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Synthesis of new macrocycles. Part 5. Cyclization of 2,2prime;-dithiodibenzoic acid derivatives

机译:新大循环的合成。第 5 部分。2,2′-二硫代二苯甲酸衍生物的环化反应



2574 J.C.S. Perkin ISynthesis of New Macrocycles. Part 5.l Cyclization of 2,2rsquo;-Dithiodi-benzoic Acid DerivativesBy Siegfried E. Drewes and Brian G. Riphagen, Chemistry Department, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg,Republic of South AfricaCondensation of 2,2rsquo;-dithiodibenzoyl chloride with a series of alkanediols, but-2-yne-l.4-diol. triethylene glycol.and tetraethylene glycol affords cyclic esters in yields ranging from 5 to 95. On the basis of n.m.r. evidence, pre-dictions are made regarding conformations of the macrocycles.THE behaviour in selected cyclization reactions ofderivatives of 2,2rsquo;-dithiodibenzoic acid (1), a difunctionalacid possessing in its skeleton certain elements ofrigidity, was investigated as an extension of our earlierstudies on this theme.2 Initial attempts at cyclizationinvolved treatment of the dipotassium salt with di-bromoalkanes, under conditions similar to those em-ployed in synthesizing phthalic acid macro cycle^.^Only 1,4-dibrornobutane and 1,6-dibromohexane yieldedcyclic products, Since the diacid chloride of (1) isreadily prepared 4 and is also reasonably stable at roomtemperature, this derivative was employed in subsequentreactions with selected diols.Best results were achievedwith benzene as solvent, and a low reaction temperaturemaintained over an extended period, with triethylamineas base. This technique yielded macrocyclic esters(2)-(9) in yields ranging from 5 to 95 and varying inring size from 14 to 21 members, including botheven and odd numbers of atoms (Table).Monomersonly were isolated. With the lower diols (ethane-1,2-diol as well as propane-1,3-diol), solid material wasobtained from the condensation but this proved in-soluble in all organic solvents tried, making furtherinvestigation impossible. Similar insoluble productswere obtained from reactions with hexa-2,4-diyne-l,6-diol and o-phenylenedimethanol, Smolinski and Jam-rozik5 report similar problems in the synthesis ofmacrocycles based on pentaerythritol.In their recent review on the synthesis of macrocyclicsulphides, Bradshaw and Hui6 draw attention to thelack of specific information regarding this type ofmacrocycle in comparison with oxygen and nitrogenmacrocycles.report that 2,2rsquo;-thiodibenzyl bromide forms macro-cycles on treatment with amines.Yields of the 8-membered monomers varied between 15 and 46 andof the corresponding 16-membered dimers between3 and 27. Yields of our cyclic ester disulphides(2)-(9) compare favourably with these dimer yields.Overall, they are also higher than our yields of macro-cyclic phthalic acid ester~.l-~ Compound ( 7 ) , whichHowever, Tanaka and his co-workersPart 4, S. E. Drewes and P. C. Coleman, J.C.S. Perkin I ,S. E. Drewes and B. G. Riphagen, J.C.S. Perkin I , 1974,S. E. Drewes and P. C. Coleman, J.C.S. Perkin I, 1972, 2148.F. iirndt, A. Kirsch, and P. Nachtwey, Ber., 1926, 59, 1077.S. Smolinski and I. Tamrozik, Tetvahedron, 1971. 