首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >The chemistry of fungi. Part LXVIII. The absolute configuration of (+)-sclerotiorin and of the azaphilones

The chemistry of fungi. Part LXVIII. The absolute configuration of (+)-sclerotiorin and of the azaphilones

机译:真菌的化学性质。第 LXVIII 部分。(+)-菌核素和氮杂微生物酮的绝对构型



1366 J.C.S. Perkin IThe Chemistry of Fungi. Part LXVIII.l The Absolute Configuration of(+)-Sclerotiorin and of the AzaphilonesBy W. Basil Whalley,' The School of Pharmacy, The University of London, London WC1 N 1AXGeorge Ferguson, Wayne C. Marsh, and Roderic J. Restivo, Department of Chemistry, The University,X-Ray crystallographic examination of N-methylsclerotioramine, derived from (+) -sclerotiorin, has defined theabsolute stereochemistry of the derivative and hence that of (+)-sclerotiorin and of the other members of theazaphilone group of fungal metabolites.From an X-ray crystallographic examination we havenow defined the absolute stereochemistry of N-met hyl-2 F. C . Chen, P. S . Manchand, and W.B. Whalley, J. Chenz.Soc. (C), 1971, 3677.Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1 G 2W1WE have previously deduced the relative stereochemis-try of the azaphilone group of fungal metabolites.P.S. Manchand, W. B. Whalley, and Fa-ching Chen, Phyto-chemistry, 1973, 12, 2631 is regarded as Part LXVII of this series1976 1367sclerotioramine 3 as illustrated in formula (1; R = Ac,X = NMe). The course of the analysis is described inthe Experimental section and a view of the molecule,giving the crystallographic numbering scheme, is shownin Figure 1. A view of the molecular packing viewedalong the b axis is given in Figure 2. Because of theFIGURE 1 View of N-methylsclerotioramine showing thecrystallographic numbering schemerelatively large estimated standard deviation of the bondlengths, a result in part of the fairly high thermal motion,especially in the heptadiene side chain, none of theobserved bond lengths or angles listed in Table 2 differssignificantly from expected values.4 The intra-annulartorsion angles in Table 3 reveal that ring A adopts aconformation close to a half-chair, and ring B is essentiallyplanar. The bond lengths and angles involving N(l)(Figure 1) indicate that this atom is sp2-hybridized andtakes part in the extensive conjugated system.Theseconformational conclusions are similar to those deducedTABLE 1Fractional co-ordinates ( x lo4) with estimated standarddeviations in parenthesesxla-0 606(3)2 238(7)1990(7)1232(7)3 434(6)0 272(9)1 629(11)2 606(9)1647(9)0 104(8)-1 948(7)-0 667(10)-2 498(9)-1 796(10)-0 446(9)-2 721(14)2 649(11)3 616(11)-3 816(10)-4 478(11)-6 728(10)-6 304(10)- 7 629(14)-8 908(18)-9 700(24)-6 934(23)-6 277(17)3 650(13)YlbO *-1 027(12)4 764(13)0 096(13)1173(10)6 987(12)1608(16)0 718(18)2 332(16)3 926(16)4 674(14)6 292(15)5 945(16)4 166(16)3 353(16)8 867(21)0 077(18)6 890(18)6 998(21)6 849(18)5 687(20)6 047(31)4 695(28)5 098(49)8 979(27)3 613(22)-1 087(19)5 689(49) -ZIC2 138(1)3 087(4)4 642(3)4 684(3)4 184(3)3 440(4)2 815(4)3 166(5)3 662(4)3 991(6)3 697(4)3 786(6)2 860(6)2 663(6)3 OlO(4)3 708(7)4 636(4)6 165(5)2 426(6)1873(6)1401(6)0 898(7)0 338(8)1074(11)1639(8)3 233(6)0 439(9)-0 386(9)* Fixed to specify the origin in space group P2,.less than 3.5 A are listed in Table 4 and correspond tovan der Waals interactions.It thus follows that (+)-sclerotiorin, from which ourspecimen of N-methylsclerotioramine was derived, hasFIGURE 2earlier 5 on the basis of other spectroscopic and chemical the absolute configuration shown in formula (1 ; R = Ac,data.X = 0). Hence (+)-deacetylsclerotiorin (1; R = H,Those X = 0), rotiorin (2; R = H), 5-chlororotiorin (2; R =R. A. Eade, H. Page, A. Robertson, K. Turner, and W. B.F. M. Dean, J. Staunton, and W. B. Whalley, J. Chem. SOL,L. E. Sutton, CJtem. SOC. Special Publ., No. 18, 1966.View ol the molecular packing of N-methylsclerotioramineThere are no unusual intermolecular contacts.Whalley, J.Chem. SOC., 1957, 4913.1959, 30041368 J.C.S. Perkin ITABLE 2Bond lengths (A) and valency angles (") with estimated - -- standard deviations in parentheses1.720( 9)1.42(1)1.39( 1)1.24( 1)1.56( 1)1.45( 1)1.49(1)1.54( 2)1.23(1)1.48( 1)1.35(1)1.43( 1)1.34(1)1.37( 1)1.36( 1)11 9.2( 8)1 18.4( 8)122.4(8)1 16.1 (7)120.8(6)1 23.1 (8)1 2 7 4 9)1 1 7.5 (8)1 14.8 (9)108.8( 7)110.5(7)105.6( 7)1 16.1 (7)107.2(7)1 20.9 (8)121.9(8)117.0(8)120.6(8)118.8( 8)120.6(7)123.2 (8)108.2 (8)C(7)-C(13)N( 1 )-C( 10)C (8)-C (9)C ( 1 3)-C ( 1 4)C ( 14)-C ( 1 5)C( 15)-C( 1 6)C(15)-C(21)C( 16)-C( 17)C ( 1 7)-C (1 8)C(17)-C(20)C( 18)-c( 19)C(11)-0(3)C(l1)-C(12)C( 11)-0(4)N(l)C(7)C(8)C(8)C(7)C(13)C(7)C(8)C(9)C(l)C(9)C(6)C(l)C(9)C(8)C(5)C(9)C(8)0 (3 j C ( 1 1) 0 (4)C(7)C( 13jC( 14)C( 13)c( 14)c( 15)c (1 4) c ( 15) C(2 1)N (1) C( 7) C( 13)0(3)C( l l ) C ( 12)0(4)C( l l ) C ( 12)C (14) C (1 5) C( 16)C(16)C(15)C(21)C( 15) C( 16) C( 17)C( 16) C( 17) C( 18)C( 16) C( 17) C( 20)C( 18)C( 17)C(20)C( 17) C( 18) C( 19)C(3) O(4) c (1 1)1.49( 1)1.42( 1)1.48(1)1.31(1)1.47( 1)1.33(2)1.46(2)1.54(2)1.55(2)1.49 (3)1.24(1)1.35( 1)1.46(1)1.60(2)1 1 9.8( 8)118.4(8)1 2 1.8 (9)122.7( 8)122.6 (7)123.0(8)114.4(8)120.0(8)125.9(9)1 1 4.2 (8)123.9( 10)127.8(11)11 7.2( 11)1 17.5( 10)125.2( 11)128.8( 14)108.5 (1 4)110.9( 13)1 10.3 (1 5)11 3.3( 16)1 16.3 (6)TABLE 3Intra-annular torsion angles with estimated standarddeviations in parenthesesC( 9) C( l)-C( 2) C( 3)C (2) C( 3)-C(4) C( 5)- 15.2 ( 13)- 29.8( 1 1)C( 6) C( 5)-C (9) C(8)C( 