首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Syntheses based on 1,2-secopenicillins. Part 4. A new tricyclic beta;-lactam derivative

Syntheses based on 1,2-secopenicillins. Part 4. A new tricyclic beta;-lactam derivative

机译:基于1,2-秒青霉素的合成。第 4 部分。一种新型三环β-内酰胺类衍生物



1977 189Syntheses Based on 1.2-Secopenicillins. Part 4.l A New Tricyclic p-Lactam DerivativeBy Michael J. Pearson, Beecham Pharmaceuticals, Research Division, Brockham Park, Betchworth, SurreyHeating (3R,4R)-I- azido-(t-butoxycarbonyl)methyl-4-(prop-2-ynylthio)-3-(triphenylmethylamino)azetidin-2-one (4) in refluxing toluene resulted in smooth intramolecular cycloaddition of the azido-group to the acetylenicf u n ct i o n to afford ( 5 aR, 6 R, 9 4 ) - t - b u t y I 6.7 - d i h y d r o - 7 - 0x0 - 6 - t r i p hen y I met h y I a m i n o - 4H, 5 a H- aze t o 2,l-61- v-triazolo 3,4-e 1.3,5 thiadiazepine-9-carboxylate (5).RH3 7AJSEVERAL fused tricyclic p-lactam derivatives have beendescribed recently.2-12 In most cases the compoundswere obtained by modification of the thiazolidine ordihydrothiazine ring system already present in penicillinsand cephalosphorins.Alkyl azides are known to reactwith activated acetylenes to afford v-triazoles,13 and sucha process has now been utilised in an intramolecularcycloaddition to provide a tricyclic p-lactam of novelstructure.The prop-2-ynylazetidinone (1) l4 was condensed withan excess of t-butyl glyoxylate in refluxing benzene togive the a-hydroxy-ester (2), which with thionyl chlorideafforded the a-chloro-derivative (3), both products beingmixtures of isomers. Treatment of (3) with tetramethyl-guanidinium azide in chloroform then gave the azido-acetylene (4). Although the product was homogeneousby t.l.c., its n.m.r. spectrum indicated a mixture ofdiastereoisomers.Signals at 6 5.08 and 5.34 are assignedto CHN,. Trituration with ether provided one isomer(4a) as a white crystalline solid. Evaporation of thePart 3, J. H. C. Nayler, N. F. Osborne, M. J. Pearson, andE. H. W. Bohme and J. E. Dolfini, J.C.S. Chem. Comm.,R. Heymamp;s. G. Amiard, and G. Nomind, Bull. SOC. chim.A. K. Bose, J. C . Kapur, S. D. Sharma, and M. S. Manhas,J. C . Sheehan, H. C. Dalzell, J. M. Greenwood, D. R.E. R. Farkas, E. T. Gunda, and J. Cs. JBszberdnyi, Tetra-R. Southgate, J.C.S. Perkin I, 1976, 1615.1972, 941.France, 1974, 563.Tetrahedron Letters, 1973, 2319.Ponzi, J . Org. Chem., 1974, 39, 277.hedron Letters, 1973, 5127.mother liquors gave an amorphous solid, consisting of(4a) (30) and the other diastereoisomer (4b) (70).When (4a) was refluxed in toluene for 3 h, simultaneousdisappearance of the characteristic azide and acetyleneC-H i.r.bands was accompanied by formation of a singlenew product (t.1.c. ; n.m.r.). Crystallisation from ethylacetate-light petroleum gave an SOY0 yield of a crystal-line solid assigned structure (5a) on the basis of molecularmodels (the orientation at C-9 has not