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Preventing the digital scars of COVID-19

机译:预防 COVID-19 的数字疤痕

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In this commentary, we consider the ambivalent role of ubiquitous computing during the COVID pandemic and we point to the risk that some negative, IT-related practices associated with the pandemic will endure after it. We call these lasting effects the digital scars of COVID-19. The same IT that has positive impacts for some people might have negative impacts for others - often vulnerable populations, minorities and socio-economically disadvantaged groups. Some issues stem from the longstanding digital divide that characterises modern societies. Yet, the pandemic is exacerbating these inequalities. We are worried that some debatable uses of technology will persist after the pandemic is over. We therefore point to the prominent role of the IS community in enabling positive aspects of IT use during and after the pandemic, while mitigating negative aspects, especially in the long run. Our sociotechnical background enables us to see these dynamics in a processual and holistic way. To shed light on these issues, we analyse three key technologies widely used to deal with COVID (social software, AI/ML and robotics) and identify critical topics and associated research questions where IS scholarship should focus its attention to generate novel theorising and impactful practical insights.
机译:在这篇评论中,我们考虑了泛在计算在 COVID 大流行期间的矛盾作用,并指出与大流行相关的一些负面的、与 IT 相关的实践将在大流行之后持续存在的风险。我们将这些持久影响称为 COVID-19 的数字疤痕。对某些人有积极影响的同一 IT 可能会对其他人产生负面影响,通常是弱势群体、少数群体和社会经济弱势群体。有些问题源于现代社会长期存在的数字鸿沟。然而,新冠疫情加剧了这些不平等现象。我们担心,在大流行结束后,一些有争议的技术用途将继续存在。因此,我们指出,IS社区在大流行期间和之后实现IT使用的积极方面发挥了重要作用,同时减轻了消极方面,特别是从长远来看。我们的社会技术背景使我们能够以过程和整体的方式看待这些动态。为了阐明这些问题,我们分析了广泛用于应对 COVID 的三种关键技术(社交软件、AI/ML 和机器人技术),并确定了 IS 奖学金应重点关注的关键主题和相关研究问题,以产生新颖的理论和有影响力的实践见解。




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