6)N( l)-C( 6) C(5)C( 1) C( 2)-C (3) C(4)C (3) C (4)-C (5) C (9)C (4) C (5)-C (9) C (1)C(2) C( l)-C( 9) C( 5)30.8 (1 1)1 3.1 (1 1)3.7 (1 3)- 2.1 (14)C( 9) C (5)-C (6) N( 1)C (6) N (1 )-C (7) C (8)N (1) C (7)-C (8) C( 9)C( 7) C (8)-C(9) C (6)TABLE 4Intermolecular contacts less than 3.5 A0(1) * - - C(21I) 3.36(2) C(6) * * O(3II)O(2) - - * C(1111)O(2) * * C(12II) 3.18(1) O(2) * - * O(3v)C(6) - * * O(lI1)N(1) - * Cl(l11) 3.473(8) Cl(1) - - - C(7I'I)O(2) * * * O(3II) 3.44(1) C(10)-0(2V)3.42(1) O(4) - - - C(12Iv)3.42(1)2.0 ( 12)- 1.6(13)-1.7(13)- 3.6( 14)4.2(13)0.5(13)3.26(1)3.45(1)3.29(1)3.45(1)3.40( 1)Roman numerals as superscripts refer to the following trans-formations relative t o the reference molecule at x,y,z: I (1 + x,-1 + y , 2); I1 ( x , 1 + y, 2); I11 (x, -1 + y, 2); IV (1 - x,4 fy, 1 - 4 ; V(-x, 8 + y , 1 - 2).Cl), 5-chloroisorotiorin (3), and (+)-deacetylsclerotiorinorsellinate (1 ; R = orsellinyl), have the absolute con-figurations shown.Similarly, ankaflavin (4; R = n-C,H,,), monsacin (4; R = n-C,H,,), rubropunctatin (5;R = n-amp;HI,), monascorubrin (5; R = n-C,Hl5), rubro-rotiorin (6), mitorubrin ( 7 ; R = H),* mitorubrinol (7;R = OH), mitorubrinic acid ( 7 ; R = CO,H), (-)-sclero-* The orsellinyl residue in structures (6) and (7) in ref.2 isincorrectly formulated.tiorin (8; R = Ac), and (-)-deacetylsclerotiorin (8;R = H) have the absolute configuration shown.COMe0H O b M eOH0 ( 8 )EXPERIMENTALX-Ray Crystal Structure A naZysis of N-J4TethyZscZerotior-amine.-Crystals of N-methylsclerotioramine are deep redneedles elongated along the b axis. Preliminary cell para-meters and space group data were obtained from variousrotation, precession, and Weissenberg photographs ; accur-ate cell parameters were obtained by a least-squares pro-cedure applied to 12 general reflections measured on aHilger and Watts diffractometer.Crystal data. C,,H,,ClNO,, M = 403.9. Monoclinic,a = 8.756(2), b = 6.330(1), c = 19.367(6) A, p = 94.27(2)",(20 "C; Cu-K,; A = 1.5415 A, p = 18.1 cm-l).SpaceU = 1070.4 A ', 2 = 2, D, = 1.253 g CIII-~, F(000) = 421976 1369group P2,/un (C;*) or P2, (Ci) from absent reflections: OKO,k = 2n + 1 ; P2, from structure analysis.The intensities of all reflections with 28(Cu-K,) 140deg;were measured on a PDPS-I controlled Hilger and Wattsfour-circle diffractometer with a scintillation counter andapproximate monochromatic radiation (Ni filter and pulseheight analyser). A O/o step scan was employed with 0.01"steps, a counting time of 1 s per step, and a scan width of0.7" in 8. Background counts of 17.5 s were made a t thebeginning and end of each scan. The intensities of 3 stand-ard reflections, measured after every 50 reflections, de-creased over the course of the