been determined).It is known that the direction of this type of dipolaraddition is governed by both electronic and stericfactors.13 In our case it was surmised that the latterconsideration would be of major importance because ofthe inherent inflexibility of the p-lactam and triazolerings. The alternative mode of cycloaddition to givethe triazole (6) was discounted, since the trans-doublebond could not be accommodated in the rigid eight-membered ring.Heating the mixture of isomers (4a and b) in tolueneR. J.Stoodley and N. S. Watson, J.C.S. Perkin I , 1974,8 J. A. Edwards, A. Guzman, R. Johnson, P. J. Beeby, and9 D. 0. Spry, J.C.S. Chem. Comm., 1973, 671.l o D. 0. Spry, J . Org. Chem., 1975, 40, 2411.l1 S. R. Lammert and S. Kukolja, J . Amer. Chem. SOL, 1975,l2 R. D. Carroll and L. L. Reed, Tetrahedron Letters, 1975,13 G. Lrsquo;Abbe, Chew. Rev., 1969, 69, 345.l4 M. J. Harris, I. McMillan, J . H. C . Nayler, N. F. Osborne,1632.J. H. Fried, Tetrahedron Letters, 1974, 2031.97, 5582.3435.M. J. Pearson, and R. Southgate, J.C.S. Perkin I , 1976, 1612190 J.C.S. Perkin Ialso afforded a cycloaddition product.N.m.r. spectro-scopy indicated a mixture of triazoles (5a and b), consis-tent with the isomeric ratio in the starting azide (4).H H0(1) R = H(2) R = CH(OH)X02But(3) R = CHCI-CO~BU'(4) R = CHN~~CO~BU'H HThis acid-catalysed isomerisation was also evident inthe preparation of the acylamino-derivative (8). Detri-tylation of either (5a) or (5b) with toluene-fi-sulphonic15)I( 7 ) R'=H, R2= But( 8 ) R1=Ph0.CH2-C0, R 2 = d(9)R1=PhO-CH2-C0, R2=HH HP h 3C'(10) R =Ph3C( 1 4 ) R = HPh,CH+(11) R =CHN~*CO~BU'(13) R =CH(OH).CO~BU'(12)R =HHowever, chromatography (Merck silica gel H) gave an acid in methylene chloride-methanol gave the same freeamorphous product which consisted entirely of the base (7).This was acylated with phenoxyacetyl chloridetriazole (5b). Indeed similar treatment of the crystalline to provide the amide (8). The t-butyl group was re-triazole (5a) caused isomerisation to the amorphous (5b). moved by treatment with trifluoroacetic acid, to giv1977 191the free acid (9), which showed no antimicrobialactivity .The reason for this isomerisation is not clear, sinceDreiding models indicate that there are no particularlyunfavourable steric interactions in either isomer.However the phenomenon is not purely electronic, sincethe triazole (lo), prepared by the reaction of dimethylacetylenedicarboxylate with the azide (1 1) preparedfrom the azetidinone (12) l5 via (13) was obtained as amixture of isomers, the ratio of which was unchanged bychromatography on silica gel.Furthermore the removalof the triphenylmethyl group by toluene-9-sulphonicacid afforded the free base (14), as a mixture of isomers inthe same ratio. Thus it seems that steric factors areimportant in the tricyclic series, and although theisomerisation mechanism has not been studied a tent-ative suggestion is outlined in the Scheme.EXPERIMENTALGeneral experimental procedures were as outlined inPart 1.15 (3R,4R)- l-Hydroxy-(t-butoxycarbonyl)~thyamp;4-prop-2-ynylthio-3-triphenylmethylaminoazet~d~n-2-one (2) .