首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >1,3-Dipolar character of six-membered aromatic rings. Part XXVII. Photochemically induced valence bond tautomerism and dimerisation of 3-oxido-1-phenylpyridinium

1,3-Dipolar character of six-membered aromatic rings. Part XXVII. Photochemically induced valence bond tautomerism and dimerisation of 3-oxido-1-phenylpyridinium




2338 J.C.S. Perkin II ,3-Dipolar Character of Six-membered Aromatic Rings. Part XXVII.Photochemically Induced Valence Bond Tautomerism and Dimerisation of3-Oxido-I -phenylpyridiniumBy Nicholas Dennis, Alan R. Katritzky.' and Horst Wilde, School of Chemical Sciences, University of EastAngiia, Norwich NR4 7TJIrradiation of the title compound (1 ) yields one of the photochemically allowed symmetrical dimers (I 6) togetherwith a bicyclic valence bond isomer (7) and two stereoisomers (1 8) and (20) of thermal addition products of (7) toa second molecule of the starting phenyl betaine. Analogues (1 9) and (21 ) of the dimers (1 8) and (20) were pre-pared by reaction of isolated (7) with the pyrimidine betaine (2). Irradiation of (1) in ally1 alcohol affords anaddition product (24) of (7).I-SUBSTITUTED 3-oxidopyridiniums, e.g.(1) and (2), positions with sin-electron addends2y3 The electro-, site,undergo thermal cycloadditions at the 2- and 6-positions regio-, and stereo-selectivity of these cycloadditions iswith 2x- and Gx-electron addends, and at the 2- and 4- rationalised by FMO t h e ~ r y . ~ We are now investigating1 Part XXVI, J. Banerji, N. Dennis, J. Frank, A. R. Katritzky, photochemically induced cycloadditions. Photodimer-and T. Matsuo, preceding paper.Part XX, N. Dennis, B. Ibrahim, and A. R. Katritzky, Part XXI, N. Dennis, B. Ibrahim, and A. R. Katritzky,J.C.S. Perkin I, 1976, 2296. J.C.S. Perkin I, 1976, 23071976 2339isation should give products of 2,4-2',4' or 2,6-2',6' four (A-D) were identified. Separation was achievedaddition ; there are four regio-possibilities (3)-(6), each by preparative thick-layer chromatography (C6H6-of which can take place in two stereo-senses.Prelimin-ary FMO calculations indicate that compounds of the Compound A was shown to be an isomer of (1) by masstype (3) or (4) should be formed preferentially. spectrometry (m/e 171) and elemental analysisEtOAc, 9 : 1) on silica gel.1H N.m.r. spectra (6 values) of cycloadducts aChemical shifts ( 6 )Proton(s)123456789101'2'3'5'NPhCH31 21,31 31,7 1,s1 , l O2,32,62,73cr, 3p3a, 43p, 43,43,54,65,66 79,lO8.97,sCoupling constants (Hz)(7)3.235.937.653.65 j6.88-7.26(7) g6.59 f4.63 63.194.35 g6.59 f4.636.70-7.30(16) .o7. f3.50 f3.26,3.16 f4.84,5.906.7-7.3 k6.7-7.3(18) f3.18 f3.10f5.34 f6.6-7.4 X-5.81 C6.372.236.6-7.4(19) f3.213.27 f3.113.67 la4.85 la6.7-7.35.936.7-7.3 1(20) f (342.90 f3.40 f4.03 65.00-6.10'6.00-6.10 16.60--T.30(24) "' 3.7 10.0 9.94.8 4.5 4.30.0 0.0 6.2a In p.p.m.relative to internal Me,Si. In CDCl,. Doublet of doublets. Quintet. Singlet. f Doublet. Triplet,Quartet. Doublet of triplets. j Octet. Signal hidden in this region. 1 Complex.J1v,a* 6.0, J1p,3# 1.0 Hz.Irradiation of 3-oxido-l-phenylpyridinium (1) inethyl acetate with a 3 500 A lamp in a Kayonet reactor(RPQ-100) gave a mixture of five components of whichR11 1R: PhI21 R z L , 6 - dimet hylpyri mid in - 2 - y lR(31R @ R(4 100 0( 5 1 (61(C,,H,NO). The i.r. spectrum shows a v(C=O) at 1725cm-l characteristic of an @-unsaturated ketone in a five-membered ring (cf. cyclopent-2-enone * 1 710 cm-l).3The n.m.r. spectrum (Table) clearly demonstrates thestructure as that of 6-phenyl-6-azabicyclo3.1 .Ohex-3-en-2-one (7): the bridgehead proton, H-I, gives adouble doublet by cis-coupling with the other bridgeheadproton, H-5, and long-range four-bond coupling withC. J. Pouchert, ' The Aldrich Library of Infrared Spectra,'hldrich Chemical Co., Pitman, Bath, 1970, p.2032340 J.C.S. Perkin IH-3 (cj. long-range coupling of 2.1 Hz in the case of4,5-epoxy-3,4-diphenylcyclopent-2-enone 5) ; the vinylicH-3 signal is a double triplet (cis-vicinal