data collection to values whichwere 90 of the starting intensities, indicating some crystaldecomposition.The data were corrected for the decompo-sition (assumed linear between standards), Lorentz andpolarization factors were applied, and the structure ampli-tudes were derived. Of the 1 920 unique data, 786 reflec-tions had a net count of less than 3 c above background,where a(1) is defined by 02(I) = S + 4(B, + B2) + (0.05S)2 where S is the scan count and B, and B, are the back-ground counts and were excluded from the refinement.The structure was solved in a straight-forward manner, by using the multiple solution programMULTAX.6 The E-map revealed almost the entire mole-cule except for six atoms which were subsequently locatedfrom an (F, - F,) synthesis.Refinement proceededsmoothly. Isotropic f ull-matrix followed by block-diagonalanisotropic least-squares refinement gave an R value of* For details of Supplementary Publications see Notice toAuthors No. 7, J.C.S. Perkin I , 1975, Indexissue.G. Germain, P. Main, and M. M. Woolfson, Acta Cryst., 1971,A27, 368.Structure analysis.0.075. At this stage a difference map revealed the presenceof 23 of the 26 hydrogen atoms. The C(12) methyl groupappeared to be rotationally disordered. Inclusion of thehydrogen atoms in the structure factor calculation, but notin the refinement, gave a final R value of 0.058 for the 1 134observed reflections. The scattering factors for the non-hydrogen atoms, including the anomalous dispersion correc-tions for chlorine, were taken from ref.7 ; those for thehydrogen atoms were from ref. 8. The weighting schemeemployed in the final stages of refinement was that ofHughes a with w = 1.0 for F, 8.0 and w = (8.0/F,)2 forF,, 8.0. The relative validity of the weighting scheme,as judged by the variation of w(F, - F,)2 over ranges oflFol and sin e/A, was satisfactory. Final positional para-meters appear in Table 1. The observed and final calcu-lated structure amplitudes as well as the thermal parametersare listed in Supplementary Publication No. SUP 21739 (16pp.).* A structure factor calculation on the other enantio-morph yielded an R value of 0.060.The difference in the R value is small, and we would behesitant to argue strongly in favour of the configurationgiving R = 0.058 on this basis alone; however, this con-figuration, corresponding to the co-ordinates listed in Table1, follows from the absolute configuration already known 10of the asymmetric centre in the sicle-chain.5/2265 Received, 19th November, 19761' International Tables for X-Ray Crystallography,' vol. 111,R. F. Stewart E. R. Davidson, and W. T. Simpson, J . Chewlo G. A. Ellestad and W. B. Whalley, J . Chela. Soc., 1966, 7260.Kynoch Press, Birmingham, 1968.Phys., 1965, 42, 3178.@ E. W. Hughes, J . Amer. Chern. SOC., 1941, 63, 1737