-t-Butyl glyoxylate monohydrate (7.4 g, 10 equiv.) wasrefluxed in benzene (70 ml) for 0.5 h under a Dean-Starkhead. The lactam (1) l4 (1.99 g) was then added and thesolution was refluxed for 3amp; h.The mixture was washedwith water (5 x 20 ml), dried, and evaporated. Chromato-graphy afforded the amorphous a-hydroxy-ester (2) as amixture of isomers (1.72 g), v,,,. 3 500, 3 300, 1 772, and1 738 cm-1; 6 1.47 (9 H, s), 2.22 (1 H, t, J 2.5 Hz), 2.83-3.3(3 H, m, 1 H exch.), 4.49 ( 1 H, m, becoming two d, 4.47 and4.5, J 5 Hz, on D20 exch.), 4.73 and 4.77 (1 H, two d, J 5 Hz),5.27 (1 H, m, becoming two s, 5.2 and 5.35 on D20 exch.),and 7.1-7.7 (15 H, m).( 3R, 4R) - 2- A zido- (t-butoxycarbony 1) methyl-4-prop- 2-ynyl-thio-3-triphenylmethylaminoazetidin-2-one (4) .-The alcohol(2) (2.99 g) was dissolved in dry tetrahydrofuran (100 nil) at-15 "C and 2,6-lutidine (1.97 ml) was added, followeddropwise by thionyl chloride (1.23 ml) in tetrahydrofuran(20 ml) over 15 min.The mixture was filtered and thefiltrate evaporated ; the residue was dissolved in toluene andthe solution evaporated to afford the chloride (3) as anamorphous solid (3.01 g). This was dissolved in drychloroform (40 ml) and tetramethylguanidinium azide(950 ma) added. After 15 min the solution was washedwith dilute hydrochloric acid and brine, dried, and evapor-ated. Chromatography gave the azide (4) as a mixture ofisomers (2.31 g) . Trituration with ether provided oneisomer as a crystalline solid (4a) (900 mg), m.p. 154-155 "C(from ethyl acetate-light petroleum), vmaX. (Nujol) 3 370,3 270, 2 140, 1780, and 1762 cm-1; 6 1.49 (9 H, s), 2.21( l H , t , J 2.5Hz), 2.95(2H,t,J 2.5Hz), 2.97 (1 H , d , J 9Hz,exch.), 4.63 (1 H, m, collapsing to d, J 5 Hz, on D20 exch.),4.8 (1 H, d, J 5 Hz), 5.08 ( 1 H, s), and 7.1-7.8 (15 H, m)(Found: C, 67.3; H, 5.7; N, 12.7; S, 5.6.C,,H,,N,O,Srequires C, 67.2; H, 5.6; N, 12.7; S, 5.8).N.m.r. showed that the mother liquors from the crystal-lisation contained a further quantity (30) of the crystal-line isomer (4a), the remaining material being the otherdiastereoisomer (4b). No further enrichment in (4b) couldbe obtained since t.1.c. separation was not possible. Then.m.r. spectrum of (4b) was deduced from that of the mix-ture: 6 1.49 (9 H, s), 2.22 (1 H, t, J 2.5 Hz), 3.0 (1 H, m,exch.), 3.11 (2 H, t, J 2.5 Hz), 4.68 (1 H, m, collapses to d,J 5 Hz, on D20 exch.), 4.95 (1 H, d, J 5 Hz), 5.34 (1 H, s),and 7.1-7.8 (15 H, m).Cyclisation of the Crystalline Azide (4a) .