27. 4977.1974, 2578.1908.bears a rigid bridging group, was not obtained in higheryield than the corresponding 14-membereomd cpoundq + c=oS(101(11) (12)(2) which contains a flexible bridge.Although ouryields tended to be higher for the smaller rings, theJ. S. Bradshaw and J: Y . K. Hui, J . Heterocyclic Chern:, 1974, 7 S. Tanaka, K. Hashimoto, and H. Wanatabe, J . PAarm.11, 649. SOC. Japan, 1973, 93, 9911976 2575opposite effect has been observed for a homologousseries of dithia-heterocycles.*All eight macrocycles were tested for complex form-ation with metal ions by using the picrate m e t h ~ d . ~No positive result was obtained. This was not surprisingfor the macrocycles (2)-(7) since Pedersen9 has shownthat complexing power for alkali and alkaline earthmetals is largely destroyed by substituting -S- for -0-in the ring.Compounds (8) and (9), however, althoughthey contain a poor complexing group in the form of adiester, still contain two sulphur atoms and at least twoether oxygen atoms in the rings. Nevertheless, bothgave a negative result with sodium, potassium, andlithium cations. Even with silver nitrate, which usuallyforms strong complexes with macrocyclic polyethers~lphides,~ no success was achieved. It has to beassumed that these macrocycles are not capable oftwisting in such a way that a favourable co-ordinationgeometry is achieved around the central ion.1deg;Stability of the Macrocyc1es.-The only way in whichthe macrocycles could be prepared satisfactorily in-volved a prolonged (3-5 days) reaction at room tem-perature.If the solvent (benzene) was refluxed, only1,4-dibromobutane and 1,6-dibromohexane gave recog-nizable cyclic products, although in decreased yields.Recrystallization was performed from dioxan through-out, but even during this process considerable poly-merization took place. This was particularly evidentfor the alkyne macrocycle (7). In the crystalline formall the macrocycles were stable for several months atroom temperature.N.M.F. a;tzd Mass S$ectra.-All the macrocyclesexhibited a molecular ion peak in the mass spectrum,and except for (2) and (7) this was of 357; relativeabundance. The only other significant peaks werecommon to all the macrocycles, at mle 136 (base peak),153, and 180, probably due to the ions (10)-(12),respectively .,411 eigli t macrocycles exhibited a complex eight-protonn.m.r.multiplet at 6 7-8.5 due to the aromatic protons.For (2)-(6) the terminal methylenes resonated as atriplet at about 6 4.4 and the central methylenes as amultiplet between 8 1.42 and 2.05. A similar pattern,differing only in chemical shifts was shown by (5) and (9).In ( 7 ) the signal for the two methylenes appeared as asharp singlet at 6 5.07.Possible Conformation of the Macrocyc2es.