机译:1366 J.C.S. Perkin,真菌化学。第 LXVIII.l 部分 (+)-菌核酸和 Azaphilones 的绝对构型作者 W. Basil Whalley,' 伦敦大学药学院,伦敦 WC1 N 1AXGeorge Ferguson、Wayne C. Marsh 和 Roderic J. Restivo,大学化学系,源自 (+) -菌核酸的 N-甲基菌核胺的 X 射线晶体学检查,定义了衍生物的绝对立体化学,因此定义了 (+)-菌核酸和噻唑酮其他成员的绝对立体化学一组真菌代谢物。通过X射线晶体学检查,我们现在已经定义了N-methyl-2 F.C的绝对立体化学性质。陈沛芷 .Manchand 和 WB Whalley、J. Chenz.Soc。(C), 1971, 3677.Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1 G 2W1WE先前已经推导出了真菌代谢物氮杂非酮组的相对立体化学试剂.P.S. Manchand, W. B. Whalley, and Fa-ching Chen, Phyto-chemistry, 1973, 12, 2631 被视为本系列的第 LXVII 部分1976 1367菌核二胺 3 如式 (1;R = 交流,X = NMe)。分析过程在实验部分进行了描述,图1显示了分子的视图,给出了晶体学编号方案。图 2 给出了沿 b 轴观察的分子堆积视图。由于图1中N-甲基菌核胺的晶体学编号方案显示键长的估计标准偏差相对较大,导致部分热运动相当高,特别是在庚二烯侧链中,表2中列出的观察到的键长或角度均与预期值有显著差异.4表3中的环形扭转角显示环A采用接近半椅的构象, 环 B 本质上是平面的。涉及N(l)(图1)的键长和角度表明该原子是sp2杂化并参与广泛的共轭系统。这些构象结论与推导的相似表1括号中估计标准差的分数坐标 ( x lo4)xla-0 606(3)2 238(7)1990(7)1232(7)3 434(6)0 272(9)1 629(11)2 606(9)1647(9)0 104(8)-1 948(7)-0 667(10)-2 498(9)-1 796(10)-0 446(9)-2 721(14)2 649(11)3 616(11)-3 816(10)-4 478(11)-6 728(10)-6 304(10)- 7 629(14)-8 908(18)-9 700(24)-6 934(23)-6 277(17)3 650(13)基硼 *-1 027(12)4 764(13)0 096(13)1173(10)6 987(12)1608(16)0 718(18)2 332(16)3 926(16)4 674(14)6 292(15)5 945(16)4 166(16)3 353(16)8 867(21)0 077(18)6 890(18)6 998(21)6849(18)5 687(20)6 047(31)4 695(28)5 098(49)8 979(27)3 613(22)-1 087(19)5 689(49)-ZIC2 138(1)3 087(4)4 642(3)4 684(3)4 184(3)3 440(4)2 815(4)3 166(5)3 662(4)3 991(6)3 697(4)3 786(6)2 860(6)2 663(6)3 OlO(4)3 708(7)4636(4)6 165(5)2 426(6)1873(6)1401(6)0 898(7)0 338(8)1074(11)1639(8)3 233(6)0 439(9)-0 386(9)* 修正了在空间群P2中指定原点的问题,表4中列出了小于3.5 A的相互作用。由此可见,从中衍生出N-甲基菌核二胺标本的(+)-菌核二醇,具有图2前面5基于其他光谱和化学的绝对构型,如式(1;R = 交流,数据。X = 0)。因此(+)-脱乙酰菌核苷(1;R = H,那些 X = 0)、rotiorin (2;R = H)、5-氯硫啉(2;R =RA Eade、H. Page、A. Robertson、K. Turner 和 W. B.F. M. Dean、J. Staunton 和 WB Whalley、J. Chem. SOL、L. E. Sutton、CJtem。SOC的。Special Publ., No. 18, 1966.View ol the molecular packing of N-methylsclerotiooramine没有不寻常的分子间接触。Whalley, J.Chem. SOC.(华利,J.Chem. SOC.) , 1957, 4913.1959, 30041368 J.C.S. Perkin ITABLE 2键长 (A) 和价角 (“) 与估计 - -- 括号内的标准差1.720( 9)1.42(1)1.39( 1)1.24( 1)1.56( 1)1.45( 1)1.49(1)1.54( 2)1.23(1)1.48( 1)1.35(1)1.43( 1)1.34(1)1.37( 1)1.36( 1)11 9.2( 8)1 18.4( 8)1 122.4(8)1 16.1 (7)120.8(6)1 23.1 (8)1 2 7 4 9)1 1 7.5 (8)1 14.8 (9)108.8( 7)110.5(7)105.6( 7)1 16.1 (7)107.2(7)1 20.9 (8)121.9(8)117.0(8)120.6(8)118.8( 8)120.6(7)123.2 (8)108.2 (8)C(7)-C(13)N( 1 )-C( 10)C (8)-C (9)C ( 1 3)-C ( 1 4)-C ( 1 5)C( 15)-C( 15)-C( 21)C( 16)-C( 17)C ( 1 7)-C (1 8)C(17)-C(20)C( 18)-c( 19)C(11)-0(3)C(l1)-C(12)C( 11)-0(4)N(l)C(7)C(8)C(8)C(7)C(7)C(7)C(7)C(8)C(9)C(l)C(9)C(6)C(l)C(9)C(8)C(5)C(9)C(8)C(9)C(8)C( 