-The azide (4a)(346 mg) was refluxed in toluene (10 ml) for 34 h.Thesolvent was evaporated off and the residue crystallised fromethyl acetate-light petroleum to give (5aR. 6R, 9Q-t-butyl6,7-dihydro- 7-oxo- 6-triph enylmethylamino-4H, 5aH-azeto-2, l-b-v-triazolo3,4-e 1,3,5thiadiazePine-9-carboxylate (5a)as white crystals (271 mg), m.p. 183 "C, aD23 + 148" (c 1.13in CHCl,), v,,,. (Nujol) 3 300, 1 787, and 1 761 cm-l; 6 1.48(9 H, s), 3.42 (1 H, d, J 10 Hz, exch.), 3.48 and 4.15 (2 H,ABq, J 15 Hz), 4.14 (1 H, m, collapses to d, J 5 Hz, on D,Oexch.), 4.58 (1 H, d, J 5 Hz), 6.14 (1 H, s ) , and 7.1-7.8(15 H, m) (Found: C , 67.2; H, 5.8; N, 12.6; S, 5.9.C,1H31N,0,S requires C, 67.2; H, 5.6; N, 12.7; S, 5.8).Cyclisation of the Mainly Non-crystalline Azide (4b) .-Theazide (4) (159 mg) consisting of (4b) and (4a) in the ratio7 : 31 was refluxed in toluene (10 ml) for 24 h.The solventwas evaporated off and chromatography gave starting mater-ial (19 mg) and pure triazole (5b) as an amorphous solid(126 mg), aIn23 +55.6" (c 1.28 in CHC1,); vmx. 1780 and1740 cm-1; 6 1.40 (9 H, s ) , 2.98 (1 H, d, J 10 Hz, exch.),3.95 (2 H, s), 4.80 (1 H, dd, J 5 and 10 Hz, collapsing to d,J 5 Hz, on D20 exch.), 5.3 (1 H, d, J 5 Hz), 7.03 (1 H, s),and 7.1-7.8 (15 H, m) (Found: M', 553.2156. C31H31-N503S requires M, 553.2148).Isomerisation of the Triazole (5a) .-(a) The crystallinetriazole (5a) (40 mg) was passed through a silica column(5 g; Merck silica gel H) (elution with chloroform). Then.m.r.spectrum of the recovered material indicated ca. 50isomerisation to (5b).(b) Treatment of the crystalline triazole (5a) (40 mg) inchloroform (2 ml) containing silica gel H (200 mg) for 2 hcaused complete conversion into (5b), as judged by n.m.r.spectroscopy.Detritylation of the Triazoles (5a and b) .-(a) Crystallinecompound (5a). The crystalline triazole (5a) (215 mg) wasdissolved in methylene chloride (10 ml) and cooled to - 15"C. Toluene-p-sulphonic acid (81 mg) in the minimumvolume of methanol was added over 1-2 min, and thesolution kept a t - 5 "C for 16 h. The solvent was evapor-ated off and the residue dissolved in ethyl acetate. Thesolution was washed with dilute aqueous sodium hydrogencarbonate and brine, dried, and evaporated.Chromato-graphy gave thefree base (7) (90 mg), vmx. 3 400, 3 350, 1 780,and1745cm-l; 61.5(9H,s), 1.84(2H,s,exch.),4.11(2H,s ) , 4.85 (1 H, d, J 5 Hz), 5.68 (1 H, d, J 5 Hz), 7.12 (1 H, s)and 7.59 (1 H, s) (Found: M+, 311.1075. C,,H1,N50,Srequires M , 3 1 1.1052).(b) The amorphous triazole (5b). Detritylation of theamorphous triazole (5b) as in (a) gave the same free base (7)Acylation of the Free Base (7).-The free base (7) (58 mg)was dissolved in methylene chloride (5 ml) at -10 "C.Triethylamine (20 mg) was added, followed by phenoxy-acetyl chloride (33 mg) in methylene chloride (0.5 ml) . Thesolution was washed with dilute aqueous sodium hydrogencarbonate followed by brine, dried, and evaporated.Chromatography gave the acylamino-derivative (8) as anamorphous solid (63 mg), vmx.3 380, 1 785, 1 740, and 1 685cm-l; 6 1.47 (9 H, s), 4.04 (2 H, s), 4.55 (2 H, s), 5.71 (1 H, d,(95 mg) -l5 E. G. Brain, A. J . Eglington, J. H. C. Nayler, M. J. Pearson,and R. Southgate, J.C.S. Perkin I, 1976, 447192 J.C.S. Perkin IJ 5 Hz), 5.97 (1 H, dd, J 5 and 10 Hz), and 6.82-7.73 (7 H,m) (Found: C, 53.8; H, 5.0; N, 15.3; S, 7.6. C,,H,,-N@,S requires C, 53.9; H, 5.2; N, 15.7; S, 7.2).Preparation of the Free Acid (9) .