coupling withH-4 and long-range four-bond coupling with H-1 and-5); the vinylic H-4 signal appears as a double doublet(cis-vicinal coupling with H-3 and small vicinal couplingwith H-5). All these assignments were confirmed bydouble resonance experiments ; irradiation at the fre-quency of H-5 (an octet) caused the signals of H-1, -3, and-4 to collapse to doublets. Irradiation a t the frequencyof H-3 caused the signals of H-4 and -1 to collapse to asinglet and a doublet, respectively, Finally irradiationa t the frequency of H-4 converted the double triplet oeuro;H-3 into a finely split doublet.The phot oisomer 6-phenyl-6-azabicyclo 3.1 .Ohex-3-en-2-one (7) is presumably formed from 3-osido-1-phenylpyridinium (1) by a photochemically alloweddisrotatory ring closure.Thermal conrotatory ringopening of the aziridine, 2,3-fused to a five-memberedring, to give the pyridine valence isomer ( l ) , is notformally allowed. Hence, despite the strained structure,the photoisomer (7) is stable in the crystalline form.Isomerism between 3-oxidopyridinium and 6-azabicyclo-3.1.0hex-3-en-2-one has been postulated to explainthe relatively high volatility of the 3-oxidopyridinium inthe mass spectrometer.' In the isoquinolinium series,Hansen and Undheim reported the reversible photo-chemically allowed valence isomerism between l-aryl-la,6a-dihydroindeno 1,2-bazirin-6( 1H)-ones (8) and2-aryl-4-oxidoisoquinoliniurn (9).Again, Lown andMatsumoto have shown that l-cyclohexyl-6-(cyclo-hexylimino) - 1 a, 6a-dih ydro-l a-phenylindeno l ,241 azi-ridine (10) undergoes photochemical valence tauto-merisation to the isoquinolinium imide (11). In therelated isoelectronic 3-oxidopyrylium series, the tri-phenyl derivative (12) is converted into the photoisomer,not isolated but suggested to have structure (14).loIn the analogous tetraphenyl series, (15) is the stableform and is converted into (13) on irradiation; (13) wasisolated as the perchlor ate. l1Compound B, m.p.175-176 O C , was shown to be adimer of the betaine (1) by mass spectrometry (m/e 342)and elemental analysis (C,,H,,N,O,). The i.r. spectrumhad a v(C=O) band at 1744 cm-l characteristic of asaturated ketone. The n.m.r. spectrum (Table) clearlyestablished the structure as that of (lSR,2RS,6RS,-7SR) -3,S-dipheny1-3,8-diazatricyclo 5.3.1. 12' 6 dodeca-4,9-diene-ll,12-dione (1 6). The pair of bridgeheadprotons H-1 and -6 give rise to a quintet (coupling withH-2 and -7, and H-10 and -6, and long-range W-typecoupling with H-7 and -2). The second pair of bridge-head protons, H-2 and -7, give a triplet (coupling with6 A. Padwa, Tetrahedron Letters, 1964, 513.6 T. L. Gilchrist and R. C. Storr, Organic Reactions andOrbital Symmetry,' Cambridge University Press, 1972, p.58;R. Huisgen and H. Maider, Angew. Chem. Internat. Edn., 1969, 8,604.7 T. Grernneberg and K. Undheim, Acta Chem. Scand., 1971,25, 2507; K. Undheim and T. Hurum, ibid., 1972, 26, 2355.P. E. Hansen and K. Undheim, J.C.S. Perkigz I , 1975, 305.H-1 and -6 and long-range W-type coupling with H-6and -1). The vinylic pair H-5 and -10 give a quartet(cis-vicinal coupling with H-4 and -9 and vicinal couplingwith bridgehead protons H-6 and -1). The olefinic pairH-4 and -9 give a doublet by cis-coupling with H-5 and-10. These assignments were supported by spin-spindecoupling experiments. Irradiation at the H-1 and-6 frequency caused the signal of H-2 and -7 to collapseto a singlet and that of H-10 and -5 to collapse to adoublet.Irradiation at the frequency of the H-2 and-7 signal caused the signals of H-1 and -6 to collapse to adoublet. Again irradiation at the frequency of theolefinic protons H-5 and -10 produced a doublet fromH-6 and -1 and a singlet from H-4 and -9. Finally,irradiation at the frequency of the olefinic protons H-4and -9 caused the signals of H-5 and -10 to collapse to adoublet. The exo-stereochemistry is clearly defined by mNR 0(8 I'- "L6Hll(1010-(91Ph1 1 4 ) R = HIt5IR:Phthe small coupling constant ( J 3.3 Hz) between euro;3-1and -2 and H-6 and -7 (the dihedral angle of ca. 50"corresponds12 to a calculated J of ca. 3 Hz). Thedimer (16) can be crystallised from chloroform, butin solution it decomposes within a few hours at20 "C.It is presumably formed by a photochemicallyallowed 6 +- 6n 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition between twomolecules of the betaine (1). Tropone also gives a6 -1- 61 dimer (17) on irradiation by a photochemicallyallowed ,6, 4- ,6J cyc10addition.l~Compound (C), m.p. 221-222 O C , was shown by massspectrometry (mle 342) and elemental analysis (C2,HI8-N,O,) to be another dimer of (1). The i.r. spectrumshows v(C=O) at 1 740 cm-1, characteristic l4 of a satur-J. W. Lown and K. Matsumoto, Chem. Counm., 1970, 692;Canad. J . Chem., 1971, 49, 3443.lo E. I?. Ullman, J . Amer. Chem. SOL, 1963, 85, 3529.l1 J. M. Dunston and P. Yates, Tetrahedron Letters. 1964, 505.l2 S. Sternhell, Quart. Rev., 1969, 23, 236.l3 T. Mukai, T. Tezuka. and Y .Akasaki, J . Anzer. Chem. Soc.,1966, $8, 5025.l4 J. R. Dver, ' Applications of -4bsorption Spectroscopy ofOrganic Compounds,' Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NewJersey, 1965, p. 341976ated ketone in a five-membered ring, and at 1 685 cn-l,characteristic l5 of an ap-unsaturated ketone in a bicyclo-3.2. lloctenone system. The n.m.r. spectrum (Table)n0( 1 7 )demonstrates the substance to be (lRS,2RS,SRS,-5 SR, 7SR, 8RS) -4,12-diphenyl-4,12-diazatetracyclo-,11-dione (18). The signalsfor the vinylic protons H-9 and -10 form a characteristicpattern observed in N-phenyl l5 cycloadducts: H-9 givesa quartet (cis-vicinal coupling with H-10 and couplingwith the bridgehead proton H-8), and the H-10 signal isa doublet (coupling with H-9) further split by W-typelong-range coupling with the bridgehead H-1.Thesignals for the bridgehead protons H-1 and -8 appear as asinglet (with fine structure due to long-range couplingwith H-10) and a doublet (coupling with H-9), respect-ively. The signals for H-2 and -7 form a typical ABquartet due to cis-vicinal coupling. The lack of appre-ciable coupling between H-7 and -8 and betweenH-1 and -2 establishes the exo-configuration about the2,7-bridge. The signals for the bridgehead protons H-3and -5 also form a typical AB quartet due to cis-vicinalcoupling. Again the lack of appreciable couplingbetween H-2 and -3 establishes the endo-configuration(relative to the 1,s-bridge) for the aziridine ring. Theseassignments were confirmed by double resonance :irradiation at the frequency of H-9 simplified the signalsof H-8 and -10 to singlets.Irradiation at that ofH-3 caused the signal of H-5 to collapse to a singlet, andirradiation at that of H-2 caused the signal of H-7 tocollapse to a singlet. The dimer (18) is stable in crystal-line form but not in solution.Compound (D), m.p. 218-219 "C, had a mass spectrum(nz/e 312) identical with that of compound (C) and anelemental analysis consistent with the formula C,,H,,-N,O,. The i.r. spectrum had v(C=O) bands at 1735crn-l, characteristic of a saturated ketone in a five-membered ring, and 1680 crn-l, Characteristic of anap-unsaturated ketone. The n.m.r. spectrum (Table)demonstrates the compound to be (lRS,2SR,3SR,-5RS, 7RS, 8RS) -4,12-diphenyl-4,12-diazat etracyclo-,11-dione (20).Again thesignals of the vinylic protons H-9 and -10 form thecharacteristic pat tern observed in N-phenyl cyclo-adducts,15 k.e. a quartet (coupling with H-8 and -10)and a double doublet (coupling with H-9 and -l)?respectively. The signals of the bridgehead protonsH-8 and -1 appear as a quartet (coupling with both H-7and -9) and a doublet (coupling with H-2, with finestructure due to long-range W-type coupling with H-lo),respectively. The signals for H-7 and -2 can be analysedas a pair of quartets on a first-order basis. The appreci-able coupling between H-1 and -2 and between H-8and -7 establishes the endo-configuration about the2,7-bridge. Again the signals for the bridgehead protonsH-3 and -5 form a typical AB quartet due to cis-vicinalcoupling.The lack of