至少提前1年接受过双侧卵巢切除术,或年龄在55岁或以上。每天服用的激素包括结合马雌激素 (CEE)、微粉化雌二醇和乙炔雌二醇。MPA的剂量为2.5至5mg,与CEE或微粉化雌二醇联合服用。使用抗增殖细胞核抗原 (anti-PCNA) 和 Ki67 抗体以双盲方式对活检标本进行免疫组织化学检查,这些抗体可检测循环细胞中存在的不同蛋白质。单独服用雌激素 (E) 或联合雌激素/孕激素 (E & P) HRT 的女性的 PCNA 指数显着高于无 HRT 组(图 1)。在 E & P 组中,终末导管小叶单位 (TDLU) 的变化最为明显。使用 Ki67 抗体获得了可比较的结果,但单独 E 组和无 HRT 组没有显着差异。PCNA指数与任何一种形式的HRT的持续时间相关,尽管没有统计学意义。在给予任何一种类型的HRT的女性中,上皮细胞密度显着更高,并且在E和P组中最大。该组的小叶相对较大且不太紧凑,腺泡具有较大的管腔,类似于骑自行车的女性黄体期所见。孕酮受体阳性细胞在单独 E 组的导管和 TDLU 中的发生率是无 HRT 组的 3 倍。添加孕激素降低了孕酮受体水平。雌激素受体阳性细胞在所有组中都相似。图 1.绝经后妇女和骑自行车的绝经前妇女正常乳腺组织中的上皮增殖指数。每个条形下的数字代表可以分析导管或 TDLU 的个体数量。*, P &等于; .002–.0001 E&plus-P组TDLU中PCNA-(A)和Ki67-(B)阳性细胞的百分比显著高于无HRT或E-单独组的TDLU;†,P &等于 .007–.002 TDLU 或 E 组导管或 E & P 组导管中 PCNA 阳性细胞的百分比显着高于 TDLU 或无 HRT 组导管;‡,P < 0.05 黄体期组 TDLU 中 PCNA 和 Ki67 阳性细胞的百分比显著高于卵泡期组的 TDLU;§, P < .05 TDLU 中 PCNA 和 Ki67 阳性细胞的百分比高于同一组的导管。经许可使用。Hofseth LJ 等人,J Clin Endocrinol Metab,1999 年;84:4559–4565。© 雌激素/孕激素联合HRT与绝经后乳房TDLU中上皮细胞增殖增加有关,并且有证据表明,更显着的变化伴随着长期治疗。不同的孕激素可能对乳腺组织有不同的影响。临床内分泌代谢杂志 1999;84:4559–4565




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