-The acylated derivative(8) (118 mg) was dissolved in trifluoroacetic acid (3 ml).After 30 min the solvent was evaporated off, the residuetreated with toluene, and the mixture evaporated; thisprocedure was repeated.Trituration with ether gave thefree acid (9) as a white amorphous solid (90 mg) , v,,,. (Nu jol)3 260br, 1 780, 1 745sh, and 1 680 cni-1; 6 CDCl,-(CD,),SO4.07 (2 H, s), 4.53 (2 H, s), 5.75 (1 H, dd, J 5 and 9 Hz,collapsing to a d, J 5 Hz, on D,O exch.) , 5.98 (1 H, d, J 5 Hz),6.75-7.6 (7 H, m, 1 H exch.), and 8.18 (1 H, d, J 9 Hz,exch .) .(3R, 4R) - 1 -Hydroxy- (t-butoxycarbonyl) wxethyZI-4-methyl-thio- 3-triphenylmethylaminoazetidin-Zone ( 1 3) .-Treatmentof the azetidinone (12) l5 (5.6 g) with t-butyl glyoxylate(17.7 g ) in refluxing benzene (120 ml) as described for theazetidinone (1) afforded the alcohol (13) as an amorphoussolid (5.68 g), v,,, 3 460, 3 250, 1 770, and 1 735 cm-1, amixture of isomers in the ratio ca. 5 : 3 the two CH-OHsignals appeared a t 6 5.05 and 5.24 (after D20 exch.);6 1.48 (9 H, s), 1.69 and 1.90 (3 H, two s), 3.0 (1 H, d, J 10Hz, exch.), 4.03br (1 H, s, exch.), 4.22-4.78 (2 H, m),4.96-5.38 (1 H, m, collapses to two s, 5.05 and 5.24, onD20 exch.), and 7.08-7.73 (15 H, m).(3R, 4R) - 1 - Azido- (t-butoxycarbonyl) methyl-4-methylthio-3-triphenylmethylaminoazetidin-2-one ( 11) .-The alcohol ( 13)(5.6 g ) was converted into the azide (1 1) by the procedurefor the preparation of (4).The product was an amorphoussolid (4 g), vmaX 3 280, 2 120, 1770, and 1 745 cm-l; 6 1.4(9 H, s), 1.7 and 1.87 (3 H, two s), 2.93 (1 H, d, J 10 Hz,exch.), 4.27-4.67 (2 H, m), 5.1 and 5.23 (1 H, twos, methineprotons of major and minor isomers, respectively) , and7.13-7.87 (15 H, m).The material was a mixture ofisomers in a ratio consistent with that in the starting alcohol(13). The two isomers could not be crystallised and wereinseparable by t.1.c.Dimethyl 1-2-MethyZthio-4-ox0-3-tri~henyZmethyZam~no-azetidin- l-yl- (t-butoxycarbony2)methyZ- 1,2,3-triazole-4,5-di-carboxylate (lo).-The azide (11) (529 mg) was refluxed intoluene (5 ml) containing dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate(284 mg) for 1 h. The solvent was evaporated off and theresidue chromatographed on silica to give the amorphoustriazole (10) (490 mg), vmax. 1 775 and 1 750 crn-l; 8 1.43(9 H, s), 1.72 and 1.78 (3 H, two s), 3.0br (1 H, s, exch.),3.97(6H,s),4.33-5.07(2H,m), 6.83and6.97(1HJtwos),and 7.2-7.92 (15 H, m). The isomer ratio, as judged by therelative intensities of the methine singlets at 6 6.83 and 6.97,was identical with that of the starting azide (1 1).Dimethyl 1-3-Amino-2-methylthio-4-oxoazetidin-l-yl-(t-butoxycarbonyZ)methyEJ- 1,2,3-triazoZe-4,5-dicarboxylate ( 14) .