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Integrating Total Cost Assessment with New Management Practices and Mandates


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Today's environmental manager cannot afford to operate in a vaccum,but continually adjusts to the latest management initiatives,whether it is Activity Based Costing,ISO 14000,or Total Quality Management.These paradigms offr an excenllent structure to view process improvements and implement changes,however,they all tend to miss the mark in one critical area-quantifying and tracking the true cost of environmental management.The recent upsurge of interest in Total Cost Assessment(TCA) is proof positive that,although many excellent management programs exist,something is still missing.In this article,the author shows how using TCA in conjunction exist,something is still missing.In this article,the author shows how using TCA in conjuction with these practices enhances their effectiveness and shows the total picture of environmental management costs
机译:今天的环境经理不能在真空中运作,而是不断调整最新的管理举措,无论是基于活动的成本核算,ISO 14000,还是全面质量管理。最近对总成本评估(TCA)的兴趣激增,这证明,尽管存在许多优秀的管理计划,但仍然缺少一些东西。在这篇文章中,作者展示了如何结合使用TCA,但仍然缺少一些东西。在这篇文章中,作者展示了TCA如何与这些实践结合使用来提高其有效性,并展示了环境管理成本的全貌




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