
Editor's Letter


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Cyber security and privacy - or rather the lack of it - is all over the real and fake news. It's not going away. THE IDEA THAT someone could take over your phone, recording your every word and reading all your encrypted social media, would have sounded absurd not so many years ago. And the notion that you could be spied upon through your television set would have sounded like an April Fool's joke. But, like our other 'April Fools that are in fact real' in this month's issue (p62), it happens. According to documents on Wikileaks, it may be exactly how the CIA has been eavesdropping on subjects. You may not think that is a bad thing (like our Washington correspondent Paul Dempsey, p8), but it's a sign of how, in the words of Sun Microsystems founder Scott McNealy in 1999, "You have zero privacy anyway. Get used to it".
机译:网络安全和隐私 - 或者更确切地说是缺乏它 - 到处都是真实和虚假的新闻。它不会消失。有人可以接管你的手机,记录你的每一个字并阅读你所有加密的社交媒体,这个想法在几年前听起来很荒谬。你可以通过电视机被窥探的想法听起来像是愚人节的笑话。但是,就像我们本月刊中的其他“实际上是真实的愚人节”一样(第 62 页),它发生了。根据维基解密上的文件,这可能正是中央情报局窃听主题的方式。你可能不认为这是一件坏事(就像我们的华盛顿记者保罗·登普西(Paul Dempsey)一样,第8页),但用Sun Microsystems创始人斯科特·麦克尼利(Scott McNealy)在1999年的话来说,这是一个迹象,“无论如何,你的隐私为零。习惯它”。




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