首页> 外文期刊>癌と化学療法 >Low-Risk Essential Thrombocythemia Who Presented with Recurrent Episodes of Cerebral Hemorrhage during Pregnancy and Developed Cerebral

Low-Risk Essential Thrombocythemia Who Presented with Recurrent Episodes of Cerebral Hemorrhage during Pregnancy and Developed Cerebral


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A 42-year-old woman. At week 27 of pregnancy, she developed subcortical hemorrhage and underwent open cranial surgery for hematoma evacuation. The platelet (Pit) count was 297,000/VL. At week 34 of pregnancy, she developed subcortical hemorrhage again. The Pit count was 429,000/muL. At week 35 of pregnancy, the ventricular rupture and she underwent drainage and emergency cesarean section. The Pit count was 687,000/VL. TWO days after delivery, hemorrhage was detected. The Pit count was 815,000/muL. Six days after delivery, she developed infarction. The Pit count was 915,000/muLMRI revealed no evidence of aneurysm, arteriovenous malformations or tumor. Ten days after delivery, the Pit count was 1,173,000/muL. Bone marrow examination led to the diagnosis of essential thrombocythemia (ET). JAK2, CARL and MPL was negative. She was rated as "low-risk" by IPSET—thrombosis, and as "ultralow" risk by revised IPSET-thrombosis, von Wille-brand factor (VWF) activity was as high as 247. The bleeding time and platelet aggregation activity were normal. There was no evidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) or hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP). She died of cerebral hemorrhage and infarction, 26 days after delivery.
机译:一名42岁的女性。在怀孕第 27 周时,她出现皮质下出血,并接受了开颅手术以清除血肿。血小板(Pit)计数为297,000/VL。在怀孕第 34 周时,她再次出现皮质下出血。坑数为429,000个/亩。在怀孕第35周时,心室破裂,她接受了引流和紧急剖宫产。坑数为 687,000/VL。分娩两天后,检测到出血。坑数为815,000个/亩。分娩六天后,她出现了梗塞。Pit计数为915,000/muLMRI,未发现动脉瘤、动静脉畸形或肿瘤的证据。交货10天后,坑数为1,173,000个/亩。骨髓检查诊断为原发性血小板增多症(ET)。JAK2、CARL 和 MPL 均为阴性。她被IPSET-血栓形成评为“低风险”,被修订后的IPSET-血栓形成评为“超低”风险,血管性血友病-品牌因子(VWF)活性高达247%。出血时间和血小板聚集活性正常。没有弥散性血管内凝血(DIC)或妊娠高血压疾病(HDP)的证据。她在分娩后26天死于脑出血和梗塞。




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