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From the trainer Socialisation: Its value in education

机译:来自培训师 社会化:它在教育中的价值

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When we think back to our earlier years on the GP Vocational Training Scheme (VTS), the most valuable asset wasn't the clinical or factual information obtained. It was the connections, the friends and the relationships we made with peers, colleagues and seniors. It was the fun, the laughter, the anecdotes and the nostalgic memories of joy. It wasn't so much the passage of information, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines or the useful insights from specialists, albeit that they were highly useful experiences. To this day, many years on from VTS, we are both still part of study groups with the friends we made on our VTS and the peer support and camaraderie is second to none. Memorable experiences include our GPVTS residential, sitting on blankets in a field on a warm summer's day reflecting on the challenges and joys of primary care, coupled with humour, laughter and an overwhelming sense of trust and support. The feeling of bonding and 'we're all in this together' was and is still strong.
机译:当我们回顾早年在全科医生职业培训计划(VTS)上的情景时,最有价值的资产不是获得的临床或事实信息。这是我们与同龄人、同事和前辈建立的联系、朋友和关系。这是乐趣,笑声,轶事和欢乐的怀旧回忆。与其说是信息传递、国家卫生与临床优化研究所指南或专家的有用见解,不如说是非常有用的经验。直到今天,在VTS的许多年后,我们俩仍然是学习小组的一员,我们在VTS上结交了朋友,同伴的支持和友情是首屈一指的。令人难忘的经历包括我们的 GPVTS 住宅,在温暖的夏日坐在田野里的毯子上,反思初级保健的挑战和乐趣,加上幽默、笑声和压倒性的信任感和支持感。这种亲密感和“我们都在一起”的感觉过去和现在都很强烈。




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