-Detritylation of the triazole (10) (355 mg) with toluene-p-sulphonic acid (105 mg) as described for (5) afforded the freebase (14) as a gummy foam (176 mg), v,,, 3 450, 3 330,1 780, 1 750, and 1 740sh cm-l; 6 1.45 (9 H, s), 1.75 (2 H, s,exch.), 2.07 and 2.12 (3 H, two s), 3.98 (6 H, s), 4.65 (1 H,d, J 5 Hz), 5.18 and 5.48 (1 H, two d, J 5 Hz), and 6.88 and7.03 (1 H, two s, methine proton of each isomer). Theproduct, homogeneous by t.l.c., was again a mixture ofisomers, the ratio being identical with that of the startingazide (11).I thank my colleagues a t Beecham Pharmaceuticals foradvice and encouragement.6/1382 Received, 15th July, 1976
机译:1977 189基于1.2-秒青霉素的合成。第 4 部分.l 一种新的三环对内酰胺衍生物作者:Michael J. Pearson,Beecham Pharmaceuticals,研究部,布罗克汉姆公园,贝奇沃思,萨里加热 (3R,4R)-I-[叠氮基-(叔丁氧羰基)甲基]-4-(丙-2-炔基)-3-(三苯基甲基氨基)氮杂环丁烷-2-酮 (4) 在回流甲苯中导致叠氮基团与乙炔的分子内环平滑加成反应 u n ct i o n 以提供 ( 5 aR, 6 R, 9 4 ) - t - b u t y I 6.7 - d i h y d r o - 7 - 0x0 - 6 - t r i p hen y I met h y I a m i n o - 4H, 5 a H- aze t o [ 2,l-61- v-triazolo [3,4-e] [1.3,5] 噻二氮杂卓-9-羧酸酯 (5).RH3 7AJ最近描述了几种稠合的三环对内酰胺衍生物.2-12在大多数情况下,这些化合物是通过修饰已经存在于青霉素和头孢菌素中的噻唑烷或二氢噻嗪环系统而获得的。已知烷基叠氮化物与活化的乙炔反应生成 v-三唑,13 并且这种过程现在已被用于分子内环加成以提供具有新结构的三环对内酰胺。丙-2-阴氮杂环丁酮 (1) l4 在回流苯中与过量的叔丁基乙醛酸酯缩合,得到 α-羟基酯 (2),与氯化亚砜产生 a-氯衍生物 (3),两种产物都是异构体的混合物。用四甲基胍叠氮化物在氯仿中处理(3),然后得到叠氮基乙炔(4)。虽然该产品是同质的,但其n.m.r.光谱表明非对映异构体的混合物。6、5.08 和 5.34 的信号分配给 CHN。用乙醚研磨得到一种异构体(4a),为白色结晶固体。蒸发第 3 部分,J. H. C. Nayler、NF Osborne、MJ Pearson 和 E.H. W. Bohme and J. E. Dolfini, J.C.S. Chem. Comm.,R. Heym&s. G. Amiard, and G. Nomind, Bull.SOC. chim.A. K. Bose, J. C. .卡普尔,SD Sharma 和 MS Manhas,JC。Sheehan、HC Dalzell、JM Greenwood、D.R.E.R.Farkas、ET Gunda 和 JC JBszberdnyi,Tetra-R。索斯盖特, J.C.S. Perkin I, 1976, 1615.1972, 941.France, 1974, 563.Tetrahedron Letters, 1973, 2319.Ponzi, J .Org. Chem., 1974, 39, 277.hedron Letters, 1973, 5127.母液为无定形固体,由(4a)(30%)和另一种非对映异构体(4b)(70%)组成。当(4a)在甲苯中回流3 h时,特征叠氮化物和乙炔C-H i.r.条带同时消失,并形成单一的新产物(t.1.c.;乙酸乙酯-轻质石油的结晶反应在分子模型的基础上得到了晶线固体分配结构(5a)的SOY0产率(C-9处的取向尚未确定)。众所周知,这种类型的偶极加成的方向受电子因子和空间因子的控制.13在我们的案例中,推测后一种考虑将非常重要,因为对内酰胺和三唑环固有的不灵活性。由于反式双键不能容纳在刚性八元环中,因此放弃了环加成得到三唑(6)的替代模式。加热甲苯R中异构体(4a和b)的混合物。J.Stoodley 和 NS Watson,J.C.S. Perkin I,1974,8 J. A. Edwards、A. Guzman、R. Johnson、PJ Beeby 和 9 D. 0。Spry, J.C.S. Chem. Comm., 1973, 671.l o D. 0.斯普里,J .Org. Chem., 1975, 40, 2411.l1 S. R. Lammert 和 S. Kukolja, J .Amer. Chem. SOL, 1975,l2 R. D. Carroll 和 L. L. Reed, Tetrahedron Letters, 1975,13 G. L'Abbe, Chew.Rev., 1969, 69, 345.l4 M. J. Harris, I. McMillan, J .H.C.(英语:H.C.)Nayler, N. F. Osborne,1632.J. H. Fried, Tetrahedron Letters, 1974, 2031.97, 5582.3435.M. J. Pearson, and R. Southgate, J.C.S. Perkin I , 1976, 1612190 J.C.S. Perkin I也提供了一种环加成产物.N.m.r.光谱表明三唑类化合物(5a和b)的混合物,与起始叠氮化物中的异构体比例(4)组成。H H0(1) R = H(2) R = CH(OH)X02But(3) R = CHCI-CO~BU'(4) R = CHN~~CO~BU'H H酸催化的异构化反应在酰基氨基衍生物的制备中也很明显 (8)。