appreciable coupling betweenH-2 and -3 establishes the exo-configuration (relative tothe 1,8-bridge) for the aziridine ring. These assign-ments were confirmed by double resonance. Irradiationat the frequency of H-1 caused the broad doublet ofH-10 to sharpen, and irradiation at that of H-10 causedthe broad doublet of H-1 to sharpen. Irradiation at thefrequency of H-9 caused the H-10 and -8 signals tocollapse to a broad singlet and a do,ublet, respectively.Irradiation at that of the bridgehead H-8 caused theH-7 signal to collapse to a doublet, and irradiation atthat of the bridgehead H-7 caused the quartet of H-8 toR'(181 R' :R2=Ph(191 R1= P h , R2=4, 6 - dimethylpyrimidin- 2-$11201 R ' = R2: Ph121 I R':Ph,RL=L,6-dime l h y l p y r icollapse to a doublet.Finally irradiation at the fre-quency of H-2 caused the H-1 signal to collapse to abroad singlet.6-Phenyl-6-azabicyclo3.1 .O hex-3-en-2-one (7), actingas a 2x-electron component, reacted with 1-(4,6-dirnethyl-pyrimidin-2-yl) -3-oxidopyridinium (2), generated fromthe dimeric mixture (22) m (23), to give a mixture ofl5 N. Dennis, A. R. Katritzlry, T. Iliatsuo, S. K. Parton, andbsol;*. Takeuchi, J.C.S. Perkin I, 1974, 7462342 J.C.S. Perkin Itwo stereoisomeric cycloadducts. The cycloadduct ofm.p. 268-269 "C had an elemental analysis consistentwith the formula C,,H,N,O, and its mass spectrumshowed m/e 372.The i.r. spectrum showed v(C=O)bands at 1 742 cm-l, characteristic of a saturated ketonein a five-membered ring, and 1695 cm-l, characteristicof an +unsaturated ketone. The U.V. spectrum hasA,, 235 nm, characteristic of an @-unsaturated ketonedoublet cis-coupling with H-3p; J4,3a 0 Hz since thedihedral angle H(4)CCH(3a) = 90'1. The methyleneproton H-3a gives a doublet (geminal J3Q,3p 18 Hz, cf.cyclopentanone, Jgem 16 - 19.0 to -19.5 Hz) and themethylene proton H-3P gives a double doublet by furthercoupling to H-4 (5 Hz). The propenyloxy-group istrans to the aziridine ring since the signals of both H-4and -5 are doublets. The olefinic proton signals formMeNMe(221in an azabicyclo3.2. lloctenone system.15 The n.m.r.spectrum (Table) confirmed the identification as (lRS,-2RS, 3RS, 5SR ,7SR,8RS) - 12- (4,6-dimethylpyrimidin-Z-yl) -4-phenyl-4,12-diazat etracyclo 6.3.1 .02j 7.033 5 dodec-9 -ene-6,1 l-dione (19).A second cycloadduct, m.p.260-261 O C , C,,H,,N,O,(elemental analysis and m/e 372), v(C=O) 1 740 and 1 695cm-l, h,,, 235 nni, proved to be (lRS,2SR,3SR,5RS,-7RS ,8RS) - 12- (4,B-dime thylpyrimidin-2-yl) -4-phenyl-4,12-diazatetracyclo6.3.1 . 0 2 p ' . 0 3 3 5 dodec-9-ene-6,ll-dione (21).The stereoisomeric pairs (18) and (20), and (19) and (21)are formed by thermally allowed 4 + 2)t 1,3-dipolarcycloadditions of the valence bond tautomer (7), actingas a 2x-electron component, with the betaines (1) and(a), respectively.H ( 2 4 1Irradiation of 3-oxido-l-phenylpyridinium in allylalcohol yielded a single major product (20) smallquantities of compounds (7), (16), (18), and (20) could bedetected by t.l.c.1, C,,H,,NO, (analysis and m / e 229).The i.r.spectrum had a v(C=O) band a t 1745 cm-l,characteristic of a saturated ketone in a five-memberedring. The n.m.r. spectrum (Table) showed the com-pound to be (lSR,4RS,5RS)-6-pheny1-4-(prop-2-enyl-oxy) -6-azabicyclo3.1 .O hexan-2-one (24). The signalsfor the bridgehead protons, H-1 and -5, form an ABquartet ( l e i s 4 Hz). The methine proton H-4 gives al6 R. C. Cookson, T. -4. Crabb, J. J. FrankeI, and J. Hudec,Tetrahedron, Suppl. 7, p. 383.' 