-The crystalstructure of 2,2'-dithiodianiline l1 suggests that hydrogenbonds between the amino-groups tie the molecules inroughly parallel chains. The angle between the planesof the two rings is 29". We suggest that the diacid (1)takes up a very similar conformation and further thatthe cyclic compounds (2)-(9) also possess a closelysimilar conformation.Accurate molecular models showthat a bridging chain consisting of 4-8 methylenegroups, in the staggered conformation, can be insertedbetween the two oxycarbonyl groups without disturbingD. W. Allen, P. N. Braunton, I. T. Millar, and J. C . Tebby,J . Chem. SOC. (C), 1971, 3456.the conformation. Such a conformation also satisfies then.m.r. data since (i) it allows the two terminal methylenesin each macrocycle to exist in an identical magneticenvironment and (ii) it can accommodate the observ-ation that the complex but characteristic aromaticmultiplet of (2) is identical in form with that exhibitedby the other macrocycles (3)-(6).EXPERIMENTALMass spectra were obtained with a Varian CH7 spectro-meter at 70 eV and n.m.r.spectra with a Varian T60instrument.2,2'-DithiodibenxoyZ Chloride.-Treatment of the acid (1)with thionyl chloride gave the acid chloride, m.p. 153"(60), which could be stored unchanged in a vacuumdesiccator for extended periods.7,8,9,10-Tetvahydrodibenzoc,g l, 10,5,6dioxadithiacyclo-tetradecin-5,12-dione (2) .-The acid chloride (1.5 g, 4 mmol),butane-1,4-diol (0.39 g, 4 mmol), and triethylamine (1.23ml, 8.8 mmol) in benzene (75 ml) were stirred for 72 h a t22 'C. Moisture was rigorously excluded. A precipitateof triethylamine hydrochloride formed during the reaction,and the reaction was terminated when precipitation wasjudged to be complete. After addition of water (100 ml)the benzene layer was separated, dried, and evaporatedin vacuo.The solid product crystallized from dioxan asfine needles (1.5 g, 95), m.p. 157' (Found: C , 60.2; H,4.6. C,,H1,04S, requires C, 60.0; H, 4.5).8,9,10,1 l-Tetrahydro-7H-dibenzoc,g-J 1,10,5, 6dioxadithia-cycZofientadecin-5,13-dione (3) .-This compound was pre-pared as above but was more difficult t o obtain pure.Chromatography on an alumina column (chloroform aseluant) gave white needles (9.2), m.p. 85-87' (fromethyl acetate) (Found: C, 60.7; H, 4.9. C,,H,,O,S,requires C, 61.0; H, 4.85).Analytical and physical data for macrocycles (2)-(9)(IFound Reqd. - bsol;I Ring Yield M.p. ,-*Coinpd. size bsol;yo) {"C) C H Formula C H( 2 ) 14 95.0 157 60.2 4.6 C18H1,04S, 60.0 4.5(3) 15 9.2 85- 60.7 4.9 C,,H,,O4Sp 61.0 4.8587(4) 16 53.1 147 61.5 5.3 C20H,,0,S, 61.8 5.2(5) 17 56.9 117 63.0 5.5 C,,H,,0,S2 62.7 5.5(6) 18 5.5 186 63.4 6.25 C,,H,,O,S, 63.4 5.8(7) 14 51.4 148- 60.5 