首页> 外文期刊>The coleopterist >Leptophloeus alternans (Erichson) (Laemophloeidae) in Windsor Forest

Leptophloeus alternans (Erichson) (Laemophloeidae) in Windsor Forest

机译:Leptophloeus alternans (Erichson) (Laemophloeidae) in Windsor Forest

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Leptophloeus alternans (Erichson) was recorded new to Britain by Tom Harrison, in the previous issue of this journal, on the basis of a single specimen he collected from a dead branch of Scots pine Pinus sylvestris at Wisley Common, Surrey (VC 17, TQ0658), on 29 June 2015 (Harrison, 2016). The specimen was accompanied by a male Pityogenes bidentatus (Herbst) (Curculionidae, Scolytinae) with which it was presumed to be associated. Elsewhere in Europe, L. alternans has been found in the galleries of various bark beetles; Lefkovitch (1959) mentions Polygraphus and Pityogenes, and Vogt (1967) adds Cryphalus. It is presumed to prey on the larvae.
机译:2015年6月29日,汤姆·哈里森(Tom Harrison)在本期刊的上一期中,根据他从萨里Wisley Common(VC 17,TQ0658)的苏格兰松树枯枝(VC 17,TQ0658)收集的单个标本,记录了英国的新记录(Harrison,2016)。该标本附有一只雄性Pityogenes bidentatus(Herbst)(Curculionidae,Scolytinae),据推测与该标本有关。在欧洲其他地方,在各种树皮甲虫的画廊中发现了互花乳杆菌;Lefkovitch (1959) 提到了 Polygraphus 和 Pityogenes,Vogt (1967) 添加了 Cryphalus。据推测,它捕食幼虫。




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