首页> 外文期刊>Mathematical Problems in Engineering: Theory, Methods and Applications >A Generalization of the Secant Zeta Function as a Lambert Series

A Generalization of the Secant Zeta Function as a Lambert Series

机译:作为朗伯特级数的割线 Zeta 函数的推广

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Recently, Lalin, Rodrigue, and Rogers have studied the secant zeta function and its convergence. They found many interesting values of the secant zeta function at some particular quadratic irrational numbers. They also gave modular transformation properties of the secant zeta function. In this paper, we generalized secant zeta function as a Lambert series and proved a result for the Lambert series, from which the main result of Lalin et al. follows as a corollary, using the theory of generalized Dedekind eta-function, developed by Lewittes, Berndt, and Arakawa.
机译:最近,Lalin、Rodrigue 和 Rogers 研究了割线 zeta 函数及其收敛性。他们在一些特定的二次无理数上发现了许多有趣的割线 zeta 函数值。他们还给出了割线zeta函数的模变换特性。在本文中,我们将割线 zeta 函数推广为 Lambert 级数,并证明了 Lambert 级数的结果,Lalin 等人的主要结果作为推论,使用 Lewittes、Berndt 和 Arakawa 提出的广义 Dedekind eta 函数理论。




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