首页> 外文期刊>American journal of psychiatry >Association of Cannabis Use-Related Predictor Variables and Self-Reported Psychotic Disorders: US Adults, 2001-2002 and 2012-2013

Association of Cannabis Use-Related Predictor Variables and Self-Reported Psychotic Disorders: US Adults, 2001-2002 and 2012-2013

机译:大麻使用相关预测变量与自我报告的精神障碍的关联:美国成年人,2001-2002 年和 2012-2013 年

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Objective: The authors sought to determine the association of cannabis indicators with self-reported psychotic disorders in the U.S. general population. Methods: Participants were from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC; 2001-2002; N=43,093) and NESARC-III (2012-2013; N=36,309). Logistic regression was used to estimate standardized prevalences of past-year self-reported psychotic disorders within each survey and to evaluate the association of past-year self-reported psychotic disorders with indicators of nonmedical cannabis use (any use; frequent use at least three times/ week, daily/near-daily use, and DSM-IV cannabis use disorder) compared with those with no past-year nonmedical cannabis use. Whether the strength of associations differed between surveys was indicated by difference-in-difference tests (between survey contrasts) and ratios of odds ratios between surveys. Results: Self-reported psychotic disorders were signifi-cantly more prevalent among participants with any nonmedical cannabis use than those without (2001-2002: 1.65 compared with 0.27; 2012-2013: 1.89 compared with 0.68). In 2001-2002, self-reported psychotic disorders were unrelated to either frequent use or daily/near-daily use. However, in 2012 2013, compared with nonusers, self-reported psychotic disorders were more common among participants with frequent use and those with daily/near-daily nonmedical cannabis use (2012-2013: 2.79 and 2.52, respectively, compared with 0.68 among nonusers). Self-reported psychotic disorders were significantly more prevalent among participants with cannabis use disorder than nonusers in both surveys (2001-2002: 2.55 compared with 0.27; 2012 2013: 3.38 compared with 0.68). The strength of these associations did not change over time. Conclusions: Data from the U.S. general population, especially more recent data, suggest associations between self-reported psychotic disorder and frequent nonmedical cannabis use and cannabis use disorder. Clinicians and policy makers should consider these relationships when monitoring patients and formulating programs.




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