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Current and Evolving Treatments or HIV PrEP

机译:当前和不断发展的治疗方法或HIV PrEP

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Preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a medication therapy regimen provided to HIV-negative persons at high risk of acquiring HIV. Current FDA-approved oral therapies are emtricitabine-tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (FTC/TDF) and emtricitabine-tenofovir alafenamide (FTC/TAF). Recently, the FDA approved the first injectable therapy, cabotegravir long-acting injectable (CAB-LA), which could provide an advantage to certain patient populations. When PrEP therapy is taken consistently, it is very effective at preventing HIV. This article will discuss who is a candidate for PrEP, available therapy options, and additional therapies that are actively being studied. Pharmacists can help provide education to these patients to help promote adherence within high-risk populations.
机译:暴露前预防 (PrEP) 是一种药物治疗方案,提供给感染 HIV 的高风险 HIV 阴性者。目前 FDA 批准的口服疗法是恩曲他滨-富马酸替诺福韦二吡呋酯 (FTC/TDF) 和恩曲他滨-替诺福韦艾拉酚胺 (FTC/TAF)。最近,FDA批准了第一种注射疗法,即卡博特韦长效注射剂(CAB-LA),这可能为某些患者群体提供优势。当持续服用PrEP治疗时,它对预防HIV非常有效。本文将讨论谁是PrEP的候选者、可用的治疗方案以及正在积极研究的其他疗法。药剂师可以帮助为这些患者提供教育,以帮助促进高危人群的依从性。




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