3.2 C,,H,,O,Sp 60.7 3.4150(8) 18 5.4 193 57.3 4.75 C,,H,oO,S, 57.1 4.8(0) 21 4.9 141- 56.4 4.8 C,,H,,O,S, 56.9 5.2142The remaining macrocycles, 7,8,9,10,11,12-hexahyd~o-dibemoc,g 1, 10,5,6dioxadithia~yclohexadecin-5,14-dione(4), 8,9,10,11,12,13-hexahydro-7H-dibenzo c, g 1, 10,5,6di-oxadithiacycloheptadecin-5,15-dione (5), 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14-octahydrodibenzo c, g 1 , 10,5,6dioxadithiacyclo-octadecin-5,16-dione (6), 8,9-didehydro-7,10-dihydrodibenzoc,g-l, 10,5,6dioxadithiacycZotetradecin-5,12-dione (7), 7,8,10,-11,13,14-hexahydrodibenzoc,g 1,4,7,10,14,15tetraoxadithia-cycZo-octadecin-5,16-dione (8), and 7,8,10,11,13,14,16,17-octalzydrodibenzoc,gl,4,7,10,13,17,18~entaoxadithiaeyeZo-?zeneicosin-5,19-dione (9), were prepared by essentially the9 C.J, Pedersen, J . Ovg. Chem., 1971, 36, 254.10 L. F. Lindoy, Chern. SOC. Rev., 1975, 4, 421.11 A. H. Gomes de Mesquita, Acta Cryst., 1967, 23, 6712576 J.C.S. Perkin Isame procedure as for (2). Reaction times varied between Analytical and physical data are summarized in the3 and 5 days at 22 "C. All the macrocycles were verysoluble in chloroform, fairly soluble in benzene and dioxan,and insoluble in acetone. The alkanediols were purchased We thank the South African Council for Scientific andcommercially as were but-2-yne-l,4-diol (7)1, tri- Industrial Research for financial assistance and a Bursaryethylene glycol for (S) and tetraethylene glycol for (to(911. 6/1256 Received, 28th June, 19761Table.G. R-)
机译:2574 J.C.S. Perkin 是新大周期的本能。第 5.l 部分 2,2'-二硫代二苯甲酸衍生物的环化作者:Siegfried E. Drewes 和 Brian G. Riphagen,南非共和国彼得马里茨堡纳塔尔大学化学系2,2'-二硫代二苯甲酰氯与一系列烷二醇(丁-2-炔-l.4-二醇)的缩合反应。三乙二醇和四乙二醇的环状酯收率为5%至95%。根据 n.m.r. 证据,对大循环的构象进行了预判。2,2'-二硫代二苯甲酸(2,2'-二硫代二苯甲酸)的衍生物在选定的环化反应中的行为,是一种在其骨架中具有某些刚性元素的二官能酸,作为我们早期对这一主题研究的扩展,研究了环化的初步尝试涉及用二溴烷烃处理二钾盐,其条件类似于合成邻苯二甲酸大循环^.^只有1,4-二溴丁烷和1,6-二溴己烷产生环状产物, 由于(1)的二硝基氯化物4易于制备,并且在室温下也相当稳定,因此该衍生物被用于与选定的二醇的后续反应中。以苯为溶剂,使用三乙胺碱,反应温度较长,反应温度低。该技术产生的大环酯(2)-(9)的产率范围为5%至95%,内环尺寸从14到21个不等,包括偶数和奇数原子(表)。单体仅被分离。使用较低的二元醇(乙烷-1,2-二醇和丙烷-1,3-二醇),从缩合中获得固体材料,但事实证明这不溶于所有尝试过的有机溶剂,因此无法进行进一步研究。通过与六-2,4-二炔-l,6-二醇和邻苯二甲醇反应得到类似的不溶产物,Smolinski和Jam-rozik5报道了基于季戊四醇的大环合成中的类似问题。在他们最近关于大环硫化物合成的综述中,Bradshaw 和 Hui6 提请注意,与氧和氮大环相比,缺乏关于这种类型的大环的具体信息。8元单体的产率在15%至46%之间变化,相应的16元二聚体的产率在3%至27%之间。我们的环状酯二硫化物(2)-(9)的收率与这些二聚体产率相比具有优势。总体上,它们也高于我们的大环邻苯二甲酸酯~.l-~化合物(7)的产率,然而,田中和他的同事第4部分,S.E.德鲁斯和P.C.科尔曼,J.C.S.Perkin I,S.E.Drewes和B.G.Riphagen,J.C.S.Perkin I,1974,SE Drewes和P.C.Coleman,J.C.S.Perkin I,1972,2148.F.iirndt, A. Kirsch 和 P.Nachtwey, Ber., 1926, 59, 1077.S. Smolinski 和 I. Tamrozik, Tetvahedron, 1971.27. 4977.1974, 2578.1908.具有刚性桥接基团,其产率不高于相应的14元eomd cpoundq + c=oS(101(11) (12)(2),后者含有柔性桥。尽管对于较小的环,我们的产量往往更高,但J.S. Bradshaw 和 J:Y。K. 许, J .杂环陈:, 1974, 7 S. Tanaka, K. Hashimoto, and H. Wanatabe, J .PAarm.11,649。日本, 1973, 93, 9911976 2575 已观察到二硫杂环的同源系列的相反效应.*所有 8 个大环均采用苦味酸盐 m e t h ~ d 测试了所有 8 个大环与金属离子的复合形式。