01231a complex ABX multiplet. The double doublet at 64.03 is due to the methyleneoxy-group (H-1') coupled tothe adjacent vinyl a-proton by 6 Hz (cf.4-10 Hz forsimilar systems17) and to the trans-p-vinyl proton by 1Hz (cf. 0.5-2 Hz for similar systems 17). The aziridine(24) was presumably formed by Michael addition of theallyl alcohol to the initially formed photoisomer, 6-pheny1-6-azabicyclo3.1 .Ohex-3-en-2-one (7). Preferen-tial addition of the alcohol to the least hindered face ofthe photoisomer (the face trans to the aziridine ring)accounts for the observed stereochemistry.EXPERIMENTALM.p.s. were determined with a Reichert apparatus.Spectra were recorded with the following instruments : i.r.Perkin-Elmer 257 ; mass, Hitachi-Perlrin-Elmer RMU-6E ;U.V. Unicam SP 800A; n.m.r., Varian Hh-100.Com-pounds were purified until they were observed as singlespots on t.1.c. silica gel (PF 254) ; benzenc-EtOAc (9 : l)Irradiations with an external light source were performedwith a Rayonet reactor (RPQ-loo), with 3 500 A lamps, inquartz flasks.For irradiation with an internal light source a medium-pressure mercury arc, type Hanovia I'CIC IL, and water-cooled Pyrex containers were used. All irradiations wereperformed at 26-35 "C.Preparative layer chromatography was performed onsilica gel (Merck PF 254). The plates bsol;rere developed withbenzene-EtO14c (9 : 1). The fractions mere scraped off theplates and isolated by extraction with EtOAc.Iwadiation of 3-Oxido- l-pJaenylpy~idinium (1) .-(a) InEtOH-EtOAc. 3-Oxido-l-phenylpyridinium (3.4 g, 0.02mol) in absolute EtOH (30 nil) and EtOAc (350 ml) wasirradiated with an external light source for 20 h.The redsolution was evaporated to dryness at 30 "C and 10 mmHg,and the residue separated by thick-layer chromatography.6-PhenyZ-6-nzabicycZo3.1.0lzex-3-en-2-one (7) (180 mg, 6 ;RF 0.33) crystallised from EtOH-H,O as yellow needles,m.p. 78-79 "C (Found: C, 76.7; H, 5.4; K. 8.3. C1,H,NOl7 L. M. Jackman, ' Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Reson-ance Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry,' eds. D. H. R. Bartonand W. Doering, Pergainon, Oxford, 1959, p. 851976requires C, 77.2; H, 5.3; N, 8.2); vmx. (Kujol) 1725(ap-unsat. ketone G O ) and 1 600 cm-l (benzene C=C);A,,, (EtOH) 229 nni (log E 4.00) ; m/e 171.( 1SR,2RS,6RS,7SR)-3,8-Diphenyl-3,8-diazatricyclo-,9-diene-11,12-dione (16) (1 g, 29; RF0.60) was isolated as pale yellow needles, m.p.175-176 "C(decomp.) (from CHCl,) (Found: C, 76.8; H, 5.3; N, 8.1.C,,H,,N,O, requires C, 77.2; H, 5.3; N, 8.2); vmx(Nujol) 1744 (sat. ketone GO), 1632 (enamine C=C),1 600 and 1500 cm-l (benzene C X ) ; Lx. (EtOH) 222(log E 4.35), 268 (4.35), and 341 nm (3.86); m/e 342. (lRS,-ZRS, 3RS, 5SR,7SR,8RS)-4,12-DiPhenyl-d, 1 2-diazatetra-cyclo6.3. 1.02*7.03~5dode~-9-ene-6,11-dione (18) (95 mg, 3 ;Rp 0.44) was isolated as yellow needles, m.p. 221-222 "C(from EtOH) (Found: C, 77.0; H, 5.4; N, 7.9); vmax.(CDC1,) 1740 (sat. ketone G O ) , 1685 (ap-unsat. ketoneGO), 1600, and 1 500 ern-1 (benzene C=C); Amxa (EtOH)236 nm (log E 4.35); m/e 342.(1RSJ2SR,3SR,5RS,7RS,-8RS)-4,12-Diphenyl-4, 12-diaxatetracyclo6. 3.1 . 0 2 g 7.03* "3-dodec-9-ene-6,ll-dione (20) (30 mg, 1; R p 0.22) crystal-lised as yellow needles, m.p. 218-219 "C (EtOH) (Found:C, 76.7; H, 5.3; N, 7.9); vmx. (CDC1,) 1735 (sat. ketoneGO), 1 680 (ap-unsat ketone, GO), 1 600, and 1 500 cm-l(btmzene G C ) ; A,,,. (EtOH) 236 nm (log E 4.33); in/e 342.3-Oxido- 1-phenylpyridinium (2.8 g,0.016 mol) in ally1 alcohol (80 ml) was irradiated with aninternal light source for 30 h. The red solution wasevaporated to dryness at 80 OC and 10 mmHg and the redoily residne purified by preparative thick-layer chromato-graphy. ( 1 SR,4R.S, 5RS) -6-Yhenyl-4- (prop-2-enyZoxy) -6-aza-bicYcZoi3.1.0hexan-2-one (24) (0.7 g, 20; RF 0.44) wasisolated as a yellow unstable oil (Found: C , 73.6; H, 6.8;N, 6.8.C14H15N02 requires C, 73.3; H, 6.6; X, 6.1);(b) I n ally1 ulcohol.2343vmx. (CDC1,) 1 745 (sat. ketone GO), 1 600, and 1 500 cm-l(benzene, C=C) ; m/e 229.Reaction of 6-Phenyl-6-azabicyclo3.1.Ohex-3-en-2-one (7)with the Mixture of 3,l l-Bis-(4,6-dimethyZpyrimidin-2-yl)-3,1l-diazatricyclo5.3.1.12~~dodeca-4,9-diene-8,12-dione (22)and 3,l l-Bis-(4,6-dirnethylpyrimidin-2-y1)-3,1 l-diazatri-cycZ05.3.1. 12~6dodeca-4,8-diene-10, 12-dime (23) .-Com-pound (7) (100 mg, 0.G x mol) and the betaine dimermixture (120 mg, 0.3 x lo-, mol) in dry MeCN (30 ml)were stirred a t room temp. for 100 h. The solvent wasremoved at 60 "C and 10 mmHg and the solid residueseparated by thick-layer chromatography. (lRS,ZRS,-3RS,5SR, 7SR,8RS)-12-(4, 6-Dimethylp-yrimidin-2-yl)-4-phenyl-4,12-diazatetracyclo6. 