首页> 外文期刊>Weed technology: A journal of the Weed Science Society of America >Prevalence and Influence of Stalk-Boring Insects on Glyphosate Activity on Indiana and Michigan Giant Ragweed (Ambrosia trifida)

Prevalence and Influence of Stalk-Boring Insects on Glyphosate Activity on Indiana and Michigan Giant Ragweed (Ambrosia trifida)

机译:蛀茎昆虫对印第安纳州和密歇根州巨型豚草草(Ambrosia trifida)草甘膦活性的影响

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Field surveys were conducted to evaluate the prevalence of stalk-boring insects in giant ragweed in Indiana and Michigan soybean fields. Greenhouse studies were also conducted to determine whether stalk-boring insects had a negative impact on controlof giant ragweed with glyphosate. In the June 2005 field surveys, 18 to 30 of all giant ragweed plants sampled contained stalk-boring insects or insect tunnels. Languriidae, Noctuidae, Pyralidae, and Tortricidae families were found most often at the time glyphosate was being applied to soybean fields to control giant ragweed. Cerambycidae and Curculionidae families were typically found later in the season after herbicide applications were completed. In the August field surveys in Indiana, 28 to 62 ofthe giant ragweed plants that showed evidence of stalk-boring insects were not controlled by POST herbicide applications suggesting that control was compromised by the presence of stalk-boring insects. In greenhouse studies, glyphosate efficacy on 15-cm-tall giant ragweed was enhanced by the presence of stalk-boring insects; however, glyphosate efficacy on 45-cm plants was reduced by the presence of stalk-boring insects. Overall, this research suggests that there is a possibility that stalk-boring insects could reduce glyphosate efficacy on giant ragweed.
机译:进行了田间调查,以评估印第安纳州和密歇根州大豆田中巨型豚草中蛀茎昆虫的流行情况。还进行了温室研究,以确定蛀茎昆虫是否对草甘膦控制巨型豚草有负面影响。在2005年6月的实地调查中,18%至30%的巨型豚草植物含有蛀茎昆虫或昆虫隧道。叶草科、夜蛾科、夜蛾科和蜥蜴科最常被发现,当时草甘膦被施用于大豆田以控制巨型豚草。Cerambycidae 和 Curculionidae 科通常在除草剂施用完成后的季节晚些时候被发现。在印第安纳州8月份的实地调查中,28%至62%的巨型豚草植物显示出蛀茎昆虫的证据,没有受到POST除草剂的控制,这表明蛀茎昆虫的存在损害了控制。在温室研究中,草甘膦对 15 厘米高的巨型豚草的功效因蛀茎昆虫的存在而增强;然而,草甘膦对 45 厘米植物的功效因蛀茎昆虫的存在而降低。总体而言,这项研究表明,蛀茎昆虫有可能降低草甘膦对巨型豚草的功效。




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