1 1) 0 (4)C(7)C( 13)C( 13)c( 14)c( 15)c (1 4) c ( 15) C(2 1)N (1) C( 7) C( 13)0(3)C( l l ) C ( 12)0(4)C( l l ) C ( 12)C (14) C (1 5) C( 16)C(16)C(15)C(21)C( 15) C( 16) C( 17) C( 17) C( 18)C( 16) C( 17) C( 18)C( 18)C( 17) C( 17) C( 17) C( 18) C( 18) C( 19)C(3) O(4) C (1 1)1.49( 1)1.42( 1)1.48(1)1.31(1)1.47( 1)1.33(2)1.46(2)1.54(2)1.55(2)1.49 (3)1.24(1)1.35( 1)1.46(1)1.60(2)1 1 9.8( 8)118.4(8)1 2 1.8 (9)122.7( 8)122.6 (7)123.0(8)114.4(8)120.0(8)125.9(9)1 1 4.2 (8)123.9( 10)127.8(11)11 7.2( 11)1 17.5( 10)125.2( 11)128.8( 14)108.5 (1 4)110.9( 13)1 10.3 (1 5)11 3.3( 16)1 16.3 (6)表3括号内估计标准偏差的环内扭转角C( 9) C( l)-C( 2) C( 3)C (2) C( 3)-C(4) C( 5)- 15.2 ( 13)- 29.8( 1 1)C( 6) C( 5)-C (9) C(8)C( 6)N( l)-C( 6) C( 5)-C ( 1) C( 2)-C (3) C(4)-C (5) C (9) C (1)C(2) C( l)-C( 9) C( 5)30.8 (1 1)1 3.1 (1 1)3.7 (1 3)- 2.1 (14)C( 9) C (5)-C (6) N( 1)C (6) N (1 )-C (7) C (8)N (1) C (7)-C (8) C( 9)C( 7) C (8)-C(9) C (6)表 4分子间接触小于 3.5 A0(1) * - - C(21I) 3.36(2) C(6) * * O(3II)O(2) - - * C(1111)O(2) * * C(12II) 3.18(1) O(2) * - * O(3v)C(6) - * * O(lI1)N(1) - * Cl(l11) 3.473(8) Cl(1) - - - C(7I'I)O(2) * * * O(3II) 3.44(1) C(10)-0(2V)3.42(1) O(4) - - - C(12Iv)3.42(1)2.0 ( 12)- 1.6(13)-1.7(13)- 3.6( 14)4.2(13)0.5(13)3.26(1)3.45(1)3.29(1)3.45(1)3.40( 1)罗马数字作为上标是指以下相对于参考分子在x处的变形,y,z: I (1 + x,-1 + y , 2);I1 ( x , 1 + y, 2);I11 (x, -1 + y, 2);IV (1 - x,4 fy, 1 - 4 ;V(-x, 8 + y , 1 - 2)。Cl)、5-氯异菌素 (3) 和 (+)-脱乙酰菌核苷酸酯 (1 ;R = orsellinyl),显示了绝对配置。同样,ankaflavin (4;R = n-C,H,,)、monsacin (4;R = n-C,H,,)、rubropunctatin (5;R = n-&HI,)、单胞菌素 (5;R = n-C,Hl5)、红霉素 (6)、线粒红素 ( 7 ;R = H),* 线粒红素 (7;R = OH)、线粒红素酸 ( 7 ;R = CO,H), (-)-硬化-* 参考文献 (2) 中结构 (6) 和 (7) 中的 orsellinyl 残基配方不正确。噻娇娇 (8;R = Ac)和(-)-脱乙酰菌核苷(8;R = H) 显示绝对配置。COMe0H O b M eOH0 ( 8 )实验性X射线晶体结构 N-J4TethyZscZerotior-amine.-N-甲基菌核胺的晶体是沿b轴拉长的深红色针状物。从各种自转、进动和魏森伯格照片中获得了初步的单元参数和空间群数据;通过应用于在 aHilger 和 Watts 衍射仪上测量的 12 次一般反射的最小二乘正法获得准确的单元参数。晶体数据。C,,H,,ClNO,, M = 403.9。单斜晶系,a = 8.756(2), b = 6.330(1), c = 19.367(6) A, p = 94.27(2)“,(20”C;铜钾,;A = 1.5415 A,p = 18.1 cm-l)。SpaceU = 1070.4 A ', 2 = 2, D, = 1.253 g CIII-~, F(000) = 421976 1369group P2,/un (C;*) 或 P2, (Ci) 从无反射: OKO,k = 2n + 1 ;P2,从结构分析。在PDPS-I控制的Hilger和Watts四圆衍射仪上测量了28(Cu-K,)8.0。通过w(F, - F,)2在lFol和sin e/A范围内的变化来判断加权方案的相对效度是令人满意的。最终的位置参数计见表1。观测到的和最终计算的结构振幅以及热参数列在补充出版物编号中。SUP 21739 (16页).* 对另一个对映体的结构因子计算得出的 R 值为 0.060.R 值的差异很小,我们很难仅凭这一点强烈支持构型给出 R = 0.058;然而,这种对应于表1中列出的坐标的构图,遵循了已知的绝对构型10 在硅链中的不对称中心。[5/2265 收稿日期,19761 年 11 月 19 日' X 射线晶体学国际表',第 111 卷,R. F. Stewart E. R. Davidson 和 W. T. Simpson, J .Chewlo GA Ellestad 和 WB Whalley,J .螯。Soc., 1966, 7260.Kynoch Press, Birmingham, 1968.Phys., 1965, 42, 3178.@ E. W. Hughes, J .陈省身。SOC., 1941, 63, 1737




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