3.1. 02* 7. 03j 5dodec-9-ene-6, 1 1-dione (19) (60 mg, 27) was isolated as pale yellow needles,n1.p. 268-269 "C (from EtOH) (Found: C, 71.1; euro;3, 5.8;N, 14.5. C22H20X402 requires C, 71.0; H, 5.4; N, 15.0);vmrtx. (CDC1,) 1742 (sat. ketone G O ) , 1695 (up-unsat.ketone GO), 1 595, and 1495 cm-l (benzene G C ) ; LaK(EtOH) 235 nm (log E 4.41); m/e 372. (lRS,2SR,3SR,-5RS,7RS,8RS)-12-(4,6-Dinzethylpyrimidin-2-yl)-4-phenyl-4,12-diazatetracyclo6.3.1. 02y7. 03*5dodec-9-ene-6,1 l-dione (2 1)(15 mg, 7) crystallised as yellow needles, 1n.p. 260-261 "C (EtOH) (Found: C, 71.2; H, 5.3; N, 14.6);vmL (CDCl,) 1740 (sat. ketone GO), 1695 (ap-unsat.ketone G O ) , 1 595 and 1 500 cm-l (benzene C=C) ; A,,,(EtOH) 235 nm (log E 4.44); nz/e 372.We thank the Karl Marx University, Leipzig, for leave ofabsence (to H. W.), and Dr. A. D. McNaught (ChemicalSociety) for help with nomenclature.6/020 Received, 5th January, 1976
机译:2338 J.C.S. Perkin II,六元芳环的3-偶极特征。第二十七部分:光化学诱导的价键互变异构和3-氧代-I-苯基吡啶的二聚化作者:Nicholas Dennis, Alan R. Katritzky.' 和 Horst Wilde,东安吉亚大学化学科学学院,诺里奇 NR4 7TJ标题化合物(1)的辐照产生了一个光化学上允许的对称二聚体(I 6)以及(7)的双环价键异构体(7)和两个立体异构体(1,8)和(20)的热加成产物(7)到起始分子的第二个分子苯基甜菜碱。二聚体 (1, 8) 和 (20) 的类似物 (1, 9) 和 (21) 通过分离的 (7) 与嘧啶甜菜碱 (2) 反应制备。在ally1醇中辐照(1)可得到(7)的加成产物(24)。I-取代的3-氧化吡啶鎓,例如(1)和(2),具有正电子加成物的位置2y3 电-,位点,在2-位和6-位区域-发生热环加成,这些环加成物的立体选择性为2x-和Gx-电子加成,在2-和4-处由FMO t h e~r y合理化。~ 我们现在正在研究 1 第二十六部分,J. Banerji, N. Dennis, J. Frank, A. R. Katritzky, 光化学诱导的环加成。Photodimer-和 T. Matsuo,前一篇论文。第二十部分,N. Dennis、B. Ibrahim 和 A. R. Katritzky,第二十一部分,N. Dennis、B. Ibrahim 和 A. R. Katritzky,J.C.S. Perkin I,1976 年,第 2296 页。J.C.S.Perkin I, 1976, 23071976 2339化应得到2,4-2',4'或2,6-2',6'的产物4(A-D)被鉴定出来。实现了分离加法;有四种区域可能性(3)-(6),每种可能性都通过制备型厚层色谱(C6H6-)进行,它们可以在两种立体感中进行。初步FMO计算表明,化合物A的化合物被证明是(1)的异构体,按质量类型(3)或(4)应优先形成。光谱法 (m/e 171) 和元素分析 EtOAc, 9 : 1) 硅胶.1H N.m.r. 环加合物的光谱 (6 值) a化学位移 ( 6 )质子 (s)123456789101'2'3'5'NPhCH31 21,31 31,7 1,s1 , l O2,32,62,73cr, 3p3a, 43p, 43,43,54,65,66 79,lO8.97,s耦合常数(Hz)(7)3.235.937.653.65 j6.88-7.26(7) g6.59 f4.63 63.194.35 g6.59 f4.636.70-7.30(16) .o7. f3.50 f3.26,3.16 f4.84,5.906.7-7.3 k6.7-7.3(18) f3.18 f3.10f5.34 f6.6-7.4 X-5.81 C6.372.236.6-7.4(19) F3.213.27 F3.113.67 LA4.85 LA6.7-7.35.936.7-7.3 1(20) F (342.90 F3.40 F4.03 65.00-6.10'6.00-6.10 16.60--T.30(24) “' 3.7 10.0 9.94.8 4.5 4.30.0 0.0 6.2a 在 p.p.m.中相对于内部 Me,Si. 在 CDCl 中,.双峰的双峰。五重奏。汗衫。f 双峰。三重奏,四重奏。三胞胎的双胞胎。j 八位组。信号隐藏在这个区域。1 Complex.J1v,a* 6.0,j1p,3# 1.0 Hz。在Kayonet反应器(RPQ-100)中用3 500 A灯辐照3-氧化-l-苯基吡啶(1)乙酸乙酯,得到5种组分的混合物,其中R11 1R:PhI21 R z L,6 - 二甲基乙酸酯中间-2 - y lR(31R @ R(4 100 0( 5 1 (61(C,,H,NO)。红外光谱在1725cm-l处显示出五元环中@-不饱和酮的v(C=O)特征(参见环戊-2-烯酮*1 710 cm-l).3n.m.r.谱图(表)清楚地表明了6-苯基-6-氮杂双环[3.1]的结构。O]hex-3-en-2-one (7):桥头质子 H-I 通过与另一个桥头质子 H-5 的顺式耦合以及与 C 的长程四键耦合产生双双峰。J. Pouchert, ' The Aldrich Library of Infrared Spectra,'hldrich Chemical Co., Pitman, Bath, 1970, p.2032340 J.C.S. Perkin IH-3 (cj. 4,5-环氧-3,4-二苯基环戊-2-烯酮 5) 的情况下,2.1 Hz 的长程耦合 ;乙烯基H-3信号为双三重态(与H-4的顺向耦合和与H-1和H-5的长程四键耦合);乙烯基 H-4 信号表现为双双峰(与 H-3 的顺邻耦合和与 H-5 的小邻耦合)。所有这些任务都通过双共振实验得到证实;H-5(八位字节)频率的照射导致H-1、-3和-4的信号坍缩为双峰。H-3 频率的辐照导致 H-4 和 -1 的信号分别坍缩为单峰和双峰,最后辐照 h 4 的频率将双三重态 o€H-3 转换为精细分裂的双峰。所述的苯基-6-氮杂双环异构体[3.1 .O]己-3-烯-2-酮 (7) 可能是由 3-氧代-1-苯基吡啶鎓 (1) 通过光化学允许的旋转环闭合形成的。热旋转开环的氮丙啶,2,3-稠合成五元环,得到吡啶价异构体(l),是非正式的。因此,尽管存在应变结构,但光异构体(7)在晶型中是稳定的。3-氧化吡啶和6-氮杂双环-[3.1.0]己-3-烯-2-酮之间的异构已被假设,以解释3-氧化吡啶在质谱仪中相对较高的挥发性。在异喹啉系列研究中,Hansen和Undheim报道了l-芳基-la,6a-二氢茚并[1,2-b]氮丙啉-6(1H)-酮(8)和2-芳基-4-氧化异喹啉瓉(9)之间的可逆光化学允许的价异构。Lown 和 Matsumoto 再次表明,l-环己基-6-(环己基亚氨基)-1 a,6a-dih ydro-l a-phenylindeno [l ,241 叠氮-吡啶 (10) 发生光化学价互聚化为异喹啉酰亚胺 (11)。在相关的等电子3-氧化吡喃鎓系列中,三苯基衍生物(12)转化为光异构体,不是分离的,但具有结构(14)。lo在类似的四苯基系列中,(15)是稳定形式,在辐照下转化为(13);(13)分离为高氯食用。l1化合物B,m.p.175-176 O C,通过质谱(m/e 342)和元素分析(C,,H,,N,O,)显示是甜菜碱(1)的己二聚体。IR谱图在1744 cm-l处具有不饱和酮的v(C=O)谱带特征。n.m.r.谱图(表)明确地将结构确定为(lSR,2RS,6RS,-7SR)-3,S-dipheny1-3,8-diazatricyclo[5.3.1. 12' 6]十二烷-4,9-diene-ll,12-dione(1,6)。一对桥头质子 H-1 和 -6 产生一个五重奏(与 H-2 和 -7、H-10 和 -6 耦合,以及与 H-7 和 -2 的远程 W 型耦合)。