(5a)或(5b)与甲苯磺酸的三角酰化15)I( 7 ) R'=H, R2= But( 8 ) R1=Ph0.CH2-C0, R 2 = d(9)R1=PhO-CH2-C0, R2=HH HP h 3C'(10) R =Ph3C( 1 4 ) R = HPh,CH+(11) R =CHN~*CO~BU'(13) R =CH(OH).CO~BU'(12)R =H无论如何,色谱法(默克硅胶H)在二氯甲烷-甲醇中得到的酸得到完全相同的游离无定形产物,该产物完全由碱组成(7)。这与苯氧基乙酰氯三唑 (5b) 酰化。事实上,对结晶进行类似的处理以提供酰胺(8)。叔丁基被重三唑(5a)引起异构化为无定形(5b)。用三氟乙酸处理,移至GIV1977 191游离酸(9),其无抗菌活性。这种异构化的原因尚不清楚,因为德莱丁模型表明,在这两种异构体中都没有特别不利的空间相互作用。然而,这种现象并不是纯粹的电子现象,因为由二甲基乙炔二甲酸酯与叠氮化物(1 1)[由氮杂环丁酮(12)l5经(13)制备)反应制备的三唑(lo)是作为异构体的混合物获得的,其比例在硅胶上通过色谱法保持不变。此外,甲苯-9-磺酸去除三苯甲基,得到游离碱(14),作为相同比例的异构体混合物。因此,空间因子似乎在三环类系列中很重要,尽管异构化机理尚未被研究,但实验一般实验程序如第1.15部分(3R,4R)-l-[羟基-(叔丁氧羰基)~thy&4-丙-2-炔基硫基-3-三苯基甲氨基氮杂环~d~n-2-酮(2)所述。将乙醛酸叔丁酯一水合物(7.4g,10当量)在Dean-Starkhead下在苯(70ml)中回流0.5小时。然后加入内酰胺(1)l4(1.99g),并将溶液回流3&h.混合物用水(5×20ml)洗涤,干燥并蒸发。色谱图得到无定形的α-羟基酯(2)为异构体(1.72 g)的混合物,v,,,.3 500、3 300、1 772和1 738 cm-1;6 1.47 (9 H, s), 2.22 (1 H, t, J 2.5 Hz), 2.83-3.3(3 H, m, 1 H exch.), 4.49 ( 1 H, m, 变成 two d, 4.47 和 4.5, J 5 Hz, on D20 exch.), 4.73 和 4.77 (1 H, two d, J 5 Hz),5.27 (1 H, m, 变成 two s, 5.2 和 5.35 on D20 exch.),和 7.1-7.7 (15 H, m)。(3R,4R)-2-[A齐多-(叔丁氧羰基1)甲基]-4-丙-2-炔基硫代-3-三苯基甲基氨基氮杂环丁烷-2-酮(4).-将醇(2)(2.99g)溶于干燥的四氢呋喃(100无)中,在-15“C和2,6-二甲基吡啶(1.97ml)中加入,然后用氯化亚砜(1.23ml)在四氢呋喃(20ml)中滴加15分钟。过滤混合物,滤液蒸发;将残留物溶解在甲苯中,并蒸发溶液,使氯化物(3)为变形固体(3.01g)。将其溶于干氯仿(40毫升)和四甲基胍叠氮化物(950马)中。15分钟后,溶液用稀盐酸和盐水洗涤,干燥,蒸发。色谱法得到叠氮化物(4)为异构体的混合物(2.31g)。用乙醚研磨得到结晶固体(4a)(900mg),m.p.的单异构体。154-155“C(来自乙酸乙酯-轻质石油),vmaX。(Nujol) 3 370、3 270、2 140、1780 和 1762 cm-1;6 1.49 (9 H, s), 2.21( l H , t , J 2.5Hz), 2.95 (2H,t,J 2.5Hz), 2.97 (1 H , d , J 9Hz,exch.), 4.63 (1 H, m, 坍缩至 d, J 5 Hz, 在 D20 exch.) 上), 4.8 (1 H, d, J 5 Hz), 5.08 ( 1 H, s) 和 7.1-7.8 (15 H, m)(发现: C, 67.3;H, 5.7;N, 12.7;S, 5.6.C,,H,,N,O,Srequires C, 67.2;H, 5.6;N, 12.7;S, 5.8%).N.m.r.表明,结晶产生的母液中含有更多量(30%)的晶线异构体(4a),其余物质为异构体(4b)。自t.1.c以来,没有进一步富集(4b)。分离是不可能的。然后,从混合物的谱中推导出(4b)的m.r.谱:6 1.49 (9 H, s)、2.22 (1 H, t, J 2.5 Hz)、3.0 (1 H, m,exch.)、3.11 (2 H, t, J 2.5 Hz)、4.68 (1 H, m, 坍缩为 d,J 5 Hz,在 D20 exch.) 上)、4.95 (1 H, d, J 5 Hz)、5.34 (1 H, s)和7.1-7.8(15 H,m)。将叠氮化物(4a)(346mg)在甲苯(10ml)中回流34小时,蒸发溶剂,残余物从乙酸乙酯-轻石油中结晶得到(5aR.6R,9Q-叔丁基6,7-二氢-7-氧代-6-三苯乙烯基甲基氨基-4H,5aH-氮杂环丁基-[2,l-b]-v-三唑并[3,4-e][ 1,3,5]噻二氮杂环戊烯-9-羧酸酯(5a)为白色晶体(271mg), m.p. 183 “C, [a]D23 + 148” (c 1.13in CHCl,), v,,,.(Nujol) 3 300、1 787 和 1 761 cm-l;6 1.48(9 H, s), 3.42 (1 H, d, J 10 Hz, exch.), 3.48 和 4.15 (2 H,ABq, J 15 Hz), 4.14 (1 H, m, 坍缩为 d, J 5 Hz, on D,Oexch.), 4.58 (1 H, d, J 5 Hz), 6.14 (1 H, s ) 和 7.1-7.8(15 H, m) (发现: C , 67.2;H, 5.8;N, 12.6;S,5.9.C,1H31N,0,S需要C,67.2;H, 5.6;N, 12.7;S,5.8%)。将主要非结晶叠氮化物(4b).-叠氮化物(4)(159mg)[由(4b)和(4a)组成,比例为7:31,在甲苯(10ml)中回流24小时,蒸发溶剂,色谱法得到起始材料(19mg)和纯三唑(5b),为无定形固体(126mg),[aIn23 +55.6“(CHC1中的c 1.28,);VMX. 1780 和 1740 cm-1;6 1.40 (9 H, s ) , 2.98 (1 H, d, J 10 Hz, exch.),3.95 (2 H, s), 4.80 (1 H, dd, J 5 and 10 Hz, collapse to d,J 5 Hz, on D20 exch.), 5.3 (1 H, d, J 5 Hz), 7.03 (1 H, s) 和 7.1-7.8 (15 H, m) (发现: M', 553.2156.C31H31-N503S 需要 M, 553.2148)。三唑(5a)的异构化.