~未获得阳性结果。对于大循环(2)-(7)来说,这并不奇怪,因为Pedersen9已经表明,碱和碱土金属的络合力在很大程度上是通过在环中用-S-代替-0-来破坏的。然而,化合物(8)和(9)虽然含有二酯形式的较差络合基团,但在环中仍然含有两个硫原子和至少两个以太氧原子。然而,两者在钠、钾和锂阳离子方面都给出了阴性结果。即使使用硝酸银,硝酸银通常与大环聚醚~lphides形成强络合物,~也没有成功。必须假设这些大环不能以这样一种方式扭曲,从而在中心离子周围实现有利的配位几何形状.1°Macrocyc1es的稳定性。-可以令人满意地制备大循环的唯一方法涉及在室温下进行长时间(3-5天)的反应。如果溶剂(苯)回流,只有1,4-二溴丁烷和1,6-二溴己烷产生可回收的环状产物,尽管收率降低。重结晶自始至终都是从二恶烷进行的,但即使在这个过程中也发生了相当大的多聚化。这在炔烃大环中尤为明显 (7)。在结晶形式中,大环在室温下稳定了几个月。tzd Mass S$ectra.-所有大环在质谱中均表现出分子离子峰,除(2)和(7)外,均为>357;相对丰富。其他显著峰分别在mle 136(基峰)、153和180处,可能是由于离子(10)-(12)所致,411 eigli t大环在6 7-8.5处表现出复杂的8质子.m.r.multiplet。对于(2)-(6),末端亚甲基在约6 4.4时共振为三重态,中心亚甲基在8 1.42和2.05之间共振为三重态。(5)和(9)显示了类似的模式,仅在化学位移上有所不同。在(7)中,两个亚甲基的信号在6 5.07处表现为尖锐的单线态。两个环的平面之间的角度为 29 英寸。我们认为二元酸(1)具有非常相似的构象,此外,环状化合物(2)-(9)也具有非常相似的构象。准确的分子模型表明,由4-8个亚甲基组成的桥接链,以交错的构象,可以在两个氧羰基之间插入而不会干扰D。W.艾伦,PN布劳顿,IT米勒和JC。特比 .Chem. SOC. (C), 1971, 3456.构象.这样的构象也满足then.m.r.数据,因为 (i) 它允许每个大环的两个末端亚甲基存在于相同的磁环境中,并且 (ii) 它可以容纳 (2) 的复杂但特征芳香多重体在形式上与其他大环 (3)-(6) 所表现出的相同。实验用瓦里安CH7光谱仪在70 eV下获得马斯光谱,用瓦里安T60仪器获得n.m.r.光谱.2,2'-二硫代二苯醚Z氯化物.-用氯化亚砜处理酸(1)得到酰氯,熔点153“(60%),可在真空干燥器中长时间不变地储存.7,8,9,10-四氢二苯并[c,g][l,10,5,6]二氧杂环十四烷-5,12-二酮(2).-酰氯(1.5g, 将4 mmol)、丁烷-1,4-二醇(0.39 g,4 mmol)和三乙胺(1.23 mL,8.8 mmol)在苯(75 ml)中的溶液搅拌72 h a t22'C,严格排除水分。反应过程中形成盐酸三乙胺沉淀,当析出完成时终止反应。加水(100ml)后,将苯层分离、干燥,真空蒸发。由二噁烷细针(1.5 g,95%)结晶的固体产物,熔点157'(发现:C,60.2;H,4.6.C,,H1,04S, 需要C, 60.0;H, 4.5%).8,9,10,1 l-四氢-7H-二苯并[c,g-J [ 1,10,5, 6]二氧杂环十二烷-5,13-二酮 (3) .-该化合物如上制备,但更难获得纯。在氧化铝柱(氯仿无菌剂)上色谱得到白色针头(9.2%),熔点85-87'(来自乙酸乙酯)(发现:C,60.7;H,4.9。C,,H,,O,S,需要 C,61.0;H, 4.85%)。大循环的分析和物理数据 (2)-(9)(%IFound Reqd. - \%I 环产率 M.p. ,-*Coinpd. size \yo) {“C) C H 公式 C H( 2 ) 14 95.0 157 60.2 4.6 C18H1,04S, 60.0 4.5(3) 15 9.2 85- 60.7 4.9 C,,H,,O4Sp 61.0 4.8587(4) 16 53.1 147 61.5 5.3 C20H,,0,S, 61.8 5.2(5) 17 56.9 117 63.0 5.5 C,,H,,0,S2 62.7 5.5(6) 18 5.5 186 63.4 6.25 C,,H,,O,S, 63.4 5.8(7) 14 51.4 148- 60.5 3.2 C,,H,,O,Sp 60.7 3.4150(8) 18 5.4 193 57.3 4.75 C,,H,oO,S, 57.1 4.8(0) 21 4.9 141- 56.4 4.8 C,,H,,O,S, 56.9 5.2142剩余的大环, 7,8,9,10,11,12-六氢~邻二苒[c,g] [ 1, 10, 5,6]二噁杂环十六烷-5,14-二酮(4), 8,9,10,11,12,13-六氢-7H-二苯并[c,g][ 1,10,5,6]二氧杂二硫杂环庚十四烷-5,15-二酮 (5), 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14-八氢二苯并[c,g] [ 1,10,5,6]二氧杂环-十八烷-5,16-二酮 (6), 8,9-二脱氢-7,10-二氢二苯并[c,g]-[l, 10,5,6]二氧杂二十二碳杂十四烷-5,12-二酮 (7), 7,8,10,-11,13,14-六氢二苯并[c,g] [1,4,7,10,14,15]四氧杂二硫杂-cycZo-十八烷基-5,16-二酮 (8) 和 7,8,10,11,13,14,16,17-八合二苯并[c,g][l,4,7,10,13,17,18]~entaoxadithiaeyeZo-?zeneicosin-5,19-二酮 (9),基本上由9 C.J, Pedersen, J 制备。OVG。化学, 1971, 36, 254.10 L. F. Lindoy, Chern.SOC. Rev., 1975, 4, 421.11 A. H. Gomes de Mesquita, Acta Cryst., 1967, 23, 6712576 J.C.S. Perkin 与(2)相同的程序。反应时间在分析和物理数据之间变化,总结在 3 天和 5 天的 22 “C 中。所有大环都极易溶于氯仿,相当溶于苯和二恶烷,不溶于丙酮。我们感谢南非科学和商业理事会的购买,以及丁-2-炔-l,4-二醇(7)1,三工业研究的财政援助和助学金乙二醇[用于(S)]和四乙二醇[用于(to(911.[6/1256 收稿日期, 28th June, 19761Table.G.R-)




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