第二对桥头质子 H-2 和 -7 给出一个三重态(耦合 6 A. Padwa, Tetrahedron Letters, 1964, 513.6 T. L. Gilchrist and R. C. Storr, Organic Reactions and Orbital Symmetry,' Cambridge University Press, 1972, p.58;R. Huisgen and H. Maider, Angew. Chem. Internat.Edn., 1969, 8,604.7 T. Grernneberg 和 K. Undheim, Acta Chem. Scand., 1971,25, 2507;K. Undheim 和 T. Hurum,同上,1972 年,第 26 页,第 2355 页。乙烯基对 H-5 和 -10 给出了一个四重奏(与 H-4 和 -9 的顺向耦合以及与桥头质子 H-6 和 -1 的邻向耦合)。烯烃对 H-4 和 -9 通过与 H-5 和 H-10 顺式偶联产生双峰。这些分配得到了自旋-自旋解耦实验的支持。在H-1和-6频率下照射,H-2和H-7的信号坍缩为单重态,H-10和-5的信号坍缩为双峰。以 H-2 和 H-7 信号的频率照射导致 H-1 和 -6 的信号坍缩为双倍。同样,以烯烃质子H-5和-10的频率照射产生H-6和-1的双峰,以及H-4和-9的单峰。最后,在烯烃质子H-4和-9频率的辐照下,H-5和-10的信号坍缩为双倍。外立体化学由mNR 0(8 I'-“L6Hll(1010-(91Ph1 1 4 ) R = HIt5IR:Ph在€3-1和-2和H-6和-7之间的小耦合常数(J 3.3 Hz)明确定义(约50”的二面角12对应于约3 Hz的计算J)。二聚体 (16) 可由氯仿结晶,但在溶液中,它在 20“C.It 时在几个小时内分解,推测是由甜菜碱的两个分子之间的光化学允许的 [6 +- 6]n 1,3-偶极环加成形成的 (1)。托酮在光化学允许的[,6,4-,6J cyc10加成.l~化合物(C),熔点221-222 O C,质谱(mle 342)和元素分析(C2,HI8-N,O,)的照射下也得到一个[6 -1- 61-61二聚体(17)。红外光谱显示v(C=O)在1 740 cm-1处,特征l4为饱和-J。W. Lown 和 K. Matsumoto, Chem. Counm., 1970, 692;Canad. J .化学, 1971, 49, 3443.lo E. I?.乌尔曼,J .Amer. Chem. SOL, 1963, 85, 3529.l1 J. M. Dunston 和 P. Yates, Tetrahedron Letters.1964 年,505.l2 S. Sternhell,夸脱。修订版, 1969, 23, 236.l3 T. Mukai, T. Tezuka.和 Y .赤崎,J .安泽尔。Chem. Soc.,1966, $8, 5025.l4 J. R. Dver, ' Applications of -4bsorption Spectroscopy ofOrganic Compounds', Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NewJersey, 1965, p. 341976ated ketone in a five-membersed ring, and at 1 685 cn-l, characteristic l5 of an ap-unsaturated ketone in a bicyclo-[3.2. lloctenone system.n.m.r.谱图(表)n0( 1, 7 )表明该物质为(lRS,2RS,SRS,-5 SR,7SR, 8RS)-4,12-二苯基-4,12-二氮杂四环-[]十二烷-9-烯-6,11-二酮(18)。乙烯基质子 H-9 和 -10 的信号形成了在 N-苯基 l5 环加合物中观察到的特征模式:H-9 给出一个四重奏(与 H-10 的顺式邻接和与桥头质子 H-8 的耦合),而 H-10 信号是双峰(与 H-9 的耦合),通过与桥头堡 H-1 的 W 型长程耦合进一步分裂。桥头质子 H-1 和 -8 的信号分别表现为单峰(由于与 H-10 的长程耦合而具有精细的结构)和双峰(与 H-9 耦合)。H-2 和 H-7 的信号由于顺式邻耦合而形成典型的 ABquartet。H-7 和 -8 之间以及 H-1 和 -2 之间缺乏可理解的耦合,这确立了关于 2,7 桥的外构型。桥头质子 H-3 和 -5 的信号由于顺邻耦合而形成典型的 AB 四重奏。同样,H-2 和 -3 之间缺乏明显的耦合,从而建立了氮丙啶环的内构型(相对于 1,s 桥)。这些分配通过双共振得到证实:以 H-9 的频率照射将 H-8 和 -10 的信号简化为单重子。H-3的辐照使H-5的信号坍缩为单重态,H-2的辐照使H-7的信号坍缩为单重态。二聚体(18)以晶线形式稳定,但在溶液中则不稳定。化合物(D),熔点218-219“C,其质谱图(nz/e 312)与化合物(C)相同,元素分析与分子式C,,H,,-N,O,一致。i.r.谱在1735crn-l处具有v(C=O)带,这是五元环中饱和酮的特征,以及1680 crn-l,是anap-不饱和酮的特征。n.m.r.谱图(表)表明该化合物为(lRS,2SR,3SR,-5RS,7RS,8RS)-4,12-二苯基-4,12-二氮杂环-[]dode~-9-烯-6,11-二酮(20)。同样,乙烯基质子H-9和-10的信号形成了在N-苯基环加合物中观察到的特征性,15分别是四重奏(与H-8和-10偶联)和双双峰(与H-9和-l偶联)。桥头质子H-8和-1的信号分别表现为四重态(与H-7和-9耦合)和双峰(与H-2耦合,由于与H-lo的长程W型耦合而具有精细结构)。H-7 和 H-2 的信号可以作为一对四重奏在一阶基础上进行分析。H-1 和 -2 之间以及 H-8 和 -7 之间的可观耦合建立了关于 2,7 桥的内构型。同样,桥头质子H-3和-5的信号由于顺式耦合而形成典型的AB四重奏。H-2 和 -3 之间缺乏明显的偶联,从而建立了氮丙啶环的外置构型(相对于 1,8 桥)。这些分配通过双重共振得到证实。以 H-1 的频率照射导致 H-10 的宽双峰锐化,以 H-10 的频率照射导致 H-1 的宽双峰锐化。以 H-9 频率的辐照导致 H-10 和 -8 信号分别坍缩为宽单线态和 do,ublet。在桥头堡H-8处的辐照使H-7信号坍缩为双峰,在桥头堡H-7处的辐照使H-8的四重奏坍缩为双峰(181 R' :R2=Ph(191 R1= P h , R2=4, 6 - 二甲基嘧啶- 2-$11201 R ' = R2: Ph121 I R':P h,RL=L,6-dime l h y l p y r i坍缩为双峰。最后,在H-2频率的照射下,H-1信号坍缩到国外单线态.6-苯基-6-氮杂双环[3.1 .O]己-3-烯-2-酮(7),作为2x电子组分,与1-(4,6-二乙基-嘧啶-2-基)-3-氧化吡啶鎓(2)反应,由二聚体混合物(22)m(23)生成,得到l5 N. Dennis, A. R. Katritzlry, T. Iliatsuo, S. K. Parton, and\*的混合物。Takeuchi, J.C.S. Perkin I, 1974, 7462342 J.C.S. Perkin I两个立体异构环加合物。m.p.的环加合物268-269 “C的元素分析与式C,,H,N,O一致,其质谱图显示m/e 372.i.r.谱图显示v(C=O)条带为1 742 cm-l,特征为饱和酮为五元环,1695 cm-l为+不饱和酮。紫外光谱具有A,,235 nm,@-不饱和酮双峰的特征[与H-3p的顺式偶联;J4,3a 0 Hz,因为二面角 H(4)CCH(3a) = 90'1。亚甲基质子 H-3a 产生双峰(双峰 J3Q,3p 18 Hz,参见环戊酮,Jgem 16 - 19.0 至 -19.5 Hz),亚甲基质子 H-3P 通过进一步耦合到 H-4 (5 Hz) 产生双双峰。丙烯氧基反式到氮丙啶环,因为 H-4 和 -5 的信号都是双峰。烯烃质子信号形成MeN%Me(221在氮杂双环[3.2.lloctenone系统.15 n.m.r.谱图(表)确认鉴定为(lRS,-2RS,3RS,5SR,7SR,8RS)-12-(4,6-二甲基嘧啶-Z-基)-4-苯基-4,12-二氮杂环[ 7.033 5]十二烷-9-烯-6,1 l-二酮(19)。第二个环加合物,m.p.260-261 O C , C,,H,, N, O,(元素分析和m/e 372), v(C=O) 1 740 和 1 695cm-l, h,,, 235 nni, 证明是 (lRS,2SR,3SR,5RS,-7RS ,8RS) - 12-(4,B-一角甲基嘧啶-2-基) -4-苯基-4,12-二氮杂四环[6.3.1 . 0 2 p ' . 0 3 3 5]十二烷-9-烯-6,ll-二酮(21)。立体异构体对 (18) 和 (20) 以及 (19) 和 (21) 由价键互变异构体 (7) 的热允许 [4 + 2)t 1,3-偶极环加成形成,分别作为 2x 电子组分,与甜菜碱 (1) 和 (a) 一起。