-(a)将结晶三唑(5a)(40 mg)通过硅胶柱(5 g;默克硅胶H)(用氯仿洗脱)。然后,回收材料的m.r.光谱表明约50%异构化至(5b)。(b)将含有硅胶H(200mg)的结晶三唑(5a)(40mg)的氯仿(2ml)处理2个h,完全转化为(5b),通过n.m.r.光谱判断。将结晶三唑(5a)(215mg)溶于二氯甲烷(10ml)中并冷却至-15“C。在1-2分钟内加入甲苯对磺酸(81mg)中最小体积的甲醇,并将溶液保持在t-5“C下16小时。蒸发掉溶剂,残余物溶于乙酸乙酯中。溶液用稀碳酸氢钠水溶液和盐水洗涤,干燥,蒸发。色谱图得到游离碱(7)(90mg),vmx。3 400、3 350、1 780、1745cm-L;61.5(9H,s)、1.84(2H,s,exch.)、4.11(2H,s)、4.85(1 H,d,J 5 Hz)、5.68(1 H,d,J 5 Hz)、7.12(1 H,s)和7.59(1 H,s)(发现:M+,311.1075。C,,H1,N50,Srequires M, 3 1 1.1052).(b)无定形三唑(5b)。与(a)中相同的无定形三唑(5b)的脱三苯甲基化得到相同的游离碱(7)游离碱(7)酰化.-将游离碱(7)(58mg)溶于二氯甲烷(5ml)中,在-10“C.加入三乙胺(20mg),然后加入苯氧基乙酰氯(33mg)在二氯甲烷(0.5ml)中。该溶液用稀碳酸氢钠水溶液洗涤,然后用盐水洗涤,干燥并蒸发。色谱法得到酰氨基衍生物(8)为变形固体(63 mg),vmx.3 380、1 785、1 740和1 685cm-l;6 1.47 (9 H, s), 4.04 (2 H, s), 4.55 (2 H, s), 5.71 (1 H, d,(95 mg) -l5 E. G. Brain, A. J .Eglington, J. H. C. Nayler, MJ Pearson,and R. Southgate, J.C.S. Perkin I, 1976, 447192 J.C.S. Perkin IJ 5 Hz), 5.97 (1 H, dd, J 5 and 10 Hz), and 6.82-7.73 (7 H,m) (发现: C, 53.8;H, 5.0;N, 15.3;小号,7.6。C,,H,,-N@,S 需要 C, 53.9;H, 5.2;N, 15.7;S,7.2%)。将游离酸(9)的制备.-酰化衍生物(8)(118mg)溶于三氟乙酸(3ml)中。30分钟后,蒸发掉溶剂,残余物用甲苯处理,使混合物蒸发;重复此过程。用乙醚研磨得到游离酸(9),为白色无定形固体(90mg),v,,,.(Nu jol)3 260br、1 780、1 745sh和1 680 cni-1;6 [CDCl,-(CD,),SO]4.07 (2 H, s), 4.53 (2 H, s), 5.75 (1 H, dd, J 5 and 9 Hz,在 D,O exch.) 上坍缩为 d, J 5 Hz.) , 5.98 (1 H, d, J 5 Hz),6.75-7.6 (7 H, m, 1 H exch.) 和 8.18 (1 H, d, J 9 Hz,exch .) .(3R,4R)-1-[羟基-(叔丁氧羰基)wxethyZI-4-甲基硫代-3-三苯基甲基氨基氮杂环丁烷-区(1,3).-用乙醛酸叔丁酯(17.7g)处理氮杂环丁酮(120g)在回流苯(120ml)中的处理,如所述的氮杂环丁酮(1)得到醇(13)作为无定形固体(5.68g),v,,,3 460、3 250、1 770和1 735 cm-1,异构体的混合物,比例约为5: 3 [两个CH-OH信号分别出现在t 6、5.05和5.24(D20 exch.之后)];6 1.48 (9 H, s), 1.69 和 1.90 (3 H, 2 s), 3.0 (1 H, d, J 10Hz, exch.), 4.03br (1 H, s, exch.), 4.22-4.78 (2 H, m), 4.96-5.38 (1 H, m, 坍塌为 2 s, 5.05 和 5.24, onD20 exch.), 和 7.08-7.73 (15 H, m).(3R,4R)-1-[叠氮基-(叔丁氧羰基)甲基]-4-甲硫基-3-三苯基甲基氨基氮杂环丁烷-2-酮(11).-醇(13)(5.6克)通过(4)的制备方法转化为叠氮化物(1,1)。产物为无定形固体(4 g),vmaX 3 280、2 120、1770和1 745 cm-l;6 1.4(9 H,s)、1.7和1.87(3 H,2 s)、2.93(1 H,d,J 10 Hz,exch.)、4.27-4.67(2 H,m)、5.1和5.23(1 H,twos,主要和次要异构体的甲氨酸质子)和7.13-7.87(15 H,m)。该材料是异构体的混合物,其比例与起始醇中的比例一致(13)。将1-[2-甲基硫代-4-氧0-3-三~己尼ZmethyZam~无氮杂环丁烷-l-基-(叔丁氧羰基2)甲基Z]-1,2,3-三唑-4,5-二羧酸二甲酯(lo)-叠氮化物(11)(529mg)回流到含有乙炔二甲酸二甲酯(284mg)的苯(5ml)中1小时。蒸发掉溶剂并在二氧化硅上进行Theresion色谱分析,得到无定形三唑(10)(490mg),vmax。1 775 和 1 750 crn-l;8 1.43(9 H,s),1.72和1.78(3 H,2 s),3.0br(1 H,s,exch.),3.97(6H,s),4.33-5.07(2H,m),6.83和6.97(1HJtwos)和7.2-7.92(15 H,m)。根据甲胺单线态在6 6.83和6.97处的相对强度判断,异构体比与起始叠氮化物的异构体比相同(1 1)。1-[3-氨基-2-甲硫基-4-氧代氮杂环丁烷-l-基-(叔丁氧羰基Z)甲基EJ-1,2,3-三氮杂环-4,5-二羧酸二甲酯(14).-三唑(10)(355mg)与甲苯对磺酸(105mg)的脱三苯甲基反应如(5)所述,得到游离碱(14)作为软糖泡沫(176mg),v,,, 3 450、3 330、1 780、1 750 和 1 740sh cm-l; 6 1.45 (9 H, s), 1.75 (2 H, s,exch.)、2.07 和 2.12(3 H,2 秒)、3.98(6 小时,秒)、4.65(1 H、d、J 5 Hz)、5.18 和 5.48(1 H,2 d,J 5 Hz)和 6.88 和 7.03(1 H,2 秒,每种异构体的甲基质子)。通过t.l.c.均相的产物又是异构体的混合物,其比例与起始叠氮化物的比例相同(11)。我感谢Beecham Pharmaceuticals的同事们的建议和鼓励。[6/1382 收到, 1976年7月15日




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