首页> 外文期刊>Cell stem cell >Hair shaft miniaturization causes stem cell depletion through mechanosensory signals mediated by a Piezo1-calcium-TNF-a axis

Hair shaft miniaturization causes stem cell depletion through mechanosensory signals mediated by a Piezo1-calcium-TNF-a axis

机译:Hair shaft miniaturization causes stem cell depletion through mechanosensory signals mediated by a Piezo1-calcium-TNF-a axis

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In aging, androgenic alopecia, and genetic hypotrichosis disorders, hair shaft miniaturization is often associated with hairfolliclestem cell (HFSC) loss. However, the mechanism causing this stem cell depletion in vivo remains elusive. Here we show that hair shaft loss or a reduction in diameter shrinks the physical niche size, which results in mechanical compression of HFSCs and their apoptotic loss. Mechanistically, cell compression activates the mechanosensitive channel Piezol, which triggers calcium influx. This confers tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) sensitivity in a hair-cycle-dependent manner in otherwise resistant HFSCs and induces ectopic apoptosis. Persistent hair shaft miniaturization during aging and genetic hypotrichosis disorders causes long-term HFSC loss by inducing continuous ectopic apoptosis through Piezol. Our results identify an unconventional role of the inert hair shaft structure as a functional niche component governing HFSC survival and reveal a mechanosensory axis that regulates physical-niche-atrophy-induced stem cell depletion in vivo.




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