H(2 4 1在烯丙醇中辐照3-氧化-l-苯基吡啶得到单一的主要产物(20%)[少量化合物(7)、(16)、(18)和(20)可以通过t.l.c.1、C,,H,,NO,(分析和m/e 229)检测到。i.r.谱具有v(C=O)带a t 1745 cm-l,是五元环中饱和酮的特征。n.m.r.谱图(表)显示com-pound为(lSR,4RS,5RS)-6-pheny1-4-(prop-2-enyl-oxy)-6-氮杂双环[3.1 .O]己烷-2-酮(24)。桥头质子的信号 H-1 和 -5 形成一个 ABquartet ( l e i s 4 Hz)。甲氨酸质子 H-4 给出 al6 RC Cookson, T. -4。Crabb, J. J. FrankeI, and J. Hudec, Tetrahedron, 增刊 7, p. 383.01231a 复合 ABX 多路复用。64.03处的双双峰是由于亚甲基氧基(H-1')以6 Hz(类似系统约4-10 Hz)耦合到相邻的乙烯基a-质子,与反式对乙烯基质子耦合1Hz(类似系统约0.5-2 Hz17)。氮丙啶(24)可能是通过Michael将烯丙醇添加到最初形成的光异构体6-苯1-6-氮杂双环[3.1 .O]己-3-烯-2-酮 (7).优选将醇添加到光异构体受阻最小的面(与氮丙啶环的面相反)是观察到的立体化学的原因。EXPERIMENTALM.p.s.用Reichert装置测定。光谱是用以下仪器记录的:i.r.Perkin-Elmer 257;质量,Hitachi-Perlrin-Elmer RMU-6E ;U.V. Unicam SP 800A;n.m.r.,瓦里安Hh-100.Com磅被纯化,直到它们在t.1.c上被观察到为单点。[硅胶 (PF 254) ; benzenc-EtOAc (9 : l)]用Rayonet反应器(RPQ-loo)进行外部光源照射,该反应器带有3 500 A灯,石英烧瓶。对于内部光源的照射,使用了中压汞弧,Hanovia I'CIC IL 型和水冷耐热玻璃容器。所有照射均在26-35“C下进行,制备层色谱法在硅胶(Merck PF 254)上进行。板\rere与苯-EtO14c(9:1)显影。馏分仅从平板上刮下,并用EtOAc.3-氧化基-l-pJaenylpy~idinium(1).-(a)InEtOH-EtOAc进行Iwadiation分离。用外部光源照射3-氧代-l-苯基吡啶(3.4g,0.02mol)的绝对EtOH(30nil)和EtOAc(350ml)中20小时。将红液在30“C和10mmHg下蒸发至干,残余物用厚层色谱分离.6-PhenyZ-6-nzabicycZo[3.1.0]lzex-3-en-2-one (7) (180 mg, 6% ;RF 0.33)由EtOH-H,O结晶为黄针状,熔点78-79“C(发现:C,76.7;H, 5.4;K. 8.3.C1,H,NOl7 L. M. Jackman, ' Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Reson-ance Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry', eds. D. H. R. Bartonand W. Doering, Pergainon, Oxford, 1959, p. 851976requires C, 77.2;H, 5.3;N, 8.2%);vmx. (Kujol) 1725(ap-unsat. 酮 G O )和 1 600 cm-l (苯 C=C);A,,, (EtOH) 229 nni (log E 4.00) ;男/E 171。(1SR,2RS,6RS,7SR)-3,8-二苯基-3,8-二氮杂三环-[]十二烷-4,9-二烯-11,12-二酮 (16) (1 g, 29%;RF0.60)被分离为淡黄色针状物,熔点175-176“C(分解。(来自 CHCl,)(发现: C, 76.8;H, 5.3;N, 8.1.C,,H,,N,O, 需要 C, 77.2;H, 5.3;N, 8.2%);vmx(Nujol) 1744 (sat. ketone GO), 1632 (enamine C=C),1 600 和 1500 cm-l (苯C X ) ;Lx. (EtOH) 222(log E 4.35)、268 (4.35) 和 341 nm (3.86);M/E 342.(lRS,-ZRS,3RS,5SR,7SR,8RS)-4,12-二苯基-d,1,2-二氮杂四环[6.3. 1.02*7.03~5]dode~-9-烯-6,11-二酮 (18) (95 mg, 3% ;Rp 0.44)被分离为黄色针状物,熔点221-222“C(来自EtOH)(发现:C,77.0;H, 5.4;N, 7.9%);最大值。(CDC1,) 1740 (sat. ketone G O ) , 1685 (ap-unsat. ketoneGO), 1600, and 1 500 ern-1 (苯C=C);Amxa (EtOH)236 nm (log E 4.35);M/E 342.(1RSJ2SR,3SR,5RS,7RS,-8RS)-4,12-二苯基-4,12-二氧杂四环[6. 3.1 . 0 2 g 7.03*“3-十二烷-9-烯-6,ll-二酮(20)(30mg,1%;R p 0.22)结晶为黄色针状,熔点218-219“C(EtOH)(发现:C,76.7;H, 5.3;N, 7.9%);vmx. (CDC1,) 1735 (sat. ketoneGO), 1 680 (ap-unsat ketone, GO), 1 600, and 1 500 cm-l(btmzene G C ) ;一个。(EtOH) 236 nm (log E 4.33);in/e 342.3-氧代-1-苯基吡啶(2.8g,0.016mol)在ally1醇(80ml)中的溶液用内部光源照射30小时。将红色溶液在80 OC和10 mmHg下蒸发至干,并通过制备型厚层色谱纯化红油状残留物。( 1 SR,4R.S,5RS)-6-乙烯基-4-(丙-2-烯基Zoxy)-6-氮杂-二卻YcZoi3.1.0]己烷-2-酮(24)(0.7g,20%;RF 0.44)被分离出为黄色不稳定油(发现值:C,73.6;H, 6.8;N, 6.8.C14H15N02 需要 C, 73.3;H, 6.6;X, 6.1%);(b) I n ally1 ulcohol.2343vmx.(CDC1,) 1 745 (sat. ketone GO), 1 600, and 1 500 cm-l(benzene, C=C) ;m/e 229.6-苯基-6-氮杂双环[3.1.O]己-3-烯-2-酮(7)与3,l-双-(4,6-二甲基Z嘧啶-2-基)-3,1l-二氮杂三环[]十二烷-4,9-二烯-8,12-二酮和3,l l-双-(4,6-二乙基嘧啶-2-y1)-3,1 l-二氮杂三-cycZ0[5.3.1. 12~6]十二烷-4,8-二烯-10,12-dime (23) .-Com-pound (7) (100 mg, 0.G x mol) 和甜菜碱二聚体混合物 (120 mg, 0.3 x lo-, mol)在干燥的MeCN(30ml)中,在室温下搅拌100小时。在60“C和10mmHg下除去溶剂,并用厚层色谱法分离固体残留物。(lRS,ZRS,-3RS,5SR,7SR,8RS)-12-(4,6-二甲基对亚胺基-2-基)-4-苯基-4,12-二氮杂四环[6.3.1. 02* 7.03J 5]十二烷-9-烯-6,1,1-二酮(19)(60mg,27%)分离为淡黄色针状物,n1.p。268-269“C(来自EtOH)(发现:C,71.1;3、5.8 欧元;N,14.5。C22H20X402需要 C,71.0;H, 5.4;N, 15.0%);vmrtx。(CDC1,) 1742 (sat. ketone G O ) , 1695 (up-unsat.ketone GO), 1 595, and 1495 cm-l (苯G C ) ;LaK(EtOH) 235 nm (log E 4.41);男号:372。(lRS,2SR,3SR,-5RS,7RS,8RS)-12-(4,6-二氮乙基嘧啶-2-基)-4-苯基-4,12-二氮杂四环[6.3.1. 02y7. 03*5]十二烷-9-烯-6,1 l-二酮(2,1)(15mg,7%)结晶为黄色针状,1n.p.260-261“C(EtOH)(发现:C,71.2;H, 5.3;N, 14.6%);vmL (CDCl,) 1740 (sat. ketone GO), 1695 (ap-unsat.ketone G O ) , 1 595 和 1 500 cm-l (苯 C=C) ;A,,,(EtOH) 235 nm (log E 4.44);nz/e 372.我们感谢莱比锡卡尔·马克思大学(Karl Marx University, Leipzig)的请假(H.W.),并感谢A.D.McNaught博士(化学学会)在命名方面提供的帮助。[6/020 收稿日期: 1976年1月5日




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